As a beginner you get to your limits quickly after the first project attempts: many ideas are in the head and look for a solution. You ask yourself which sensor is now the right one for the next project? An overview of the sensors often available in sets includes an idea of their ability to have options, limits, and areas of application.
This article describes the first attempts with the sensors printed on red PCB from an Elegoo set. Check second column:
The schematics and the code can be used again and displays the determined values in the serial monitor half-secondly.
Uses A0 as a signal PIN, (+) to 5V, GND (-) to GND.
You can also use a digital port: but then returns as a response only the state without individual value.
Here we go:
A) The Flame sensorThe name sounds huge and so I have armed myself with a lighter and watched the values: it did not come on the flame on it! Rather, I could have taken a normal lamp and so my first impression is that the Flame sensor is nothing more than a photoresistor. The sensor described in the instructions under point 17 still has a potentiometer and can switch on an LED if a threshold value is exceeded. I had thought of a project to detect smoke, but the sensor is not usable.
On the basis of the name, I had no idea what it could be: it turned out that even after reading Wikipedia I probably can not do anything with this sensor (in spite of the greatest respect the scientific Mr. Hall!). I have only entered projects for position determination, for example, with a pedal rotation of an electric bicycle: is now moved forward or backward? Hope you will find exciting projects! Instructions point 16.
A metal touch sensor is a type of switch that only operates when it's touched by a charged body. It has a high-frequency transistor. I have the sensor enclosed with my hand and lo and behold: I am a hot type and the sensor has different measured values output. Regarding Metal, we drop some open covers and their check whether these are open or closed (dustbin cover, toilet cover - ah no, that is in my case not metal.
D) Temperature sensorThe temperature sensor detects the ambient temperature even after only one time in my case with a deviation of more than 10 degrees Celsius in normal room temperature. The purpose of the potentiometer is not open to me: although an LED flashes when a manually set threshold value, but what should be useful (or how can I turn off this LED by program code, if perceived as disturbing)? The view in a datasheet reveals that there are customer and business variants of this sensor, which represent the values with 2 decimal places.
To get a first impression it´s ok, but there are on the one hand more precise variants for the temperature measurement as well as on the other hand sensors with more options, which also measure humidity and pressure, available on the market. I have seen the type of the built-in sensor, however, already times in external sensors of heating systems.
As is the case in life, there is also a dispute about this: sometimes quiet, but often it is also written aloud: class idea to have a sensor, with which one could show the dispute culture impressively. On the ground of practicality, the sensor shows no changes within the determined values despite a loud backdrop, but constantly a value. There is no dispute to settle here, and no burglar is to be found, who makes a crack at a door frame. Disappointed by the big sensor, the small sound sensor did not even get to my Arduino. Instructions point 13.
First of all: a highlight for me! With my cat I had a nice entertainment evening, as this pursued the bright, red dot which with these codes alternately brighter and darker.
Its necessary to use a digital port - here D9.
Instruction point 8: It´s not necessary wo wiring also (+) to 5V DC - save a jumper.
void setup() {
void loop() {
for (pos = 0; pos <= 255; pos += 1)
for (pos = 255; pos >= 0; pos -= 1)
Do not flash the laser point into eyes from human or animals!
Areas of application are opened up, for example, when the laser is interrupted in countless counting projects such as competitions or the counting of, for example, the bees when entering their nest (this could help the theoretical surveys and apiary methods a little - the statements are between 5,000 And 40,000 bees).
I hope that I could give an impression of well packaged and in a transparent box with subdivision including example codes (similar to my attached) and libraries.