The 8x8x8 RGB LED Cube
by John Bradnam
based on work by Kevin Darrah
V12 04/17/2013
Release Notes:
- Fixed bug with BAM timing
- Moved Blank pin setup to ISR so pins are dead until they are written to
bitwise operation to set pins LOW was incorrect
should be PORTx &= ~(1<<pinNumber);
Not a professional LED cube builder, this is how I did it, and this is my cube
#include <SPI.h>// SPI Library used to clock data out to the shift registers
#define LATCH_PIN 2 //can use any pin you want to latch the shift registers
#define BLANK_PIN 4 // same, can use any pin you want for this, just make sure you pull up via a 1k to 5V
#define DATA_PIN 11 // used by SPI, must be pin 11
#define CLOCK_PIN 13 // used by SPI, must be 13
#define LAYER_A 5 //74138 A Input
#define LAYER_B 6 //74138 A Input
#define LAYER_C 7 //74138 A Input
#define SWITCH_PGM 10 //PB2
#define SWITCH_SEQ 9 //PB1
#define CUBE_SIZE 8 //Number of columns, rows or levels in cube
#define CUBE_MAX (CUBE_SIZE - 1) //Max cube index
#define LEDS_PER_LEVEL (CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE) //Number of LEDS per level
//These variables are used by multiplexing and Bit Angle Modulation Code
//This is how the brightness for every LED is stored,
//Each LED only needs a 'bit' to know if it should be ON or OFF, so 64 Bytes gives you 512 bits= 512 LEDs
//Since we are modulating the LEDs, using 4 bit resolution, each color has 4 arrays containing 64 bits each
byte blue0[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], blue1[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], blue2[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], blue3[LEDS_PER_LEVEL];
byte green0[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], green1[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], green2[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], green3[LEDS_PER_LEVEL];
//notice how more resolution will eat up more of your precious RAM
int level=0;//keeps track of which level we are shifting data to
int anodeLevel=0;//this increments through the anode levels
int BAM_Bit, BAM_Counter=0; // Bit Angle Modulation variables to keep track of things
int animation = 0; //Keeps track of animation in main loop
void setup()
SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);//Most Significant Bit First
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0);// Mode 0 Rising edge of data, keep clock low
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2);//Run the data in at 16MHz/2 - 8MHz
//Serial.begin(115200);// if you need it?
noInterrupts();// kill interrupts until everybody is set up
//We use Timer 1 to refresh the cube
TCCR1A = B00000000;//Register A all 0's since we're not toggling any pins
TCCR1B = B00001011;//bit 3 set to place in CTC mode, will call an interrupt on a counter match
//bits 0 and 1 are set to divide the clock by 64, so 16MHz/64=250kHz
TIMSK1 = B00000010;//bit 1 set to call the interrupt on an OCR1A match
OCR1A=30; // you can play with this, but I set it to 30, which means:
//our clock runs at 250kHz, which is 1/250kHz = 4us
//with OCR1A set to 30, this means the interrupt will be called every (30+1)x4us=124us,
// which gives a multiplex frequency of about 8kHz
//finally set up the Outputs
pinMode(LATCH_PIN, OUTPUT);//Latch
pinMode(CLOCK_PIN, OUTPUT);//SPI Clock
pinMode(LAYER_A, OUTPUT);//74138 A Input
pinMode(LAYER_B, OUTPUT);//74138 B Input
pinMode(LAYER_C, OUTPUT);//74138 C Input
digitalWrite(LAYER_A, LOW);
digitalWrite(LAYER_B, LOW);
digitalWrite(LAYER_C, LOW);
pinMode(SWITCH_PGM, INPUT);//PGM 1 / PGM 2 Switch
//pinMode(BLANK_PIN, OUTPUT);//Output Enable important to do this last, so LEDs do not flash on boot up
SPI.begin();//start up the SPI library
interrupts();//let the show begin, this lets the multiplexing start
//***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop
void loop()
//Each animation located in a sub routine
// To control an LED, you simply:
// LED(level you want 0-CUBE_MAX, row you want 0-CUBE_MAX, column you want 0-CUBE_MAX, red brighness 0-15, green brighness 0-15, blue brighness 0-15);
if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PGM) == HIGH)
else {
animation = animation + 1;
switch (animation) {
case 1: rainVersionTwo(20); break;
case 2: folder(10); break;
case 3: sinwaveTwo(15); break;
case 4: randomColor(10); break;
case 5: wipe_out(10); break;
case 6: bouncyvTwo(15); break;
case 7: color_wheelTWO(10); break;
case 8: harlem_shake(); break;
case 9: ripples(10); break;
case 10: animation = 0; break;
//****LED Routine****LED Routine****LED Routine****LED Routine
