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Read PWM, Decode RC Receiver Input, and Apply Fail-Safe

Easy to use code to measure PWM signals (<2.5Khz) plus a dedicated function to calibrate the input from an RC receiver, including fail-safe.

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Read PWM, Decode RC Receiver Input, and Apply Fail-Safe

Things used in this project


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Arduino Uno Setup

This RC Receiver is powered by 5v and ground from the ICSP pins with the 6 signal outputs connected to pins 2-7
Micro servo 1 is powered by 5v pin and ground, with signal wire connected to pin 9
Micro servo 2 powered by 3.3v pin and ground, with signal wired connected to pin 10



This .ino file contains the functions and pin change interrupt routines (ISR) used to decode an RC Receiver and apply a fail safe if the transmitter signal is lost. Copy and paste this file into the same folder as the main sketch (when you open the sketch this code will appear as a second tab in the arduino IDE). Then follow the instructions in the file.
/*  Kelvin Nelson 24/07/2019
 *  Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) decoding of RC Receiver with failsafe
 *  This code contains easy to use functions to measure square wave signals on any arduiuno pro mini, nano or uno pins, excluding A6 and A7.
 *  The code is intended to be used with RC receivers, but could also be used in most other PWM measurement applications as a direct replacement for pulseIn(PIN, HIGH). 
 *  (to date it hasn't been tested at a frequency greater than 1khz or on an arduino mega)
 *  An RC signal pulse can be converted from a pulse width duration (1000-2000uS) at each input pin into an -+100% (-+1.0) output for use in a sketch.
 *  The calibration for this conversion plus a failsafe setting can be set for each channel. (fail safe tolerances 10-330Hz and 500-2500uS). 
 *  The raw data for each pin can also be extracted, i.e. time of pulse, pulse width, frame length, duty and frequency.
 *  Set-up is quick, the organisation of this file is as follows:
 *    - Overview of the code
 *    - List of functions
 *    - How to use, including example sketches
 *    - User defined variables -> specify input pins, transmitter calibration, and failsafe.
 *    - Global variables and functions
 *  The code enables pin change interrupts on the selected pins by setting the appropriate registers.
 *  A voltage change on any of the selected pins will trigger one of three Interrupt Service Routines depending on which register the pin belongs to.
 *    - ISR(PCINT0_vect), ISR(PCINT1_vect) or ISR(PCINT2_vect)
 *  Within each ISR the code determines which pin has changed, and makes a note of the time before returning back to the main loop().
 *  The time intervals between pin changes are used to calculate pulse width and frame length. 
 *  Flags are set by the ISR to indicate when new pulses are received.
 *  The Flags are then used to extract and process the data collected by each ISR.
 *  Although it's not exactly the same, this code follows similar principles to those explained in this video: https://youtu.be/bENjl1KQbvo

// void           setup_pwmRead()            initialise the PWM measurement using pin change interrupts

// boolean        RC_avail()                 returns a HIGH when new RC data is available
// float          RC_decode(channel number)  decodes the selected RC channel into the range +-100%, and applies a failsafe.
// void           print_RCpwm()              Prints the RC channel raw data to serial port (used for calibration).

// boolean        PWM_read(channel number)   returns a HIGH when a new pulse has been detected on a particular channel. 
//                                           The function saves the pulse data to variables outside the interrupt routines
//                                           and must be called just before using the rest of PWM functions.
// unsigned long  PWM_time()                 returns the time at the start of pulse 
// float          PWM()                      returns the pulse width
// float          PWM_period()               returns the time between pulses
// float          PWM_freq()                 calculates the frequency
// float          PWM_duty()                 calculates the duty

// NOTE: PWM_read(CH) and RC_decode(CH) use the same flags to detect when new data is available, meaning data could be lost if both are used on the same channel at the same time.
// SUGESTION: if you want to use PWM_read(CH) to find the frame rate of an RC channel call it before RC_decode(CH). The output from RC_decode(CH) will then default to the failsafe.

