JP Hellemons
Published © MIT

PiPlant: Check Moisture with Sensor on Windows 10 IoT

Your plants will never die. You will receive an email when the plant needs water.

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PiPlant: Check Moisture with Sensor on Windows 10 IoT

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Male/Male Jumper Wires
moisture sensor

Software apps and online services

Windows 10 IoT Core
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core


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wiring: VCC -> 3v3 (Pin 1 on gpio)
GND -> GND (Pin 9 on gpio)
D0 -> GPIO 17 (Pin 11 on gpio)


Code snippet #1

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Http;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Background;
using Windows.Devices.Gpio;
using Windows.UI.Core;
using System.ServiceModel;
using LightBuzz.SMTP;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Email;

namespace BackgroundApplication1
    public sealed class StartupTask : IBackgroundTask
        private const int SENSOR_PIN = 17;
        private GpioPin pinSensor;
        private BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral;

        private const string SMTP_SERVER    = "";
        private const string STMP_USER      = "";
        private const string SMTP_PASSWORD  = "YOURPASSWORDHERE";
        private const int    SMTP_PORT      = 587;
        private const bool   SMTP_SSL       = false;

        private const string MAIL_RECIPIENT = "";

        public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
            deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();

            taskInstance.Canceled += TaskInstance_Canceled;

            var gpio = GpioController.GetDefault();

            if (gpio != null)
                pinSensor = gpio.OpenPin(SENSOR_PIN);

                var r = pinSensor.Read();


                var dm = pinSensor.GetDriveMode();

                pinSensor.DebounceTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);

                pinSensor.ValueChanged += PinIn_ValueChanged;

        private void PinIn_ValueChanged(GpioPin sender, GpioPinValueChangedEventArgs args)
            if (pinSensor.Read() == GpioPinValue.High)
                SendMail("Thirsty", "Plant needs water");
                SendMail("I am good", "Plant is fine again");

        private async void SendMail(string subject, string body)
            using (SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(SMTP_SERVER, SMTP_PORT, SMTP_SSL, STMP_USER, SMTP_PASSWORD))
                EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage();

                emailMessage.To.Add(new EmailRecipient(MAIL_RECIPIENT));
                emailMessage.Subject = subject;
                emailMessage.Body = body;

                await client.SendMailAsync(emailMessage);

        private void TaskInstance_Canceled(IBackgroundTaskInstance sender, BackgroundTaskCancellationReason reason)

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JP Hellemons

JP Hellemons

0 projects • 4 followers
c# coder
