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Oled 0.96 inch display Pong Game for arduino uno r3!

OLED Display GND-GND VCC-5V A5-SCL A4-SDA UP Button gnd-gnd next pin to d2 DOWN Button gnd-gnd next pin to d3

Oled 0.96 inch display Pong Game for arduino uno r3!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

0.96 OLED display
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
small buttons
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Custom parts and enclosures



pong game for oled display

C Header File
  A simple Pong game:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>

#define UP_BUTTON 2
#define DOWN_BUTTON 3

const unsigned long PADDLE_RATE = 33;
const unsigned long BALL_RATE = 16;
const uint8_t PADDLE_HEIGHT = 24;

#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels

// Declaration for an SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins)
#define OLED_RESET     4 // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)

void drawCourt();

uint8_t ball_x = 64, ball_y = 32;
uint8_t ball_dir_x = 1, ball_dir_y = 1;
unsigned long ball_update;

unsigned long paddle_update;
const uint8_t CPU_X = 12;
uint8_t cpu_y = 16;

const uint8_t PLAYER_X = 115;
uint8_t player_y = 16;

void setup() {
    display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);

    unsigned long start = millis();

    pinMode(UP_BUTTON, INPUT);
    pinMode(DOWN_BUTTON, INPUT);

    while(millis() - start < 2000);


    ball_update = millis();
    paddle_update = ball_update;

void loop() {
    bool update = false;
    unsigned long time = millis();

    static bool up_state = false;
    static bool down_state = false;

    up_state |= (digitalRead(UP_BUTTON) == LOW);
    down_state |= (digitalRead(DOWN_BUTTON) == LOW);

    if(time > ball_update) {
        uint8_t new_x = ball_x + ball_dir_x;
        uint8_t new_y = ball_y + ball_dir_y;

        // Check if we hit the vertical walls
        if(new_x == 0 || new_x == 127) {
            ball_dir_x = -ball_dir_x;
            new_x += ball_dir_x + ball_dir_x;

        // Check if we hit the horizontal walls.
        if(new_y == 0 || new_y == 63) {
            ball_dir_y = -ball_dir_y;
            new_y += ball_dir_y + ball_dir_y;

        // Check if we hit the CPU paddle
        if(new_x == CPU_X && new_y >= cpu_y && new_y <= cpu_y + PADDLE_HEIGHT) {
            ball_dir_x = -ball_dir_x;
            new_x += ball_dir_x + ball_dir_x;

        // Check if we hit the player paddle
        if(new_x == PLAYER_X
           && new_y >= player_y
           && new_y <= player_y + PADDLE_HEIGHT)
            ball_dir_x = -ball_dir_x;
            new_x += ball_dir_x + ball_dir_x;

        display.drawPixel(ball_x, ball_y, BLACK);
        display.drawPixel(new_x, new_y, WHITE);
        ball_x = new_x;
        ball_y = new_y;

        ball_update += BALL_RATE;

        update = true;

    if(time > paddle_update) {
        paddle_update += PADDLE_RATE;

        // CPU paddle
        display.drawFastVLine(CPU_X, cpu_y, PADDLE_HEIGHT, BLACK);
        const uint8_t half_paddle = PADDLE_HEIGHT >> 1;
        if(cpu_y + half_paddle > ball_y) {
            cpu_y -= 1;
        if(cpu_y + half_paddle < ball_y) {
            cpu_y += 1;
        if(cpu_y < 1) cpu_y = 1;
        if(cpu_y + PADDLE_HEIGHT > 63) cpu_y = 63 - PADDLE_HEIGHT;
        display.drawFastVLine(CPU_X, cpu_y, PADDLE_HEIGHT, WHITE);

        // Player paddle
        display.drawFastVLine(PLAYER_X, player_y, PADDLE_HEIGHT, BLACK);
        if(up_state) {
            player_y -= 1;
        if(down_state) {
            player_y += 1;
        up_state = down_state = false;
        if(player_y < 1) player_y = 1;
        if(player_y + PADDLE_HEIGHT > 63) player_y = 63 - PADDLE_HEIGHT;
        display.drawFastVLine(PLAYER_X, player_y, PADDLE_HEIGHT, WHITE);

        update = true;


void drawCourt() {
    display.drawRect(0, 0, 128, 64, WHITE);


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