John Bradnam
Published © GPL3+

8x8x8 RGB LED Cube

An animated cube made with 512 RGB LEDs driven by an ATmega328.

AdvancedFull instructions providedOver 3 days41,853
8x8x8 RGB LED Cube

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RGB Diffused Common Anode
RGB Diffused Common Anode
DM13A LED Driver
74HC138 3 to 8 line decod
IRF9640 P-Channel MOSFET
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
You can also create a breadboard version with just a ATmega328, 16Mhz crystal, 2 x 22pf capacitors
5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply
Digilent 5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Schematic - MPU and Anode board

Schematic - Cube board

Eagle Files



The 8x8x8 RGB LED Cube

by John Bradnam
based on work by Kevin Darrah

V12 04/17/2013

Release Notes:
- Fixed bug with BAM timing
- Moved Blank pin setup to ISR so pins are dead until they are written to

bitwise operation to set pins LOW was incorrect
should be PORTx &= ~(1<<pinNumber);

Not a professional LED cube builder, this is how I did it, and this is my cube

#include <SPI.h>// SPI Library used to clock data out to the shift registers

#define LATCH_PIN 2    //can use any pin you want to latch the shift registers
#define BLANK_PIN 4    // same, can use any pin you want for this, just make sure you pull up via a 1k to 5V
#define DATA_PIN 11    // used by SPI, must be pin 11
#define CLOCK_PIN 13   // used by SPI, must be 13
#define LAYER_A 5      //74138 A Input
#define LAYER_B 6      //74138 A Input
#define LAYER_C 7      //74138 A Input
#define SWITCH_PGM 10   //PB2
#define SWITCH_SEQ 9 //PB1

#define CUBE_SIZE 8			        //Number of columns, rows or levels in cube
#define CUBE_MAX (CUBE_SIZE - 1)                //Max cube index
#define LEDS_PER_LEVEL (CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE)  //Number of LEDS per level

//These variables are used by multiplexing and Bit Angle Modulation Code
//This is how the brightness for every LED is stored,  
//Each LED only needs a 'bit' to know if it should be ON or OFF, so 64 Bytes gives you 512 bits= 512 LEDs
//Since we are modulating the LEDs, using 4 bit resolution, each color has 4 arrays containing 64 bits each
byte blue0[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], blue1[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], blue2[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], blue3[LEDS_PER_LEVEL];
byte green0[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], green1[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], green2[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], green3[LEDS_PER_LEVEL];
//notice how more resolution will eat up more of your precious RAM

int level=0;//keeps track of which level we are shifting data to
int anodeLevel=0;//this increments through the anode levels
int BAM_Bit, BAM_Counter=0; // Bit Angle Modulation variables to keep track of things
int animation = 0; //Keeps track of animation in main loop

void setup()
  SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);//Most Significant Bit First
  SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0);// Mode 0 Rising edge of data, keep clock low
  SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2);//Run the data in at 16MHz/2 - 8MHz

  //Serial.begin(115200);// if you need it?
  noInterrupts();// kill interrupts until everybody is set up

  //We use Timer 1 to refresh the cube
  TCCR1A = B00000000;//Register A all 0's since we're not toggling any pins
  TCCR1B = B00001011;//bit 3 set to place in CTC mode, will call an interrupt on a counter match
  //bits 0 and 1 are set to divide the clock by 64, so 16MHz/64=250kHz
  TIMSK1 = B00000010;//bit 1 set to call the interrupt on an OCR1A match
  OCR1A=30; // you can play with this, but I set it to 30, which means:
  //our clock runs at 250kHz, which is 1/250kHz = 4us
  //with OCR1A set to 30, this means the interrupt will be called every (30+1)x4us=124us, 
  // which gives a multiplex frequency of about 8kHz