// HOW TO USE, including example sketches

// under the "USER DEFINED VARIABLES" title in the code below:
//    Step 1: enter the input pins into the array pwmPIN[] = {}. 
//            - Any number of pins can be entered into pwmPIN[] (pins available 0 - 13 and A0 - A5)
//            - The pins do not need to be in numerical order, for example pwmPIN[] = {A0,5,6,10,8} for 5 channels, or pwmPIN[] = {A0,5} for 2 channels
//            - The first element in the array is the pin number for  "channel 1", and the second is the pin number for "channel 2"... etc.
//            - All pins connected to the RC receiver need to be at the start of the array. i.e. the first 2 channels could be RC inputs and the 3rd channel could be connected to another device like the echo pin of an ultrasonic sensor.
//    Step 2: if an RC receiver is connected to all of the inputs then set RC_inputs to 0, if not specify the number of channels connected to the receiver i.e. RC_inputs = 2;
//    Step 3: calibrate your transmitter by uploading a simple sketch with this .ino file included in the sketch folder, and print the raw PWM values to serial (alternatively copy and paste the functions needed into the sketch).
//            Using the info from the serial monitor manually update the values in arrays RC_min[], RC_mid[], RC_max[] to suit your transmitter (use full rates to get the best resolution).
//            an example sketch for printing the RC channel PWM data to serial. 
              void setup()  {
              void loop() {
                  if(RC_avail()) print_RCpwm();

//    Step 4: Choose a failsafe position for each channel, in the range -1.0 to +1.0, and enter it into the array RC_failsafe[] = {}
//            Note: if you would like the arduino to respond to the loss of transmitter signal you may need to disable the failsafe feature on your receiver (if it has one).
//            an example sketch to check the operation of the failsafe, and for printing the calibrated channels to serial:
              unsigned long now;                        // timing variables to update data at a regular interval                  
              unsigned long rc_update;
              const int channels = 6;                   // specify the number of receiver channels
              float RC_in[channels];                    // an array to store the calibrated input from receiver 
              void setup()  {
              void loop()  {
                  now = millis();
                  if(RC_avail() || now - rc_update > 25){   // if RC data is available or 25ms has passed since last update (adjust to suit frame rate of receiver)
                    rc_update = now;                           
                    //print_RCpwm();                        // uncommment to print raw data from receiver to serial
                    for (int i = 0; i<channels; i++){       // run through each RC channel
                      int CH = i+1;
                      RC_in[i] = RC_decode(CH);             // decode receiver channel and apply failsafe
                      print_decimal2percentage(RC_in[i]);   // uncomment to print calibrated receiver input (+-100%) to serial       
                    Serial.println();                       // uncomment when printing calibrated receiver input to serial.

 // Print the pulse width of channel 1 to the serial monitor. 
 // This is equivelant to the using standard arduino pulseIn(pin, HIGH) function, but without blocking the code.
 if (PWM_read(1)){          // if a new pulse is detected on channel 1, print the pulse width to serial monitor.
 // Or 
 // Print RC receiver frame length and frame rate
 if (PWM_read(1)){                                      // if a new pulse is detected on channel 1
   Serial.print(PWM_period(),0);Serial.print("uS ");     


// PWM input pins, any of the following pins can be used: digital 0 - 13 or analog A0 - A5 

const int pwmPIN[]={2,3,4,5,6,7}; // an array to identify the PWM input pins (the array can be any length) 
                                  // first pin is channel 1, second is channel 2...etc

int RC_inputs = 0;                // The number of pins in pwmPIN that are connected to an RC receiver. Addition pins not connected to an RC receiver could be used for any other purpose i.e. detecting the echo pulse on an HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor
                                  // When 0, it will automatically update to the number of pins specified in pwmPIN[] after calling setup_pwmRead().                                                
// Calibration of each RC channel:
// The arrays below are used to calibrate each RC channel into the range -1 to +1 so that servo direction, mixing, rates, sub trims...etc can be applied in sketch depending on application. 
// The arrays should be modified in order to calibrate the min, middle and max pulse durations to suit your transmitter (use max rates to get the best resolution). 
// FYI: the function print_PWM() will print the raw pulse width data for all the RC channels to the serial port.
// if the RC_min[], RC_mid[], RC_max[] are empty or have missing data the calibration will default to min 1000us, mid 1500us and max 2000us.

