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John Weers
Published © GPL3+

Arduino APRS Tracker (wilderness location tracking)

Imagine being outside cell phone range. How do you broadcast where you are for help? Enter an APRS tracker to broadcast location info.

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)24 hours49,929
Arduino APRS Tracker (wilderness location tracking)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

GPS receiver (generic)
Any generic GPS should work pretty well.
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
SparkFun MicroView - OLED Arduino Module
SparkFun MicroView - OLED Arduino Module
Just something to display if it's working.


Read more



Schematic for the device on GitHub.


Software repository

This has the code that I used. You may need to adapt it a bit based on your choice of parts.


John Weers
10 projects • 132 followers
Thanks to Mark.