  //finally set up the Outputs
  pinMode(LATCH_PIN, OUTPUT);//Latch
  pinMode(CLOCK_PIN, OUTPUT);//SPI Clock
  pinMode(LAYER_A, OUTPUT);//74138 A Input
  pinMode(LAYER_B, OUTPUT);//74138 B Input
  pinMode(LAYER_C, OUTPUT);//74138 C Input
  digitalWrite(LAYER_A, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LAYER_B, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LAYER_C, LOW);
  pinMode(SWITCH_PGM, INPUT);//PGM 1 / PGM 2 Switch
  //pinMode(BLANK_PIN, OUTPUT);//Output Enable  important to do this last, so LEDs do not flash on boot up
  SPI.begin();//start up the SPI library
  interrupts();//let the show begin, this lets the multiplexing start

//***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop
void loop()
  //Each animation located in a sub routine
  // To control an LED, you simply:
  // LED(level you want 0-CUBE_MAX,   row you want 0-CUBE_MAX, column you want 0-CUBE_MAX, red brighness 0-15, green brighness 0-15, blue brighness 0-15);

  if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PGM) == HIGH)
  else {
    animation = animation + 1;
    switch (animation) {
      case 1: rainVersionTwo(20); break;
      case 2: folder(10); break;
      case 3: sinwaveTwo(15); break;
      case 4: randomColor(10); break;
      case 5: wipe_out(10); break;
      case 6: bouncyvTwo(15); break;
      case 7: color_wheelTWO(10); break;
      case 8: harlem_shake(); break;
      case 9: ripples(10); break;
      case 10: animation = 0; break;

//****LED Routine****LED Routine****LED Routine****LED Routine
void LED(int level, int row, int column, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
  //This is where it all starts
  //This routine is how LEDs are updated, with the inputs for the LED location and its R G and B brightness levels

  // First, check and make sure nothing went beyond the limits, just clamp things at either 0 or 7 for location, and 0 or 15 for brightness
  level = constrain(level, 0, CUBE_MAX);
  row = constrain(row, 0, CUBE_MAX);
  column = constrain(column, 0, CUBE_MAX);
  red = constrain(red, 0, 15);
  green = constrain(green, 0, 15);
  blue = constrain(blue, 0, 15);

  //There are (CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE) LEDs in the cube, so when we write to level 2, column 5, row 4, that needs to be translated into a number from 0 to (CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE) - 1

  //The first level LEDs are first in the sequence, then 2nd level, then third, and so on

  //For a 4 x 4 x 4 cube the (level * (4 * 4)) is what indexes the level's starting place, so level 0 are LEDs 0 - 15, level 1 are LEDs 16 - 31, and so on
  //if you looked down on the cube, and only looked at the bottom level
  // 00 01 02 03
  // 04 05 06 07
  // 08 09 10 11
  // 12 13 14 15

  //For a 8 x 8 x 8 cube the (level * (8 * 8)) is what indexes the level's starting place, so level 0 are LEDs 0 - 63, level 1 are LEDs 64 - 127, and so on
  //if you looked down on the cube, and only looked at the bottom level
  // 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
  // 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
  // 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  // 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  // 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
  // 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47  
  // 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55  
  // 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

  //Then, if you incremented the level, the top right of the grid above would start at (CUBE_SIZE * CUBE_SIZE)
  //The reason for doing this, is so you don't have to memorize a number for each LED, allowing you to use level, row, column

  //Now, what about the divide by 8 in there?
  //...well, we have 8 bits per byte, and we have 64 bytes in memory for all 512 bits needed for each LED, so
  //we divide the number we just found by 8, and take the integer of it, so we know which byte, that bit is located
  //confused? that's ok, let's take an example, if we wanted to write to the LED to the last LED in the cube, we would write a 7, 7, 7
  // giving (7*64)+(7*8)=7 = 511, which is right, but now let's divide it by 8, 511/8 = 63.875, and take the int of it so, we get 63,
  //this is the last byte in the array, which is right since this is the last LED

  // Get the LED number 0 - 511
  int wholebyte = (level * LEDS_PER_LEVEL) + (row * CUBE_SIZE) + column;
  // Get the index into the array. Each indexed location holds one byte or 8 bits;
  int whichbyte = int(wholebyte / 8);
  int whichbit = (wholebyte & 7);
  //This will all make sense in a sec