void LED(int level, int row, int column, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
//This is where it all starts
//This routine is how LEDs are updated, with the inputs for the LED location and its R G and B brightness levels
// First, check and make sure nothing went beyond the limits, just clamp things at either 0 or 7 for location, and 0 or 15 for brightness
level = constrain(level, 0, CUBE_MAX);
row = constrain(row, 0, CUBE_MAX);
column = constrain(column, 0, CUBE_MAX);
red = constrain(red, 0, 15);
green = constrain(green, 0, 15);
blue = constrain(blue, 0, 15);
//There are (CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE) LEDs in the cube, so when we write to level 2, column 5, row 4, that needs to be translated into a number from 0 to (CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE) - 1
//The first level LEDs are first in the sequence, then 2nd level, then third, and so on
//For a 4 x 4 x 4 cube the (level * (4 * 4)) is what indexes the level's starting place, so level 0 are LEDs 0 - 15, level 1 are LEDs 16 - 31, and so on
//if you looked down on the cube, and only looked at the bottom level
// 00 01 02 03
// 04 05 06 07
// 08 09 10 11
// 12 13 14 15
//For a 8 x 8 x 8 cube the (level * (8 * 8)) is what indexes the level's starting place, so level 0 are LEDs 0 - 63, level 1 are LEDs 64 - 127, and so on
//if you looked down on the cube, and only looked at the bottom level
// 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
// 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
// 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
// 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
// 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
// 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
// 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
// 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
//Then, if you incremented the level, the top right of the grid above would start at (CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE)
//The reason for doing this, is so you don't have to memorize a number for each LED, allowing you to use level, row, column
//Now, what about the divide by 8 in there?
//...well, we have 8 bits per byte, and we have 64 bytes in memory for all 512 bits needed for each LED, so
//we divide the number we just found by 8, and take the integer of it, so we know which byte, that bit is located
//confused? that's ok, let's take an example, if we wanted to write to the LED to the last LED in the cube, we would write a 7, 7, 7
// giving (7*64)+(7*8)=7 = 511, which is right, but now let's divide it by 8, 511/8 = 63.875, and take the int of it so, we get 63,
//this is the last byte in the array, which is right since this is the last LED
// Get the LED number 0 - 511
int wholebyte = (level * LEDS_PER_LEVEL) + (row * CUBE_SIZE) + column;
// Get the index into the array. Each indexed location holds one byte or 8 bits;
int whichbyte = int(wholebyte / 8);
int whichbit = (wholebyte & 7);
//This will all make sense in a sec
//This is 4 bit color resolution, so each color contains x4 64 byte arrays, explanation below:
bitWrite(red0[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(red, 0));
bitWrite(red1[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(red, 1));
bitWrite(red2[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(red, 2));
bitWrite(red3[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(red, 3));
bitWrite(green0[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(green, 0));
bitWrite(green1[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(green, 1));
bitWrite(green2[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(green, 2));
bitWrite(green3[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(green, 3));
bitWrite(blue0[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(blue, 0));
bitWrite(blue1[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(blue, 1));
bitWrite(blue2[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(blue, 2));
bitWrite(blue3[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(blue, 3));
//Are you now more confused? You shouldn't be! It's starting to make sense now. Notice how each line is a bitWrite, which is,
//bitWrite(the byte you want to write to, the bit of the byte to write, and the 0 or 1 you want to write)
//This means that the 'whichbyte' is the byte from 0-63 in which the bit corresponding to the LED from 0-511
//Is making sense now why we did that? taking a value from 0-511 and converting it to a value from 0-63, since each LED represents a bit in
//an array of 64 bytes.
