In the last post, I showed you how to build Google assistant in Raspberry Pi and integrate Google Assistant to IFTTT. In this tutorial, I will show you how to build a robot that can be controlled using Google Assistant. You don't have to worry if you don't have Google Assistant installed in your Raspberry Pi. Here I will also show you how you can control it using Google Assistant on your mobile phone. So let us get started.
MissionOur Mission is to build a robot that can be controlled using Google Assistant. We tell Google Assistant to move our robot to a particular direction, Google assistant convert it into text and pass it on to IFFFT. Depending on the command, IFTTT will make different HTTP requests to our robot which is controlled using Arduino connected to our home WiFi network. These requests are received by our Arduino and the Arduino drive the motors of our robot using an L293D driver.
Components Needed- Google Assistant (Raspberry Pi or Android)
- Arduino with WiFi Connectivity (I am using Arduino MKR 1000)
- L293D Motor Driver
- DC Motors
- 12 V LIPO Battery
Click Here to View the Complete Tutorial
Design your own PCBs for your Project!I used Altium designer to draw the circuit and design the PCB. It is a powerful tool that can be used to design and create our own PCBs for our project as well as complex and multi-layer PCBs for industrial use.
If you are a DIY Electronic enthusiast, I bet this is gonna be really useful for you guys. I have been using it for the past 3-4 years and let me tell you guys, this is amazing! You can download the Free Trial of Altium PCB Designer from here.
PCB Design Tutorial using Altium
Check out the below video to start designing your own PCBs in Minutes!
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