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Sindre Hovland
Published © MIT

nRF53 Apple Watch

Me, a non-apple guy, recently bought all the apple devices a man can get. Here is this week's project, an nRF53 version of the apple watch.

AdvancedWork in progressOver 4 days3,745
nRF53 Apple Watch

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Energy drinks
Dedication and Focus

Software apps and online services

Altium Designer 21
Autodesk Fusion


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

3D model

3D model of full assembly in step

Wireless charger Step file

3D model of the wireless charger PCB

Step file of the mainboard

3D model, enclosed in zip for the large file size


Apple watch diagram

Apple watch design files page 258


In PDF view for easy reading

Schematic for wireless charger

PDF for easy view


Altium library

My altium component library, beeing maintained by me

Project design files

Design files in Altium, gerber files found as an release

Gerber files

Production files release


Sindre Hovland

Sindre Hovland

5 projects • 11 followers