//Then next line is which bit 'wholebyte-(8*whichbyte)'
//This is simply taking the LED's value of 0-511 and subracting it from the BYTE its bit was located in times 8
//Think about it, byte 63 will contain LEDs from 504 to 511, so if you took 505-(8*63), you get a 1, meaning that,
//LED number 505 is is located in bit 1 of byte 63 in the array
//is that it? No, you still have to do the bitRead of the brightness 0-15 you are trying to write,
//if you wrote a 15 to RED, all 4 arrays for that LED would have a 1 for that bit, meaning it will be on 100%
//This is why the four arrays read 0-4 of the value entered in for RED, GREEN, and BLUE
//hopefully this all makes some sense?
//***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM
//This routine is called in the background automatically at frequency set by OCR1A
//In this code, I set OCR1A to 30, so this is called every 124us, giving each level in the cube 124us of ON time
//There are 8 levels, so we have a maximum brightness of 1/8, since the level must turn off before the next level is turned on
//The frequency of the multiplexing is then 124us*8=992us, or 1/992us= about 1kHz
PORTD |= 1 << BLANK_PIN; //The first thing we do is turn all of the LEDs OFF, by writing a 1 to the blank pin
//Note, in my bread-boarded version, I was able to move this way down in the cube, meaning that the OFF time was minimized
//do to signal integrity and parasitic capcitance, my rise/fall times, required all of the LEDs to first turn off, before updating
//otherwise you get a ghosting effect on the previous level
//This is 4 bit 'Bit angle Modulation' or BAM, There are 8 levels, so when a '1' is written to the color brightness,
//each level will have a chance to light up for 1 cycle, the BAM bit keeps track of which bit we are modulating out of the 4 bits
//Bam counter is the cycle count, meaning as we light up each level, we increment the BAM_Counter
if (BAM_Counter == (CUBE_SIZE * 1))
else if (BAM_Counter == (CUBE_SIZE * 3))
else if (BAM_Counter == (CUBE_SIZE * 7))
BAM_Counter++;//Here is where we increment the BAM counter
int bytes_per_level = LEDS_PER_LEVEL / 8;
int shift_max = level + bytes_per_level;
switch (BAM_Bit) {
//The BAM bit will be a value from 0-3, and only shift out the arrays corresponding to that bit, 0-3
//Here's how this works, each case is the bit in the Bit angle modulation from 0-4,
//Next, it depends on which level we're on, so the byte in the array to be written depends on which level,
//For 8x8x8 each level contains 64 LED, we only shift out 8 bytes for each color
//For 4x4x4 each level contains 16 LED, we only shift out 2 bytes for each color
case 0:
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
case 1:
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
case 2:
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
case 3:
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
//Here is where the BAM_Counter is reset back to 0, it's only 4 bit, but since each cycle takes 8 counts,
//, it goes 0 8 16 32, and when BAM_counter hits 64 we reset the BAM
if (BAM_Counter == (CUBE_SIZE * 15)) {
//SPI.transfer(anode[anodeLevel]);//finally, send out the anode level byte
digitalWrite(LAYER_A, bitRead(anodeLevel, 0));
digitalWrite(LAYER_B, bitRead(anodeLevel, 1));
digitalWrite(LAYER_C, bitRead(anodeLevel, 2));
PORTD |= 1<<LATCH_PIN;//Latch pin HIGH
PORTD &= ~(1<<LATCH_PIN);//Latch pin LOW
PORTD &= ~(1<<BLANK_PIN);//Blank pin LOW to turn on the LEDs with the new data
anodeLevel = (anodeLevel + 1) & (CUBE_MAX); //inrement the anode level
level = (level + bytes_per_level) & (LEDS_PER_LEVEL - 1); //increment the level variable by 8, which is used to shift out data, since the next level would be the next 8 bytes in the arrays
pinMode(BLANK_PIN, OUTPUT); //moved down here so outputs are all off until the first call of this function
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
void test_leds()
fill(15, 0, 0);
fill(0, 15, 0);
fill(0, 0, 15);
void wipe_out(int runtimeInSeconds)
int fx=random(CUBE_SIZE), fy=random(CUBE_SIZE), fz=random(CUBE_SIZE), fxm=1, fym=1, fzm=1, fxo=0, fyo=0, fzo=0;
int ftx=random(CUBE_SIZE), fty=random(CUBE_SIZE), ftz=random(CUBE_SIZE), ftxm=1, ftym=1, ftzm=1, ftxo=0, ftyo=0, ftzo=0;
int rr, gg, bb, rrt, ggt, bbt;
switch(random(3)) {
case 0: rr=random(1, 16); gg=random(1, 16); bb=0; break;
case 1: rr=random(1, 16); gg=0; bb=random(1, 16); break;
case 2: rr=0; gg=random(1, 16); bb=random(1, 16); break;
switch (random(3)) {
case 0: rrt=random(1, 16); ggt=random(1, 16); bbt=0; break;
case 1: rrt=random(1, 16); ggt=0; bbt=random(1, 16); break;
case 2: rrt=0; ggt=random(1, 16); bbt=random(1, 16); break;
unsigned long endTime = millis() + (runtimeInSeconds * 1000);
while (millis() < endTime) {
//fx=random(8); fy=random(8); fz=random(8);
LED(fxo, fyo, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(fxo, fyo, fzo+1, 0, 0, 0);
LED(fxo, fyo, fzo-1, 0, 0, 0);
