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Irak Mayer
Published © MIT

Solar/Wind Power Self-Sustained IoT

A core IoT system powered by Solar and Wind power.

BeginnerFull instructions provided8 hours717
Solar/Wind Power Self-Sustained IoT

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Blues Notecard (Cellular)
Blues Notecard (Cellular)
Blues Wireless Notecarrier F
Adafruit Feather ESP32 V2
Adafruit INA219 FeatherWing
Adafruit FeatherWing Doubler
Adafruit LC709203F LiPoly / LiIon Fuel Gauge and Battery Monito
Adafruit Grayscale 1.5" 128x128 OLED Graphic Display
Adafruit JST 2-pin Extension Cable with On/Off Switch
Adafruit TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor - STEMMA QT
2.5W 5V/500mAh Solar Panel
SparkFun Air Velocity Sensor Breakout

Software apps and online services

Blues Notehub.io
Blues Notehub.io
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Solar power source code.

A self-sustainable wireless communication device using solar power.

Wind power source code.

An study to create a self-sustainable wireless communication device using wind power.


Irak Mayer

Irak Mayer

18 projects • 10 followers
