I wanted to design a nametag that was both professional yet simple, and could stand on its own. Below is the illustration that resulted. I would use acryllic for material to create the professional look and have my name engraved with the font "Apercu", a well-designed font from Colophon (http://www.colophon-foundry.org/fonts/apercu/about-font).
I designed a piece that could hold the nametag in place and allow it to stand. I cut a thin piece, just wide/long enough to fit the nametag. Here is the result:
It turned out fairly elegant. Not busy, not noisy, just a simple nametag that gets the point across clearly. If I had to redesign the nametag, I'd probably angle it so a person standing wouldn't have to tilt it to read the text. I'd also probably include my personal website/portfolio URL...