  //This is 4 bit color resolution, so each color contains x4 64 byte arrays, explanation below:
  bitWrite(red0[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(red, 0));
  bitWrite(red1[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(red, 1));
  bitWrite(red2[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(red, 2)); 
  bitWrite(red3[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(red, 3)); 

  bitWrite(green0[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(green, 0));
  bitWrite(green1[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(green, 1));
  bitWrite(green2[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(green, 2)); 
  bitWrite(green3[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(green, 3));

  bitWrite(blue0[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(blue, 0));
  bitWrite(blue1[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(blue, 1));
  bitWrite(blue2[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(blue, 2)); 
  bitWrite(blue3[whichbyte], whichbit, bitRead(blue, 3));

  //Are you now more confused?  You shouldn't be!  It's starting to make sense now.  Notice how each line is a bitWrite, which is,
  //bitWrite(the byte you want to write to, the bit of the byte to write, and the 0 or 1 you want to write)
  //This means that the 'whichbyte' is the byte from 0-63 in which the bit corresponding to the LED from 0-511
  //Is making sense now why we did that? taking a value from 0-511 and converting it to a value from 0-63, since each LED represents a bit in 
  //an array of 64 bytes.
  //Then next line is which bit 'wholebyte-(8*whichbyte)'  
  //This is simply taking the LED's value of 0-511 and subracting it from the BYTE its bit was located in times 8
  //Think about it, byte 63 will contain LEDs from 504 to 511, so if you took 505-(8*63), you get a 1, meaning that,
  //LED number 505 is is located in bit 1 of byte 63 in the array

  //is that it?  No, you still have to do the bitRead of the brightness 0-15 you are trying to write,
  //if you wrote a 15 to RED, all 4 arrays for that LED would have a 1 for that bit, meaning it will be on 100%
  //This is why the four arrays read 0-4 of the value entered in for RED, GREEN, and BLUE
  //hopefully this all makes some sense?


//***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM

  //This routine is called in the background automatically at frequency set by OCR1A
  //In this code, I set OCR1A to 30, so this is called every 124us, giving each level in the cube 124us of ON time
  //There are 8 levels, so we have a maximum brightness of 1/8, since the level must turn off before the next level is turned on
  //The frequency of the multiplexing is then 124us*8=992us, or 1/992us= about 1kHz

  PORTD |= 1 << BLANK_PIN;  //The first thing we do is turn all of the LEDs OFF, by writing a 1 to the blank pin
  //Note, in my bread-boarded version, I was able to move this way down in the cube, meaning that the OFF time was minimized
  //do to signal integrity and parasitic capcitance, my rise/fall times, required all of the LEDs to first turn off, before updating
  //otherwise you get a ghosting effect on the previous level

  //This is 4 bit 'Bit angle Modulation' or BAM, There are 8 levels, so when a '1' is written to the color brightness, 
  //each level will have a chance to light up for 1 cycle, the BAM bit keeps track of which bit we are modulating out of the 4 bits
  //Bam counter is the cycle count, meaning as we light up each level, we increment the BAM_Counter
  if (BAM_Counter == (CUBE_SIZE * 1))
  else if (BAM_Counter == (CUBE_SIZE * 3))
  else if (BAM_Counter == (CUBE_SIZE * 7))

  BAM_Counter++;//Here is where we increment the BAM counter

  int bytes_per_level = LEDS_PER_LEVEL / 8;
  int shift_max = level + bytes_per_level;
  switch (BAM_Bit) {
    //The BAM bit will be a value from 0-3, and only shift out the arrays corresponding to that bit, 0-3
    //Here's how this works, each case is the bit in the Bit angle modulation from 0-4, 
    //Next, it depends on which level we're on, so the byte in the array to be written depends on which level, 
    //For 8x8x8 each level contains 64 LED, we only shift out 8 bytes for each color
    //For 4x4x4 each level contains 16 LED, we only shift out 2 bytes for each color
    case 0:
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
    case 1:
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
    case 2:
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
    case 3:
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      for (int shift_out = level; shift_out < shift_max; shift_out++)
      //Here is where the BAM_Counter is reset back to 0, it's only 4 bit, but since each cycle takes 8 counts,
      //, it goes 0 8 16 32, and when BAM_counter hits 64 we reset the BAM
      if (BAM_Counter == (CUBE_SIZE * 15)) {