//SANWA 6CH 40MHz with corona RP6D1  
//                THR     RUD     PIT     BAL     SWITCH  SLIDER
int RC_min[6] = { 988,    1060,   976,    960,    1056,   1116};
int RC_mid[6] = { 1472,   1446,   1424,   1398,   1374,   1460};
int RC_max[6] = { 1800,   1816,   1796,   1764,   1876,   1796};

// fail safe positions

float RC_failsafe[] = {0.00, 0.00, 1, 0.00, -0.25, 0.00};
// enter a failsafe position (in the range of -+1) for each RC channel in case radio signal is lost
// if the array is the incorrect length for the number of RC channels, the failsafe will default to neutral i.e. 0. 
// The failsafe tolerances are: 10-330Hz & 500-2500us


const int num_ch = sizeof(pwmPIN)/sizeof(int);  // calculate the number of input pins (or channels)
volatile int PW[num_ch];                        // an array to store pulsewidth measurements
volatile boolean prev_pinState[num_ch];         // an array used to determine whether a pin has gone low-high or high-low
volatile unsigned long pciTime;                 // the time of the current pin change interrupt
volatile unsigned long pwmTimer[num_ch];        // an array to store the start time of each PWM pulse

volatile boolean pwmFlag[num_ch];               // flag whenever new data is available on each pin
volatile boolean RC_data_rdy;                   // flag when all RC receiver channels have received a new pulse
unsigned long pwmPeriod[num_ch];                 // period, mirco sec, between two pulses on each pin

byte pwmPIN_reg[num_ch];                        // each of the input pins expressed as a position on it's associated port register
byte pwmPIN_port[num_ch];                       // identify which port each input pin belongs to (0 = PORTB, 1 = PORTC, 2 = PORTD)

const int size_RC_min = sizeof(RC_min) / sizeof(int);           // measure the size of the calibration and failsafe arrays
const int size_RC_mid = sizeof(RC_mid) / sizeof(int);
const int size_RC_max = sizeof(RC_max) / sizeof(int);
const int size_RC_failsafe = sizeof(RC_failsafe) / sizeof(float);

// code from http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/PinChangeInterrupt

void pciSetup(byte pin){
    *digitalPinToPCMSK(pin) |= bit (digitalPinToPCMSKbit(pin));  // enable pin
    PCIFR  |= bit (digitalPinToPCICRbit(pin));                   // clear any outstanding interrupt
    PCICR  |= bit (digitalPinToPCICRbit(pin));                   // enable interrupt for the group

// FUNCTION USED TO FIND THE PIN POSITION ON EACH PORT REGISTER: helps the interrupt service routines, ISR, run faster

void pwmPIN_to_port(){
  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++){

    // determine which port and therefore ISR (PCINT0_vect, PCINT1_vect or PCINT2_vect) each pwmPIN belongs to.
                                                                  pwmPIN_port[i] = 1;    // pin belongs to PCINT1_vect (PORT C)
    if (pwmPIN[i] >= 0 && pwmPIN[i] <= 7)                         pwmPIN_port[i] = 2;    // pin belongs to PCINT2_vect (PORT D)
    else if (pwmPIN[i] >= 8 && pwmPIN[i] <= 13)                   pwmPIN_port[i] = 0;    // pin belongs to PCINT0_vect (PORT B)

    // covert the pin number (i.e. pin 11 or pin A0) to the pin position in the port register. There is most likely a better way of doing this using a macro...
    // (Reading the pin state directly from the port registers speeds up the code in the ISR)
    if(pwmPIN[i] == 0 || pwmPIN[i] == A0 || pwmPIN[i] == 8)         pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00000001;
    else if(pwmPIN[i] == 1 || pwmPIN[i] == A1 || pwmPIN[i] == 9)    pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00000010;
    else if(pwmPIN[i] == 2 || pwmPIN[i] == A2 || pwmPIN[i] == 10)   pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00000100;
    else if(pwmPIN[i] == 3 || pwmPIN[i] == A3 || pwmPIN[i] == 11)   pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00001000;
    else if(pwmPIN[i] == 4 || pwmPIN[i] == A4 || pwmPIN[i] == 12)   pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00010000;
    else if(pwmPIN[i] == 5 || pwmPIN[i] == A5 || pwmPIN[i] == 13)   pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b00100000;
    else if(pwmPIN[i] == 6)                                         pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b01000000;
    else if(pwmPIN[i] == 7)                                         pwmPIN_reg[i] = 0b10000000;


