Disappointed with my earlier watch kit SSY-SZ04 I have ordered a similar watch kit EC1515B V03 and would like to share my experience with it.
Today I report on a consistently successful soldering project: with the help of a well-recognizable documentation and sufficient components, the soldering work is done with a time of 1-2 hours.
I put all the components on a sheet of paper and sort it first. In the process, I also get to know unknown components and look up what a well-known search engine has to report about it. In doubt, i look in the circuit diagram, how many components of it are to be installed and can then deduce the amount that I am right.
"10" = 10pF = position C4 and C5 on PCB.
"104" = 0,1uF = position C2 and C3 on PCB.
Remember: C1 = 100uF polarized (double check + and -)
front-side: RL1 = photoresistor and RT1 = thermistor and 7-segment-display
back-side: Q1 = S8550, U1 = IAP-Chip and U2 = DS1302, Y1 = 32,768KHz
Remember: USB1, LS1 (Buzzer) and BT1 (Battery) are polarized (double check + and -)
#2 - SolderingI started with the red LED on the front side and then gradually soldered on the other elements.
The final result with a composite frame (remembering the buffing of a protective film on the individual pieces both on the front and on the back) can be subjected to a first test.
For 12.50 Euros not a very cheap DIY kit, but the chic LED modes compensate for the hobbyist's heart. My wife would not put it in the living room (too much BlinkyBlinky) - so on the desk.
Link to the transparent frame:
#4 - Modes#5 - Setting time and functionsNote: decisive for the settings is the holding mode: with 3 seconds you come in the settings for the alarms; with 5 seconds you have influence on other options:
- 1 - light control (impact to brightness)
- 2 - photos witching level set -?
- 3 - Fahrenheit / Celsius switch
- 4 - temperature calibration set (-10 / + 10) (impact to the displayed temperature)
- 5 - 12/24 hour display set
- 6 - time display set (which information scroll over the display from 00 only time over 01 with date to 02 with all information)
- 7 - LED auto switch display set (00/85) -?
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