  //SPI.transfer(anode[anodeLevel]);//finally, send out the anode level byte
  digitalWrite(LAYER_A, bitRead(anodeLevel, 0));
  digitalWrite(LAYER_B, bitRead(anodeLevel, 1));
  digitalWrite(LAYER_C, bitRead(anodeLevel, 2));

  PORTD |= 1<<LATCH_PIN;//Latch pin HIGH
  PORTD &= ~(1<<LATCH_PIN);//Latch pin LOW
  PORTD &= ~(1<<BLANK_PIN);//Blank pin LOW to turn on the LEDs with the new data

  anodeLevel = (anodeLevel + 1) & (CUBE_MAX);   //inrement the anode level
  level = (level + bytes_per_level) & (LEDS_PER_LEVEL - 1);   //increment the level variable by 8, which is used to shift out data, since the next level would be the next 8 bytes in the arrays

  pinMode(BLANK_PIN, OUTPUT);  //moved down here so outputs are all off until the first call of this function

//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE

void test_leds()
  fill(15, 0, 0);
  fill(0, 15, 0);
  fill(0, 0, 15);

void wipe_out(int runtimeInSeconds)
  int fx=random(CUBE_SIZE), fy=random(CUBE_SIZE), fz=random(CUBE_SIZE), fxm=1, fym=1, fzm=1, fxo=0, fyo=0, fzo=0;
  int ftx=random(CUBE_SIZE), fty=random(CUBE_SIZE), ftz=random(CUBE_SIZE), ftxm=1, ftym=1, ftzm=1, ftxo=0, ftyo=0, ftzo=0;
  int rr, gg, bb, rrt, ggt, bbt;

  switch(random(3)) {
    case 0: rr=random(1, 16); gg=random(1, 16); bb=0; break;
    case 1: rr=random(1, 16); gg=0; bb=random(1, 16); break;
    case 2: rr=0; gg=random(1, 16); bb=random(1, 16); break;
  switch (random(3)) {
    case 0: rrt=random(1, 16); ggt=random(1, 16); bbt=0; break;
    case 1: rrt=random(1, 16); ggt=0; bbt=random(1, 16); break;
    case 2: rrt=0; ggt=random(1, 16); bbt=random(1, 16); break;

  unsigned long endTime = millis() + (runtimeInSeconds * 1000);
  while (millis() < endTime) {
    //fx=random(8); fy=random(8); fz=random(8);

    LED(fxo, fyo, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(fxo, fyo, fzo+1, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(fxo, fyo, fzo-1, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(fxo+1, fyo, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(fxo-1, fyo, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(fxo, fyo+1, fzo, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(fxo, fyo-1, fzo, 0, 0, 0);

    LED(ftxo, ftyo, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(ftxo, ftyo, ftzo+1, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(ftxo, ftyo, ftzo-1, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(ftxo+1, ftyo, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(ftxo-1, ftyo, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(ftxo, ftyo+1, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);
    LED(ftxo, ftyo-1, ftzo, 0, 0, 0);

    LED(ftx, fty, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
    LED(ftx, fty, ftz+1, rr, gg, bb);
    LED(ftx, fty, ftz-1,  rr, gg, bb);
    LED(ftx+1, fty, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
    LED(ftx-1, fty, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
    LED(ftx, fty+1, ftz, rr, gg, bb);
    LED(ftx, fty-1, ftz, rr, gg, bb);     