void setup_pwmRead(){
  for(int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++){              // run through each input pin
    pciSetup(pwmPIN[i]);                        // enable pinchange interrupt for pin
  pwmPIN_to_port();                             // determines the port for each input pin
                                                // pwmPIN_to_port() also coverts the pin number in pwmPIN[] (i.e. pin 11 or pin A0) to the pin position in the port register (i.e. 0b00000001) for use in the ISR.
  if(RC_inputs == 0 || RC_inputs > num_ch) RC_inputs = num_ch;    // define the number of pins connected to an RC receiver.                                          


// the PCINT0_vect (B port register) reacts to any changes on pins D8-13.
// the PCINT1_vect (C port register)          ""        ""         A0-A5.
// the PCINT2_vect (D port register)          ""        ""         D0-7.

// port registers are used to speed up if statements in ISR code:
// https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/PortManipulation http://tronixstuff.com/2011/10/22/tutorial-arduino-port-manipulation/
// http://harperjiangnew.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/arduino-port-manipulation-on-mega-2560.html

// READ INTERRUPTS ON PINS D8-D13: ISR routine detects which pin has changed, and returns PWM pulse width, and pulse repetition period.

ISR(PCINT0_vect){                                                 // this function will run if a pin change is detected on portB
  pciTime = micros();                                             // Record the time of the PIN change in microseconds

  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++){                               // run through each of the channels
    if (pwmPIN_port[i] == 0){                                     // if the current channel belongs to portB
      if(prev_pinState[i] == 0 && PINB & pwmPIN_reg[i]){          // and the pin state has changed from LOW to HIGH (start of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 1;                                     // record pin state
        pwmPeriod[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                     // calculate the time period, micro sec, between the current and previous pulse
        pwmTimer[i] = pciTime;                                    // record the start time of the current pulse
      else if (prev_pinState[i] == 1 && !(PINB & pwmPIN_reg[i])){ // or the pin state has changed from HIGH to LOW (end of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 0;                                     // record pin state
        PW[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                            // calculate the duration of the current pulse
        pwmFlag[i] = HIGH;                                        // flag that new data is available
        if(i+1 == RC_inputs) RC_data_rdy = HIGH;                  

// READ INTERRUPTS ON PINS A0-A5: ISR routine detects which pin has changed, and returns PWM pulse width, and pulse repetition period.

ISR(PCINT1_vect){                                                 // this function will run if a pin change is detected on portC

  pciTime = micros();                                             // Record the time of the PIN change in microseconds

  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++){                               // run through each of the channels
    if (pwmPIN_port[i] == 1){                                     // if the current channel belongs to portC
      if(prev_pinState[i] == 0 && PINC & pwmPIN_reg[i]){          // and the pin state has changed from LOW to HIGH (start of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 1;                                     // record pin state
        pwmPeriod[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                     // calculate the time period, micro sec, between the current and previous pulse
        pwmTimer[i] = pciTime;                                    // record the start time of the current pulse
      else if (prev_pinState[i] == 1 && !(PINC & pwmPIN_reg[i])){ // or the pin state has changed from HIGH to LOW (end of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 0;                                     // record pin state
        PW[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                             // calculate the duration of the current pulse
        pwmFlag[i] = HIGH;                                         // flag that new data is available
        if(i+1 == RC_inputs) RC_data_rdy = HIGH;

// READ INTERRUPTS ON PINS D0-7: ISR routine detects which pin has changed, and returns PWM pulse width, and pulse repetition period.

