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RC Nerf Turret

Inspired by a couple project a couple people have done already

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)20 hours1,960
RC Nerf Turret

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Brushless Motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
I used SG90S version with metal gears.
360 degree Servo
ESC - for Brushless Motors
RC Transmitter
This one includes the Receiver
RC Receiver
XT60 Plug

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Step file of Turret

3D printed STL files

I posted the 3d printable stl file on my Thingiverse page


Wiring Diagram


Arduino Code

/*  NOTES:
  //	if (PWM_read(channel number))	{do something}         	// if a new pulse is detected on channel, do something.
  //	PWM()  													// function that returns the pulse width (use to map ranges for servos/etc)
  // Pan - Right Stick (left/right)		Channel 1
  // Turret Tilt - Left Stick (up/down)	Channel 3
  // VRA (left side) or switch SWA		Channel 5
  // VRB (right side) or switch SWD 	 	Channel 6

// Libraries used
#include <Servo.h>


// Declared Servos
Servo pan_servo;
Servo tilt_servo;
Servo recoil_servo;
Servo flyWheels;

//Pins on Arduino connected to Servo signal pins
const byte pan_PIN = 11;
const byte tilt_PIN = 10;
const byte recoil_PIN = 8;
const byte flywheels_PIN = 9;

// Flywheels Spin-up speed
int flyWheel_speed = 1300;
const int StopFlywheels = 900;
boolean flywheels_ON = false;         // Used to note is flywheels are spinning or not

// limits/positions/speed control for pan servo
const int pan_right = 1000;			// Speed of servo to turn Turret Right (Clockwise most values under 1500)
const int pan_left = 2000;			// Speed of servo to turn Turret Left (Counter-Clockwise most values over 1500)
int pan_LR_position = 0;            // Variable used to limit/track how much the 360 servo turns left or right (not perfect)
const int pan_stop = 1484;          // Value from reading PWM from RC transmitter center position to Serial monitor (use Serial Monitor to check value)

// limits for tilt (up & down) position of turret
const byte tilt_top = 40;		    // Angle of servo for fully extended/Top/raised turret position
const byte tilt_bottom = 140;		// Angle of servo for lowest/Bottom/starting turret position

// boolean dart_pusher;                // Turns ON or OFF automatic Dart pusher
const byte recoil_rest = 112;    	// Angle of the servo when at rest
const byte recoil_pushed = 48;     	// Angle the servo need to reach to push the dart
unsigned long currentTime = 0;         // Used to set recoil timer
unsigned long previousTime = 0;       // Used to set recoil timer
unsigned long recoilDelay = 1000;     // Delay recoil start time and time between darts being fired (1000 = 1 Second)

/////// Smoothing for Tilt//////
// Define the number of samples to keep track of. The higher the number, the
// more the readings will be smoothed, but the slower the output will respond to
// the input. Using a constant rather than a normal variable lets us use this
// value to determine the size of the readings array.
const int numReadings = 5;

int readings[numReadings];      // the readings from the analog input
int readIndex = 0;              // the index of the current reading
int total = 0;                  // the running total
int average = 0;                // the average

// PWM input pins, any of the following pins can be used: digital 0 - 13 or analog A0 - A5
const int pwmPIN[] = {A2, A1, A3, A4, 5, 6}; 	// an array to identify the PWM input pins (first pin in array is channel 1, second is channel 2...etc)

int RC_inputs = 6;                // The number of RC channels used


const int num_ch = sizeof(pwmPIN) / sizeof(int); // calculate the number of input pins (or channels)
volatile int PW[num_ch];                        // an array to store pulsewidth measurements
volatile boolean prev_pinState[num_ch];         // an array used to determine whether a pin has gone low-high or high-low
volatile unsigned long pciTime;                 // the time of the current pin change interrupt
volatile unsigned long pwmTimer[num_ch];        // an array to store the start time of each PWM pulse

volatile boolean pwmFlag[num_ch];               // flag whenever new data is available on each pin
volatile boolean RC_data_rdy;                   // flag when all RC receiver channels have received a new pulse
unsigned long pwmPeriod[num_ch];                 // period, mirco sec, between two pulses on each pin

byte pwmPIN_reg[num_ch];                        // each of the input pins expressed as a position on it's associated port register
byte pwmPIN_port[num_ch];                       // identify which port each input pin belongs to (0 = PORTB, 1 = PORTC, 2 = PORTD)

