I still found a hard drive in the cabinet with 500 GB - yes, that was modern times. The curiosity drives me to risk a look into it: even in the supposition that I could raise a treasure from it. And indeed: in various online auctions, the hard disk controller is sold separately.
The hurdle of openingLoosening a few screws with a hexagon screwdriver should not be a problem for a craftsman. This has solved the problem within a few seconds. But even with a few levers - interposed screwdrivers or picks, the lid has not come off. Strange.
The screwdriver indicates the screw still to be loosened below the sticker: only then can the lid be detached.
The treasure is found: the green PCB is the hard disk controller, which is still sold today to replace defective controllers.
Also on the other side is another screw hidden under a silver sticker.
Just do not think that there are stripes on the blitz bare surface on it: this is my attic veneer, which was reflected in the camera ;-)
Here the affected sheet metal lid.
Let's keep this technology in our hearts. Has it served us well for decades.
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