ISR(PCINT2_vect){                                                 // this function will run if a pin change is detected on portD

  pciTime = micros();                                             // Record the time of the PIN change in microseconds

  for (int i = 0; i < num_ch; i++){                               // run through each of the channels
    if (pwmPIN_port[i] == 2){                                     // if the current channel belongs to portD
      if(prev_pinState[i] == 0 && PIND & pwmPIN_reg[i]){          // and the pin state has changed from LOW to HIGH (start of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 1;                                     // record pin state
        pwmPeriod[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                     // calculate the time period, micro sec, between the current and previous pulse
        pwmTimer[i] = pciTime;                                    // record the start time of the current pulse
      else if (prev_pinState[i] == 1 && !(PIND & pwmPIN_reg[i])){ // or the pin state has changed from HIGH to LOW (end of pulse)
        prev_pinState[i] = 0;                                     // record pin state
        PW[i] = pciTime - pwmTimer[i];                            // calculate the duration of the current pulse
        pwmFlag[i] = HIGH;                                        // flag that new data is available
        if(i+1 == RC_inputs) RC_data_rdy = HIGH;


 boolean RC_avail(){
    boolean avail = RC_data_rdy;
    RC_data_rdy = LOW;                          // reset the flag
    return avail;

  float RC_decode(int CH){
  if(CH < 1 || CH > RC_inputs) return 0;     // if channel number is out of bounds return zero.
  int i = CH - 1;                     

  // determine the pulse width calibration for the RC channel. The default is 1000, 1500 and 2000us.
  int Min;
  if(CH <= size_RC_min) Min = RC_min[CH-1]; else Min = 1000;
  int Mid;
  if(CH <= size_RC_mid) Mid = RC_mid[CH-1]; else Mid = 1500;
  int Max;
  if(CH <= size_RC_max) Max = RC_max[CH-1]; else Max = 2000;

  float CH_output;
  if(FAILSAFE(CH) == HIGH){                         // If the RC channel is outside of failsafe tolerances (10-330hz and 500-2500uS)
      if(CH > size_RC_failsafe) CH_output = 0;      // and if no failsafe position has been defined, set output to neutral
      else CH_output = RC_failsafe[i];              // or if defined set the failsafe position 
  else{                                             // If the RC signal is valid
    CH_output = calibrate(PW[i],Min,Mid,Max);       // calibrate the pulse width to the range -1 to 1.
  return CH_output;                                 

  // The signal is mapped from a pulsewidth into the range of -1 to +1, using the user defined calibrate() function in this code. 

  // 0 represents neutral or center stick on the transmitter
  // 1 is full displacement of a control input is one direction (i.e full left rudder)
  // -1 is full displacement of the control input in the other direction (i.e. full right rudder)

 *  Receiver Calibration


float calibrate(float Rx, int Min, int Mid, int Max){
   float calibrated;
   if (Rx >= Mid)
    calibrated = map(Rx, Mid, Max, 0, 1000);  // map from 0% to 100% in one direction
   else if (Rx == 0)
    calibrated = 0;                           // neutral
    calibrated = map(Rx, Min, Mid, -1000, 0); // map from 0% to -100% in the other direction
  return calibrated * 0.001;

// Basic Receiver FAIL SAFE
// check for 500-2500us and 10-330Hz (same limits as pololu)

boolean FAILSAFE(int CH){

   int i = CH-1;
   boolean failsafe_flag = LOW;
       if(pwmFlag[i] == 1)                             // if a new pulse has been measured.
            pwmFlag[i] = 0;                            // set flag to zero
            if(pwmPeriod[i] > 100000)                  // if time between pulses indicates a pulse rate of less than 10Hz   
              failsafe_flag = HIGH;                       
            else if(pwmPeriod[i] < 3000)               // or if time between pulses indicates a pulse rate greater than 330Hz   
              failsafe_flag = HIGH;                             

            if(PW[i] < 500 || PW[i] > 2500)           // if pulswidth is outside of the range 500-2500ms
              failsafe_flag = HIGH;                        
        else if (micros() - pwmTimer[i] > 100000)     // if there is no new pulswidth measurement within 100ms (10hz)
          failsafe_flag = HIGH;                      

    return failsafe_flag;   