// FUNCTIONS to use/connect RC Controller/Transmiter


void pciSetup(byte pin) {
  *digitalPinToPCMSK(pin) |= bit (digitalPinToPCMSKbit(pin));  // enable pin
  PCIFR  |= bit (digitalPinToPCICRbit(pin));                   // clear any outstanding interrupt
  PCICR  |= bit (digitalPinToPCICRbit(pin));                   // enable interrupt for the group

// FUNCTION USED TO FIND THE PIN POSITION ON EACH PORT REGISTER: helps the interrupt service routines, ISR, run faster

void pwmPIN_to_port() {
  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++) {

    // determine which port and therefore ISR (PCINT0_vect, PCINT1_vect or PCINT2_vect) each pwmPIN belongs to.
    pwmPIN_port[i] = 1;    // pin belongs to PCINT1_vect (PORT C)
    if (pwmPIN[i] >= 0 && pwmPIN[i] <= 7)                         pwmPIN_port[i] = 2;    // pin belongs to PCINT2_vect (PORT D)
    else if (pwmPIN[i] >= 8 && pwmPIN[i] <= 13)                   pwmPIN_port[i] = 0;    // pin belongs to PCINT0_vect (PORT B)

    // covert the pin number (i.e. pin 11 or pin A0) to the pin position in the port register. There is most likely a better way of doing this using a macro...
    // (Reading the pin state directly from the port registers speeds up the code in the ISR)

    if (pwmPIN[i] == 0 || pwmPIN[i] == A0 || pwmPIN[i] == 8)         pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00000001;
    else if (pwmPIN[i] == 1 || pwmPIN[i] == A1 || pwmPIN[i] == 9)    pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00000010;
    else if (pwmPIN[i] == 2 || pwmPIN[i] == A2 || pwmPIN[i] == 10)   pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00000100;
    else if (pwmPIN[i] == 3 || pwmPIN[i] == A3 || pwmPIN[i] == 11)   pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00001000;
    else if (pwmPIN[i] == 4 || pwmPIN[i] == A4 || pwmPIN[i] == 12)   pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00010000;
    else if (pwmPIN[i] == 5 || pwmPIN[i] == A5 || pwmPIN[i] == 13)   pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00100000;
    else if (pwmPIN[i] == 6)                                         pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b01000000;
    else if (pwmPIN[i] == 7)                                         pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b10000000;



void setup_pwmRead() {

  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++) {            // run through each input pin
    pciSetup(pwmPIN[i]);                        // enable pinchange interrupt for pin
  pwmPIN_to_port();                             // determines the port for each input pin
  // pwmPIN_to_port() also coverts the pin number in pwmPIN[] (i.e. pin 11 or pin A0) to the pin position in the port register (i.e. 0b00000001) for use in the ISR.

  if (RC_inputs == 0 || RC_inputs > num_ch) RC_inputs = num_ch;   // define the number of pins connected to an RC receiver.

// READ INTERRUPTS ON PINS D8-D13: ISR routine detects which pin has changed, and returns PWM pulse width, and pulse repetition period.

