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Justin Lutz
Published © Apache-2.0

Protect your "casa" with HASA!

Using an RTSP camera and a Kria KV260, identify cars, buses, and people around your house and get notified by text message of an event!

IntermediateFull instructions provided20 hours319
Protect your "casa" with HASA!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit
AMD Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit
RTSP camera (Reolink E1 Zoom)
USB wifi adapter

Software apps and online services

code editor
Vitis Unified Software Platform
AMD Vitis Unified Software Platform
SMS Messaging API
Twilio SMS Messaging API


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Kria KV260 HASA - Github repository

Home Assist Situational Awareness: Using an RTSP camera, the Kria KV260, and an object detection model to determine objects of interest around your house and be notified by text message!


Justin Lutz
23 projects • 38 followers
Quality manager by day, tinkerer by night. Avid runner. You can tell I'm a dad because of my jokes.


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