    LED(fx, fy, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
    LED(fx, fy, fz+1, rrt, ggt, bbt);
    LED(fx, fy, fz-1, rrt, ggt, bbt);
    LED(fx+1, fy, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
    LED(fx-1, fy, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
    LED(fx, fy+1, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);
    LED(fx, fy-1, fz, rrt, ggt, bbt);  




    switch (random(3)) {
      case 0: 
        fx = fx + fxm;
        if (fx < 0) {
          fx = 0;
          fxm = 1;
        if (fx >= CUBE_SIZE) {
          fx = CUBE_MAX;
          fxm = -1;
      case 1: 
        fy = fy + fym;
        if (fy < 0) {
          fy = 0;
          fym = 1;
        if (fy >= CUBE_SIZE) {
          fy = CUBE_MAX;
          fym = -1;
      case 2: 
        fz = fz + fzm;
        if (fz < 0) {
          fz = 0;
          fzm = 1;
        if (fz >= CUBE_SIZE) {
          fz = CUBE_MAX;
          fzm = -1;

    switch (random(3)) {
      case 0: 
        ftx = ftx + ftxm;
        if (ftx < 0) {
          ftx = 0;
          ftxm = 1;
        if (ftx >= CUBE_SIZE) {
          ftx = CUBE_MAX;
          ftxm = -1;
      case 1: 
        fty = fty + ftym;
        if (fty < 0) {
          fty = 0;
          ftym = 1;
        if (fty >= CUBE_SIZE) {
          fty = CUBE_MAX;
          ftym = -1;
      case 2: 
        ftz = ftz + ftzm;
        if (ftz < 0) {
          ftz = 0;
          ftzm = 1;
        if (ftz >= CUBE_SIZE) {
          ftz = CUBE_MAX;
          ftzm = -1;
  } //while


void rainVersionTwo(int runtimeInSeconds)
  int x[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], y[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], z[LEDS_PER_LEVEL], ledcolor;

  for(int addr = 0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++) {
    x[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
    y[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
    z[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
    xx[addr] = random(16);
    yy[addr] = random(16);
    zz[addr] = random(16);     
  unsigned long endTime = millis() + (runtimeInSeconds * 1000);
  while (millis() < endTime) {
    if (ledcolor < 200) {
      for(int addr = 0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++) {
        LED(zold[addr], xold[addr], yold[addr], 0, 0, 0);
        switch (z[addr]) {
          case 7: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 0, 5, 15); break;
          case 6: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 0, 1, 9); break;
          case 5: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 0, 0, 10); break;
          case 4: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 1, 0, 11); break;
          case 3: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 3, 0, 12); break;
          case 2: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 0, 15); break;
          case 1: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 0, 10); break;
          case 0: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 0, 1); break;
    } //200

    if (ledcolor >= 200 && ledcolor < 300) {
      for(int addr = 0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++){
        LED(zold[addr], xold[addr], yold[addr], 0, 0, 0);
        switch (z[addr]) {
          case 7: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 15, 0); break;
          case 6: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 10, 0); break;
          case 5: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 5, 0); break;
          case 4: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 2, 0); break;
          case 3: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 1, 0); break;
          case 2: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 15, 0, 0); break;
          case 1: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 12, 0, 0); break;
          case 0: LED(z[addr], x[addr], y[addr], 10, 0, 0); break;

    if(ledcolor >= 300 && ledcolor < 400) {

    if(ledcolor >= 500 && ledcolor < 600) {

    if (ledcolor >= 300)

    for(int addr = 0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++) {
      xold[addr] = x[addr];
      yold[addr] = y[addr];
      zold[addr] = z[addr];


    for(int addr=0; addr < LEDS_PER_LEVEL; addr++) {
      z[addr] = z[addr] - 1;
      if (z[addr] < random(-100,0)) {
        x[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
        y[addr] = random(CUBE_SIZE);
        switch (random(3)) {
          case 0: xx[addr]=0; zz[addr]=random(16); yy[addr]=random(16); break;
          case 1: xx[addr]=random(16); zz[addr]=0; yy[addr]=random(16); break;
          case 2: xx[addr]=random(16); zz[addr]=random(16); yy[addr]=0; break;
        z[addr] = CUBE_MAX; 


void folder(int runtimeInSeconds)
  int xx, yy, zz, pullback[16], state=0;

  int folderaddr[16], LED_Old[16], oldpullback[16], ranx=random(16), rany=random(16), ranz=random(16), ranselect;
  int bot=0, top=1, right=0, left=0, back=0, front=0, side=0, side_select;

