A purchase for 2,7€ from AliExpress, though, to be honest, by the time it arrived I had forgotten why I purchased it in the first place.
Proudly done in two hours during a hot night. First of all, you need to download the libraries needed in the code below and uncomment one #define
thing at the <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
. We comment the 128x32 define
line and uncomment the 128x64 define
line because our screen has 128x64 pixels of definition.
Short scheme of how the pixels are mapped in our screen:
The origin of coordinates is for some silly reason located on the top left of the screen, and our function display.drawFastVLine
can't draw negative heights, so we are going to play with the cursor point along with the databar height.
The rest is commented in the code file. Enjoy your hacking!
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