LED(fxo+1, fyo, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(fxo-1, fyo, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(fxo, fyo+1, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(fxo, fyo-1, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(ftxo, ftyo, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(ftxo, ftyo, ftzo+1, 0, 0, 0);
LED(ftxo, ftyo, ftzo-1, 0, 0, 0);
LED(ftxo+1, ftyo, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(ftxo-1, ftyo, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(ftxo, ftyo+1, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(ftxo, ftyo-1, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
LED(ftx, fty, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
LED(ftx, fty, ftz+1, rr, gg, bb);
LED(ftx, fty, ftz-1, rr, gg, bb);
LED(ftx+1, fty, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
LED(ftx-1, fty, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
LED(ftx, fty+1, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
LED(ftx, fty-1, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
LED(fx, fy, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
LED(fx, fy, fz+1, rrt, ggt, bbt);
LED(fx, fy, fz-1, rrt, ggt, bbt);
LED(fx+1, fy, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
LED(fx-1, fy, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
LED(fx, fy+1, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
LED(fx, fy-1, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
switch (random(3)) {
case 0:
fx = fx + fxm;
if (fx < 0) {
fx = 0;
fxm = 1;
if (fx >= CUBE_SIZE) {
fx = CUBE_MAX;
fxm = -1;
case 1:
fy = fy + fym;
if (fy < 0) {
fy = 0;
fym = 1;
if (fy >= CUBE_SIZE) {
fy = CUBE_MAX;
fym = -1;
case 2:
fz = fz + fzm;
if (fz < 0) {
fz = 0;
fzm = 1;
if (fz >= CUBE_SIZE) {
fz = CUBE_MAX;
fzm = -1;
switch (random(3)) {
case 0:
ftx = ftx + ftxm;
if (ftx < 0) {
ftx = 0;
ftxm = 1;
if (ftx >= CUBE_SIZE) {
ftx = CUBE_MAX;
ftxm = -1;
case 1:
fty = fty + ftym;
if (fty < 0) {
fty = 0;
ftym = 1;
if (fty >= CUBE_SIZE) {
fty = CUBE_MAX;
ftym = -1;
case 2:
ftz = ftz + ftzm;
if (ftz < 0) {
ftz = 0;
ftzm = 1;
if (ftz >= CUBE_SIZE) {
ftz = CUBE_MAX;
ftzm = -1;
} //while
void rainVersionTwo(int runtimeInSeconds)
for(int addr = 0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++) {
x[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
y[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
z[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
xx[addr] = random(16);
yy[addr] = random(16);
zz[addr] = random(16);
unsigned long endTime = millis() + (runtimeInSeconds * 1000);
while (millis() < endTime) {
if (ledcolor < 200) {
for(int addr = 0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++) {
LED(zold[addr], xold[addr], yold[addr], 0, 0, 0);
switch (z[addr]) {
case 7: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 0, 5, 15); break;
case 6: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 0, 1, 9); break;
case 5: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 0, 0, 10); break;
case 4: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 1, 0, 11); break;
case 3: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 3, 0, 12); break;
case 2: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 0, 15); break;
case 1: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 0, 10); break;
case 0: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 0, 1); break;
} //200
if (ledcolor >= 200 && ledcolor < 300) {
for(int addr = 0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++){
LED(zold[addr], xold[addr], yold[addr], 0, 0, 0);
switch (z[addr]) {
case 7: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 15, 0); break;
case 6: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 10, 0); break;
case 5: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 5, 0); break;
case 4: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 2, 0); break;
case 3: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 1, 0); break;
case 2: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 0, 0); break;
case 1: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 12, 0, 0); break;
case 0: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 0, 0); break;
if(ledcolor >= 300 && ledcolor < 400) {
if(ledcolor >= 500 && ledcolor < 600) {
if (ledcolor >= 300)
for(int addr = 0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++) {
xold[addr] = x[addr];
yold[addr] = y[addr];
zold[addr] = z[addr];
for(int addr=0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++) {
z[addr] = z[addr] - 1;
if (z[addr] < random(-100,0)) {
x[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
y[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
switch (random(3)) {
case 0: xx[addr]=0; zz[addr]=random(16); yy[addr]=random(16); break;
case 1: xx[addr]=random(16); zz[addr]=0; yy[addr]=random(16); break;
case 2: xx[addr]=random(16); zz[addr]=random(16); yy[addr]=0; break;
z[addr] = CUBE_MAX;
void folder(int runtimeInSeconds)
int xx, yy, zz, pullback[16], state=0;
int folderaddr[16], LED_Old[16], oldpullback[16], ranx=random(16), rany=random(16), ranz=random(16), ranselect;