  for(xx=0; xx < CUBE_SIZE; xx++) {
    oldpullback[xx] = 0;
    pullback[xx] = 0;
    folderaddr[xx] = xx - CUBE_MAX;

  unsigned long endTime = millis() + (runtimeInSeconds * 1000);
  while (millis() < endTime) {
    for(yy=0; yy < CUBE_SIZE; yy++) {
      for(xx=0; xx < CUBE_SIZE; xx++) {
        if (top==1) {
          switch (side) {
            case 0: //top to left-side
              LED(CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy], yy - oldpullback[yy], xx , 0, 0, 0);
              LED(CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], yy - pullback[yy], xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 2: //top to back-side
              LED(CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy], xx, yy - oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], xx, yy - pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 3: //top-side to front-side
              LED(CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx, yy + oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx, yy + pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 1: //top-side to right
              LED(CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + oldpullback[yy], xx , 0, 0, 0);
              LED(CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + pullback[yy], xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
        } //top

        if (right==1) {
          switch (side) {
            case 4: //right-side to top
              LED(yy + oldpullback[CUBE_MAX - yy],CUBE_MAX -LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx , 0, 0, 0);
              LED( yy + pullback[CUBE_MAX - yy],CUBE_MAX -folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 3: //right-side to front-side
              LED(xx, CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy],yy + oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(xx,CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 2: //right-side to back-side
              LED(xx, CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy],yy-oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(xx,CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], yy-pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 5:
              //right-side to bottom
              LED(yy-oldpullback[yy],CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy],xx , 0, 0, 0);
              LED( yy-pullback[yy],CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy],xx , ranx, rany, ranz);

        if (left==1) {
          switch (side) {
            case 4: //left-side to top
              LED(yy + oldpullback[yy],LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy],xx , 0, 0, 0);
              LED( yy + pullback[yy],folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy],xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 3: //left-side to front-side
              LED(xx, LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy],yy + oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(xx,folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 2: //left-side to back-side
              LED(xx, LED_Old[yy],yy-oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(xx,folderaddr[yy], yy-pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 5:	//left-side to bottom
              LED(yy-oldpullback[yy],LED_Old[yy],xx , 0, 0, 0);
              LED( yy-pullback[yy],folderaddr[yy],xx , ranx, rany, ranz);

        if (back==1) {
          switch (side) {
            case 1: //back-side to right-side
              LED(xx, yy + oldpullback[yy], LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(xx, yy + pullback[yy], folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 4: //back-side to top-side
              LED(yy + oldpullback[yy], xx, LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(yy + pullback[yy], xx, folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 5: //back-side to bottom
              LED(yy-oldpullback[yy], xx, LED_Old[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(yy-pullback[yy], xx, folderaddr[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 0: //back-side to left-side
              LED(xx, yy-oldpullback[yy], LED_Old[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(xx, yy-pullback[yy], folderaddr[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);

        if (bot==1) {
          switch (side) {
            case 1: //bottom-side to right-side
              LED(LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + oldpullback[yy],xx , 0, 0, 0);
              LED(folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], yy + pullback[yy],xx , ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 3: //bottom to front-side
              LED(LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx, yy + oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], xx, yy + pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 2: //bottom to back-side
              LED(LED_Old[yy], xx, yy-oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(folderaddr[yy], xx, yy-pullback[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 0: //bottom to left-side
              LED(LED_Old[yy], yy - oldpullback[yy], xx , 0, 0, 0);
              LED(folderaddr[yy], yy - pullback[yy], xx , ranx, rany, ranz);

        if(front==1) {
          switch(side) {
            case 0: //front-side to left-side
              LED(xx, yy - oldpullback[yy], CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(xx, yy - pullback[yy], CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 5: //front-side to bottom
              LED(yy - oldpullback[yy], xx, CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED( yy - pullback[yy], xx, CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 4: //front-side to top-side
              LED(yy + oldpullback[yy], xx, CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED( yy + pullback[yy], xx, CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], ranx, rany, ranz);
            case 1: //front-side to right-side
              LED(xx, yy + oldpullback[yy], CUBE_MAX - LED_Old[CUBE_MAX - yy], 0, 0, 0);
              LED(xx, yy + pullback[yy], CUBE_MAX - folderaddr[CUBE_MAX - yy], ranx, rany, ranz);

