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Enrique Albertos
Published © MIT

Elegoo Mega 2650 Starter Kit Review

Review of the "ELEGOO Mega 2560 The Most Complete Starter Kit Compatible With Arduino IDE". Starter kit with more than 200pcs components

BeginnerProtip24 hours9,835

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The Most Complete Starter Kit for MEGA V1.0.2021.05.13

Elegoo Tutorial for MEGA 2560


Elegoo Tutorials

Elegoo tutorials Ricardo Moreno Jr. Modified and Bonus material for The Most Complete Starter Kit for the Arduino Uno by Elegoo YouTube Tutorials. This Project will be divided into Lesson folders that hold all the various modified sketches, bonus material, schematics, wiring diagrams and any support materials for the Elegoo Arduino UNO Tutorial Series.


Enrique Albertos

Enrique Albertos

12 projects • 38 followers