int bot=0, top=1, right=0, left=0, back=0, front=0, side=0, side_select;
for(xx=0; xx < CUBE_SIZE; xx++) {
oldpullback[xx] = 0;
pullback[xx] = 0;
folderaddr[xx] = xx - CUBE_MAX;
unsigned long endTime = millis() + (runtimeInSeconds * 1000);
while (millis() < endTime) {
for(yy=0; yy < CUBE_SIZE; yy++) {
for(xx=0; xx < CUBE_SIZE; xx++) {
if (top==1) {
switch (side) {
case 0: //top to left-side
LED(CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy], yy - oldpullback[yy], xx , 0, 0, 0);
LED(CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], yy - pullback[yy], xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
case 2: //top to back-side
LED(CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy], xx, yy - oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], xx, yy - pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 3: //top-side to front-side
LED(CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx, yy + oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx, yy + pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 1: //top-side to right
LED(CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + oldpullback[yy], xx , 0, 0, 0);
LED(CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + pullback[yy], xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
} //top
if (right==1) {
switch (side) {
case 4: //right-side to top
LED(yy + oldpullback[CUBE_MAX - yy],CUBE_MAX -LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx , 0, 0, 0);
LED( yy + pullback[CUBE_MAX - yy],CUBE_MAX -folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
case 3: //right-side to front-side
LED(xx, CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy],yy + oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(xx,CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 2: //right-side to back-side
LED(xx, CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy],yy-oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(xx,CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], yy-pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 5:
//right-side to bottom
LED(yy-oldpullback[yy],CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy],xx , 0, 0, 0);
LED( yy-pullback[yy],CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy],xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
if (left==1) {
switch (side) {
case 4: //left-side to top
LED(yy + oldpullback[yy],LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy],xx , 0, 0, 0);
LED( yy + pullback[yy],folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy],xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
case 3: //left-side to front-side
LED(xx, LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy],yy + oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(xx,folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 2: //left-side to back-side
LED(xx, LED_Old[yy],yy-oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(xx,folderaddr[yy], yy-pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 5: //left-side to bottom
LED(yy-oldpullback[yy],LED_Old[yy],xx , 0, 0, 0);
LED( yy-pullback[yy],folderaddr[yy],xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
if (back==1) {
switch (side) {
case 1: //back-side to right-side
LED(xx, yy + oldpullback[yy], LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(xx, yy + pullback[yy], folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 4: //back-side to top-side
LED(yy + oldpullback[yy], xx, LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(yy + pullback[yy], xx, folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 5: //back-side to bottom
LED(yy-oldpullback[yy], xx, LED_Old[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(yy-pullback[yy], xx, folderaddr[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 0: //back-side to left-side
LED(xx, yy-oldpullback[yy], LED_Old[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(xx, yy-pullback[yy], folderaddr[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
if (bot==1) {
switch (side) {
case 1: //bottom-side to right-side
LED(LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + oldpullback[yy],xx , 0, 0, 0);
LED(folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + pullback[yy],xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
case 3: //bottom to front-side
LED(LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx, yy + oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx, yy + pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 2: //bottom to back-side
LED(LED_Old[yy], xx, yy-oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(folderaddr[yy], xx, yy-pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 0: //bottom to left-side
LED(LED_Old[yy], yy - oldpullback[yy], xx , 0, 0, 0);
LED(folderaddr[yy], yy - pullback[yy], xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
if(front==1) {
switch(side) {
case 0: //front-side to left-side
LED(xx, yy - oldpullback[yy], CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(xx, yy - pullback[yy], CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 5: //front-side to bottom
