Rats Rock is a protesting device against the misinformation that people have about rats. It is meant to teach people some quick facts about them and to hopefully inspire people to do their own research on the topic instead of just blindly accepting the current stigma around them.
Remember there are only two types of people, people that love rats and people that don’t know enough about them.
Hardware and AestheticsI used an empty box I found as my main harness, it even included some metal pins that I used as connectors to the CPX. I also connected a small speaker to the CPX to increase the volume. Once all the wiring was completed I decorated the box with white paper on top of logos and images that were on the box already. I wrote some instructions and messages on the papers and then I added a toy rat on top of it all. I also covered the metal pins with white paper and drew some rats on them to indicate buttons.
ImagesSince it was my first time using Python I kept the coding simple. It has three button sensors that receive input when touched. There are three buttons and each one has three audio clips associated to them. The audio clip that plays from the three gets chosen at random each time a button is pressed. The audio clip will play through a speaker if connected, otherwise it’ll play through the speaker on the CPX. The voice on the recordings is my girlfriend’s and I have full permission to use them in my project.
VideosCreditsCode I used to make this project:
Python --– examples --- circuitplayground_play_file_buttons
Python --– examples --- circuitplayground_touch_pixel_rainbow