ISR(PCINT0_vect) {                                                // this function will run if a pin change is detected on portB

  pciTime = micros();                                             // Record the time of the PIN change in microseconds

  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++) {                              // run through each of the channels
    if (pwmPIN_port[i] == 0) {                                    // if the current channel belongs to portB

      if (prev_pinState[i] == 0 && PINB & pwmPIN_reg[i]) {        // and the pin state has changed from LOW to HIGH (start of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 1;                                     // record pin state
        pwmPeriod[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                     // calculate the time period, micro sec, between the current and previous pulse
        pwmTimer[i] = pciTime;                                    // record the start time of the current pulse
      else if (prev_pinState[i] == 1 && !(PINB & pwmPIN_reg[i])) { // or the pin state has changed from HIGH to LOW (end of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 0;                                     // record pin state
        PW[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                            // calculate the duration of the current pulse
        pwmFlag[i] = HIGH;                                        // flag that new data is available
        if (i + 1 == RC_inputs) RC_data_rdy = HIGH;

// READ INTERRUPTS ON PINS A0-A5: ISR routine detects which pin has changed, and returns PWM pulse width, and pulse repetition period.

ISR(PCINT1_vect) {                                                // this function will run if a pin change is detected on portC

  pciTime = micros();                                             // Record the time of the PIN change in microseconds

  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++) {                              // run through each of the channels
    if (pwmPIN_port[i] == 1) {                                    // if the current channel belongs to portC

      if (prev_pinState[i] == 0 && PINC & pwmPIN_reg[i]) {        // and the pin state has changed from LOW to HIGH (start of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 1;                                     // record pin state
        pwmPeriod[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                     // calculate the time period, micro sec, between the current and previous pulse
        pwmTimer[i] = pciTime;                                    // record the start time of the current pulse
      else if (prev_pinState[i] == 1 && !(PINC & pwmPIN_reg[i])) { // or the pin state has changed from HIGH to LOW (end of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 0;                                     // record pin state
        PW[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                             // calculate the duration of the current pulse
        pwmFlag[i] = HIGH;                                         // flag that new data is available
        if (i + 1 == RC_inputs) RC_data_rdy = HIGH;

// READ INTERRUPTS ON PINS D0-7: ISR routine detects which pin has changed, and returns PWM pulse width, and pulse repetition period.

ISR(PCINT2_vect) {                                                // this function will run if a pin change is detected on portD

  pciTime = micros();                                             // Record the time of the PIN change in microseconds

  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++) {                              // run through each of the channels
    if (pwmPIN_port[i] == 2) {                                    // if the current channel belongs to portD

      if (prev_pinState[i] == 0 && PIND & pwmPIN_reg[i]) {        // and the pin state has changed from LOW to HIGH (start of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 1;                                     // record pin state
        pwmPeriod[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                     // calculate the time period, micro sec, between the current and previous pulse
        pwmTimer[i] = pciTime;                                    // record the start time of the current pulse
      else if (prev_pinState[i] == 1 && !(PIND & pwmPIN_reg[i])) { // or the pin state has changed from HIGH to LOW (end of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 0;                                     // record pin state
        PW[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                            // calculate the duration of the current pulse
        pwmFlag[i] = HIGH;                                        // flag that new data is available
        if (i + 1 == RC_inputs) RC_data_rdy = HIGH;


boolean RC_avail() {
  boolean avail = RC_data_rdy;
  RC_data_rdy = LOW;                          // reset the flag
  return avail;


unsigned long pin_time;
float pin_pwm;
float pin_period;

boolean PWM_read(int CH) {
  if (CH < 1 && CH > num_ch) return false;
  int i = CH - 1;
  boolean avail = pwmFlag[i];
  if (avail == HIGH) {
    pwmFlag[i] = LOW;
    pin_time = pwmTimer[i];
    pin_pwm = PW[i];
    pin_period = pwmPeriod[i];
  return avail;

unsigned long PWM_time() {
  return pin_time;
float PWM_period() {
  return pin_period;
float PWM() {
  return pin_pwm;

float PWM_freq() {
  float freq;
  return freq = 1000000 / pin_period;  // frequency Hz

float PWM_duty() {
  float duty;
  duty = pin_pwm / pin_period;
  return duty;


// Fires dart moving recoil servo
void dartFire() {

  currentTime = millis();

  if (flywheels_ON && currentTime - previousTime >= recoilDelay) {        // Sets timer to recoil / fire dart every 1 sec if recoilDelay variable is set to 1000
    delay (100);

    previousTime = currentTime;                                         // Updates the time counter for the above (if) statement to work correctly

