When I am doing things, I always think "boy do I need a simple temperature display right now"! From checking the fridge temp, to the room temp, to outdoors, and even lake water temp, it seems I am always in need of this simple device! Well, I finally just built one, and I have decided to write this tutorial as a future reference for me, and for anyone who would like to build the same.
The PartsFor this project, I used only a couple basic components.
1x I2C LCD 16x2
1x Arduino Nano
1x 10kΩ thermistor
1x 10kΩ resistor
A length of wire
1x project box
1x USB cable for the Arduino nano
1x USB Battery Bank
Some rubber bands
Putting Everything TogetherSince this project uses a low number of components, the wiring is very straightforward!
Here is a wiring description (schematic below):
LCD - Arduino:
VCC - +5V
SCL - A5
SDA - A4
Thermistor - Arduino:
First pin - +5V
Second pin - A0
10kΩ resistor - second pin to GND
That's all!
Here is a schematic:
My thermistor is a very small DIP version that looks like this:
So... I soldered it to the end of a 24/2 wire that is about 3 feet long. This way, I can stick the sensor anywhere, like the freezer, or under water, without damaging the Arduino and display! This also means that the display stays visible at all times.
I hot glued everything into a small cardboard box, and cut a hole for the display in the top, a hole for the thermistor cable in the front, and a hole for plugging in the cable for powering the Arduino, on the right.
I then wrapped a rubber band around the battery and the box, with the box on top.
Here it is powered up, and reading the outside temperature (through a window) from inside!
Make sure to calibrate your thermistor! To calibrate it, check the data sheet to your exact thermistor, and input the 3 resistance values for the 3 temperature values on this website:
Copy and paste the A, B, and C values into the c1
, c2
, and c3
values at the beginning of the sketch.
Reference from this issue:
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