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Jaynky Studios
Published © GPL3+

Insane $15 Solar Powered Battery Bank

A long-lasting inexpensive battery bank that never needs to be plugged in.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,130
Insane $15 Solar Powered Battery Bank

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Battery Bank Case
Cost: $5.16
usb to usb C
Cost: $7.99
Scrapped 5V solar panel
I scrapped this solar panel from a broken lawn light. I would recommend doing the same. You not only cut costs significantly, but also help the environment.
Scrapped USB Male
Take an old or broken USB cable, cut off the male USB end, and take off the insulate around the wire.
Scrapped Laptop Batteries
Laptops batteries have some of the best energy specs on the market. Even old laptop batteries are rather good. I will teach you how to scrap them later in the tutorial. Stay tuned!

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Jaynky Studios
1 project • 4 followers
Jaynky is the belief of not accepting what comes from a factory in a box. Its about crazy unorthodox mods, solid builds, and epic designs.


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