// Used to RC Switch position for dart firing / flywheels spinning / motors ON
void flyWheels_Switch () {

  if (PWM_read(5))  {                 //Read PWM from Channel 5
    int recoil_swtich_position = PWM();

    recoil_swtich_position = map(recoil_swtich_position, 1030, 1960, 1000, 2000);    // Map and Constrain calibrated servo values
    recoil_swtich_position = constrain(recoil_swtich_position, 1000, 2000);          // 1000=OFF  2000=ON

    //       Serial.println(recoil_swtich_position);    // Prints recoil_swtich_position / PWM to Serial Monitor

    if (recoil_swtich_position > 1500) {          // if switch using channel 5 on transmiter is turned ON
      flyWheels.writeMicroseconds(1400);         // spin up flywheels to (speed) between 1000-2000 for brushless motors
      delay (1000);
      flywheels_ON = true;
      dartFire();                               // Starts recoil servo to fire dart

    else  {
      recoil_servo.write(recoil_rest);                  // Puts recoil servo to back/default posistion
      flywheels_ON = false;
      flyWheels.writeMicroseconds(StopFlywheels);       // Preset variable to 900 below the motor range to prevent twitching

// Function to move Turret Left or Right
void moveTurret () {

  if (PWM_read(1))  {                 //Read PWM from Channel 1
    int pan_servo_position = PWM();

    //    Serial.println(pan_servo_position);    // Prints pan_servo_position / PWM to Serial Monitor
    //    Serial.println(pan_LR_position);    // Prints pan_LR_position variable to Serial Monitor

    if (pan_servo_position < 1400 && pan_LR_position > -15) {    // limits the 360 servo rotation to the left
      pan_LR_position = pan_LR_position - 1;                        // used to record left movement of the 360 servo

    else if (pan_servo_position > 1600 && pan_LR_position < 15) {    // limits the 360 servo rotation to the right
      pan_LR_position = pan_LR_position + 1;                            // used to record right movement of the 360 servo

    else {


// Function to move Turret up & down
void tiltTurret () {

  if (PWM_read(3))  {                 //Read PWM from Channel 3
    int tilt_servo_position = PWM();

    tilt_servo_position = map(tilt_servo_position, 1020, 1960, tilt_bottom, tilt_top);    // Map (first value mapped is used as the default position) and Constrain calibrated servo values
    tilt_servo_position = constrain(tilt_servo_position, tilt_top, tilt_bottom);

    //  Serial.println(tilt_servo_position);      // Prints tilt value to Serial Monitor 140=turret DOWN position 40=turret UP position

    total = total - readings[readIndex];           // subtract the last reading
    readings[readIndex] = tilt_servo_position;     // read tilt position
    total = total + readings[readIndex];           // add the reading to the total

    readIndex = readIndex + 1;                     // advance to the next position in the array

    if (readIndex >= numReadings) {               // if we're at the end of the array...
      readIndex = 0;                              // ...wrap around to the beginning:

    average = total / numReadings;                 // calculate the average:
    //    Serial.println(average);                       // Print average reading to Serial Monitor
    delay(1);                                      // delay in between reads for stability
    tilt_servo.write(average);                     // Writes average position for servo to help prevent servo twitching

// SETUP - test

void setup()

  // Serial.begin(9600); // begin serial communication

  // initialize all the readings to 0:
  for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++) {
    readings[thisReading] = 0;


  // Attach Flywheel motors to pins
  flyWheels.attach(flywheels_PIN);        // ESC setup to Ardiuno PIN

  tilt_servo.write(tilt_bottom);           // Sets default turret position

  //-----attaches servo to pins
  pan_servo.attach(pan_PIN, 1000, 2000);    // Sets range of PWM when attaching servo to pin


void loop() {

  moveTurret ();
  tiltTurret ();
  flyWheels_Switch ();



4 projects • 8 followers


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