A simulated muscle contraction - interesting. In the bundle Dash4 and the additional controller MAD v5.0 (Miga Analog Driver) - which in turn brought a button on the board - a 10V voltage with the 2.7A required by Sparkfun was sufficient for a short test to get the simulate contraction.
The circuitI used a laboratory power supply to supply the necessary 10 voltage to VIN; GND to GND is understood. When the button is pressed, the current flow increases briefly.
The MAD v5 button is pressed with a screwdriver:
What you get if you buyWhen buying the Dash4 comes well packaged, including technical support. The MAD v5 comes with a 3 PIN. Here it is desirable to get a second 3-digit PIN.
PWM signals can also be processed via a GATE interface, which are added, for example, via a potentiometer. I have not tried it myself, but I am enclosing the sample code with the systems.
Further information
I have attached a datasheet. Here is the link to manufacturer Miga Motor Company.
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