This is one of my own projects I made in my first year when I was exploring different features of Arduino. I have created a simple game is using Arduino, LCD Screen and 4x4 button Keypad. It is a fun and interactive game in which you have to navigate through rocks and score points. After scoring some points the speed of the obstacles will increase. So you have to do it more fast and carefully.
Game FeaturesSimple and easy to build game with a bit of logic. Your character has to navigate through 2 rows (up and down) and avoid obstacles while scoring points. Your score and high score is displayed on the screen. Whenever you start a game your high score will be zero. But when you lose, that score will be saved and will be updated each time you play provided power is not turned off.
How to simulate in TinkercadStep 1: Click on Start Simulation in Tinkercad.
Step2: After Some time you will get message to Start the game by pressing '*'(Star) on the keypad.
Step3: After this the game will begin. Then you can control the game using
- 2 - Go UP
- 5 - Go DOWN
- A - Pause the game
- # - Quit the game (Your score will be saved though).
Step4(Optional): My high score in IRL was 25. Try to beat it.
Note: It might look slow in Tinkercad. But it is surprisingly fast IRL so you may have to change its delay. See my code for my details.
Hardware Description- Connect Arduino Pins A4(SDA) to SDA of LCD Display.
- Connect Arduino Pins A5(SCL) to SCL of LCD Display.
- Connect 5V of Arduino with VCC of LCD and similarly for GND.
- Connect Arduino Pins 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 with 4x4 Keypad.
Connect the pins as shown in the diagram
- You can add a buzzer and make it sound after every point scored and a game over tone will the character dies.
- Use EEPROM to store the value of high score which will be displayed when ever you power up the device.
- Add more features to the game like a menu.
With this you have now made a Arduino based game which you can challenge your friends.
Link to Tinkercad Project - Link (it's visible 😊)
Thank you for reading this and don't forget to follow me and like and share this post with your friends, as will be sharing more projects related to Arduino, ESP32, Node-MCU, FPGA in the coming days.
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