LED(yy - oldpullback[yy], xx, CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED( yy - pullback[yy], xx, CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 4: //front-side to top-side
LED(yy + oldpullback[yy], xx, CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED( yy + pullback[yy], xx, CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
case 1: //front-side to right-side
LED(xx, yy + oldpullback[yy], CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], 0, 0, 0);
LED(xx, yy + pullback[yy], CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
for(xx = 0; xx < CUBE_SIZE; xx++) {
LED_Old[xx] = folderaddr[xx];
oldpullback[xx] = pullback[xx];
if (folderaddr[CUBE_MAX] == CUBE_MAX) {
for(zz = 0; zz < CUBE_SIZE; zz++)
pullback[zz] = pullback[zz] + 1;
if (pullback[CUBE_MAX] == CUBE_SIZE) { //finished with fold
// state=0;
switch (random(3)) {
case 0: ranx=0; rany=random(1,16); ranz=random(1,16); break;
case 1: ranx=random(1,16); rany=0; ranz=random(1,16); break;
case 2: ranx=random(1,16); rany=random(1,16); ranz=0; break;
if (top==1) { //TOP
switch (side) {
case 0: //top to left
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=2; break;
case 1: side=3; break;
case 2: side=5; break;
case 1: //top to right
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=5; break;
case 1: side=2; break;
case 2: side=3; break;
case 2: //top to back
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=1; break;
case 2: side=5; break;
case 3: //top to front
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=1; break;
case 2: side=5; break;
else if (bot==1) { //BOTTOM
switch (side) {
case 0: //bot to left
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=2; break;
case 1: side=3; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
case 1: //bot to right
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=2; break;
case 1: side=3; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
case 2: //bot to back
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=1; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
case 3: //bot to front
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=1; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
else if (right==1) { //RIGHT
switch (side) {
case 4: //right to top
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=2; break;
case 1: side=3; break;
case 2: side=0; break;
case 5: //right to bot
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=2; break;
case 2: side=3; break;
case 2: //right to back
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=5; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
case 3: //right to front
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=5; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
else if (left==1) { //LEFT
switch (side) {
case 4: //left to top
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=3; break;
case 1: side=2; break;
case 2: side=1; break;
case 5: //left to bot
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=2; break;
case 1: side=3; break;
case 2: side=1; break;
case 2: //left to back
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=1; break;
case 1: side=5; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
case 3: //left to front
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=1; break;
case 1: side=5; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
else if (front==1) { //FRONT
switch (side) {
case 4: //front to top
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=2; break;
case 1: side=0; break;
case 2: side=1; break;
case 5: //front to bot
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=2; break;
case 2: side=1; break;
case 0: //front to left
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=2; break;
case 1: side=5; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
case 1: //front to right
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=2; break;
case 1: side=5; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
else if (back==1) { //BACK
switch (side) {
case 4: //back to top
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=3; break;
case 1: side=0; break;
case 2: side=1; break;
case 5: //back to bot
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=0; break;
case 1: side=3; break;
case 2: side=1; break;
case 0: //back to left
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=3; break;
case 1: side=5; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
case 1: //back to right
switch(side_select) {
case 0: side=3; break;
case 1: side=5; break;
case 2: side=4; break;
// for(yy=0; yy<8; yy++)
//for(xx=0; xx<8; xx++)
//LED(LED_Old[yy], xx, yy-oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
for(xx = 0; xx < CUBE_SIZE; xx++){
oldpullback[xx] = 0;
pullback[xx] = 0;
folderaddr[0] = 0 - CUBE_SIZE;
if (folderaddr[CUBE_MAX] != CUBE_MAX) {
for(zz = 0; zz < CUBE_SIZE; zz++) {
folderaddr[zz] = folderaddr[zz] + 1;
This file has been truncated, please download it to see its full contents.