Published © GPL3+

Quick Start Making Complex Controls with Arduino MEGA 2560

Part 1. Skip boring definitions, define necessary I/O and start coding your complex control based on a finite state machine.

IntermediateProtip4 hours1,402
Quick Start Making Complex Controls with Arduino MEGA 2560

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Visual studio community 2017
Visual Micro


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Generated by Configurator
// UserConfiguation.h
//*============  START USER CONFIGURATION FOR THE I/O   ===================================
// Define all used pins for the application.
// The range of digitals is commenly used. First to define the inputs,outputs and ultrasonics.
// The analog out en servo pins are in the PWN range of the board.
//%STARTGENERATION Generation directive, dont remove!
const byte NoInputPins  = 0;
const byte NoOutputPins = 2;
const byte NoUltrasonic = 0;
const byte NoAnaInPins  = 0;
const byte NoAnaOutPins = 0;
const byte NoServos     = 0;
const byte NoTemp       = 1;
String DummyTags[]      = { "" };
String InputTags[]      = { "" };
String InputPins[]      = { "" };
String OutputTags[]     = { "HEATER","ALARM" };
String OutputPins[]     = { "D30","D31" };
String AnaInTags[]      = { "" };
String AnaInPins[]      = { "" };
String AnaOutTags[]     = { "" };
String AnaOutPins[]     = { "" };
String ServoTags[]      = { "" };
String ServoPins[]      = { "" };
String UltraTags[]      = { "" };
String UltraPins[]      = { "" };
const byte OneWireChannel = 03;
String TempTags[]       = { "TTWATER" };
String TempPins[]       = { "PWM03" };
//%ENDGENERATION Generation directive dont remove!
// Markers not yet implemeted in the configurator
const byte NoMarkers = 0;
String MarkerTags[] = { "" };
// Declaration of all used states in the FSM.
// The first and last state "START"and "END" are obligatory and may not be removed, the rest is up to you
String PossibleFSMStates[] = { "START",
                               "END" };
// Start defining User timers don't use predefined timers (stay out of range 200-300)
const byte timTask1 = 1;
const byte timTask2 = 2;
// End defining user tinmers
// Start User varaibles:
boolean AanUitTask1;
boolean AanUitTask2;
// End User varaibles:
// use of the extra MEGA board for the messages, use MessageI2C and/or UseHMISerial, do not remove, only set true or false
boolean UseI2C = false;
boolean UseHMISerial = true;
boolean UseGPS = false;
boolean UseIntercard = false;
//*==============  END USER CONFIGURATION =================================================




8 projects • 19 followers
I'am developing software only during rainy days.