    delay(5);	//DELAY   DELAY  DELAY

    for(xx = 0; xx < CUBE_SIZE; xx++) {
      LED_Old[xx] = folderaddr[xx];
      oldpullback[xx] = pullback[xx];

    if (folderaddr[CUBE_MAX] == CUBE_MAX) {
      for(zz = 0; zz < CUBE_SIZE; zz++)
        pullback[zz] = pullback[zz] + 1;

      if (pullback[CUBE_MAX] == CUBE_SIZE) { //finished with fold
        //	state=0;
        switch (random(3)) {
          case 0: ranx=0; rany=random(1,16); ranz=random(1,16); break;
          case 1: ranx=random(1,16); rany=0; ranz=random(1,16); break;
          case 2: ranx=random(1,16); rany=random(1,16); ranz=0; break;


        if (top==1) { //TOP
          switch (side) { 
          case 0: //top to left
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=2; break;
              case 1: side=3; break;
              case 2: side=5; break;

          case 1: //top to right
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=5; break;
              case 1: side=2; break;
              case 2: side=3; break;

          case 2: //top to back
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=1; break;
              case 2: side=5; break;

          case 3: //top to front
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=1; break;
              case 2: side=5; break;

        else if (bot==1) { //BOTTOM
          switch (side) { 
          case 0: //bot to left
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=2; break;
              case 1: side=3; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

          case 1: //bot to right
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=2; break;
              case 1: side=3; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

          case 2: //bot to back
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=1; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

          case 3: //bot to front
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=1; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

        else if (right==1) { //RIGHT
          switch (side) { 
          case 4: //right to top
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=2; break;
              case 1: side=3; break;
              case 2: side=0; break;

          case 5: //right to bot
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=2; break;
              case 2: side=3; break;

          case 2: //right to back
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=5; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

          case 3: //right to front
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=5; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;
        else if (left==1) { //LEFT
          switch (side) { 
          case 4: //left to top
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=3; break;
              case 1: side=2; break;
              case 2: side=1; break;

          case 5: //left to bot
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=2; break;
              case 1: side=3; break;
              case 2: side=1; break;

          case 2: //left to back
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=1; break;
              case 1: side=5; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

          case 3: //left to front
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=1; break;
              case 1: side=5; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

        else if (front==1) { //FRONT
          switch (side) { 
          case 4: //front to top
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=2; break;
              case 1: side=0; break;
              case 2: side=1; break;

          case 5: //front to bot
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=2; break;
              case 2: side=1; break;

          case 0: //front to left
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=2; break;
              case 1: side=5; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

          case 1: //front to right
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=2; break;
              case 1: side=5; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

        else if (back==1) { //BACK
          switch (side) { 
          case 4: //back to top
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=3; break;
              case 1: side=0; break;
              case 2: side=1; break;

          case 5: //back to bot
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=0; break;
              case 1: side=3; break;
              case 2: side=1; break;

          case 0: //back to left
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=3; break;
              case 1: side=5; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

          case 1: //back to right
            switch(side_select) {
              case 0: side=3; break;
              case 1: side=5; break;
              case 2: side=4; break;

        // for(yy=0; yy<8; yy++)
        //for(xx=0; xx<8; xx++)
        //LED(LED_Old[yy], xx, yy-oldpullback[yy], 0, 0, 0);
        for(xx = 0; xx < CUBE_SIZE; xx++){
          oldpullback[xx] = 0;
          pullback[xx] = 0;
          folderaddr[0] = 0 - CUBE_SIZE;

    if (folderaddr[CUBE_MAX] != CUBE_MAX) {
      for(zz = 0; zz < CUBE_SIZE; zz++) {
        folderaddr[zz] = folderaddr[zz] + 1;

This file has been truncated, please download it to see its full contents.


John Bradnam
147 projects • 181 followers
Thanks to Kevin Darrah.