 *  Quick print function of Rx channel input

void print_RCpwm(){                             // display the raw RC Channel PWM Inputs
  for (int i = 0; i < RC_inputs; i++){
    //Serial.print(" ch");Serial.print(i+1);
    Serial.print("  ");
    if(PW[i] < 1000) Serial.print(" ");

void print_decimal2percentage(float dec){
  int pc = dec*100;
  // the number and text will take up 6 charactors i.e ___3%_ or -100%_
  if (pc >= 0) Serial.print(" ");
  if (abs(pc) < 100) Serial.print(" ");
  if (abs(pc) < 10) Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(pc);Serial.print("% ");


unsigned long pin_time;
float pin_pwm;
float pin_period;

boolean PWM_read(int CH){
  if(CH < 1 && CH > num_ch) return false;
  int i = CH-1;
  boolean avail = pwmFlag[i];
  if (avail == HIGH){
    pwmFlag[i] = LOW;
    pin_time = pwmTimer[i];
    pin_pwm = PW[i];
    pin_period = pwmPeriod[i];
  return avail;

unsigned long PWM_time(){return pin_time;}
float PWM_period(){return pin_period;}
float PWM(){return pin_pwm;}

float PWM_freq(){
  float freq;
  return freq = 1000000 / pin_period;  // frequency Hz

float PWM_duty(){
  float duty;
  duty = pin_pwm/pin_period;
  return duty;


An example sketch used to display raw data in order to calibrate your RC receiver and set your the fail safe. The PWMread_RCfailsafe.ino file should be copied into the same folder in order for the functions to be available.
unsigned long now;                        // timing variables to update data at a regular interval                  
unsigned long rc_update;
const int channels = 6;                   // specify the number of receiver channels
float RC_in[channels];                    // an array to store the calibrated input from receiver 

void setup() {

void loop() {  
    now = millis();
    if(RC_avail() || now - rc_update > 25){   // if RC data is available or 25ms has passed since last update (adjust to be equal or greater than the frame rate of receiver)
      rc_update = now;                           
      print_RCpwm();                        // uncommment to print raw data from receiver to serial
      for (int i = 0; i<channels; i++){       // run through each RC channel
        int CH = i+1;
        RC_in[i] = RC_decode(CH);             // decode receiver channel and apply failsafe
        //print_decimal2percentage(RC_in[i]);   // uncomment to print calibrated receiver input (+-100%) to serial       
      //Serial.println();                       // uncomment when printing calibrated receiver input to serial.


Example sketch that prints the frame rate and frequency of an RC Receiver. The PWMread_RCfailsafe.ino file should be copied into the same folder in order for the functions to be available.
void setup() {

void loop() {  
    // Print RC receiver frame length and frame rate
    if (PWM_read(1)){                                      // if a new pulse is detected on channel 1
      Serial.print(PWM_period(),0);Serial.print("uS ");     



An servo mixing example. Two channels from a 6 channel are receiver are mixed and sent to two servos controlled using the servo library. The PWMread_RCfailsafe.ino file should be copied into the same folder in order for the functions to be available.
// servo variables

#include <Servo.h> // include the servo library to control the servos

Servo servo1;   // name each servo output for use with the servo library    
Servo servo2;      

// Each servo must be attached to a pin that has a PWM output
// on the arduino uno, nano and pro mini these pins are 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11

const int servo1_pin = 9;  // identify the pins that each servo signal wire is connected to
const int servo2_pin = 10;

// Select Servo Direction, Rates and Sub-trim (the size of each array must match the number of servos)

boolean servo_dir[] = {0,1};     // Direction: 0 is normal, 1 is reverse
float servo_rates[] = {1,0.5};  // Rates: range 0 to 2 (1 = +-500us (NORMAL), 2 = +-1000us (MAX)): The amount of servo deflection in both directions
float servo_subtrim[] = {0.0,0.0};  // Subtrimrange -1 to +1 (-1 = 1000us, 0 = 1500us, 1 = 2000us): The neutral position of the servo
boolean servo_mix_on = true;

unsigned long now;                  // timing variables to update data at a regular interval                        
unsigned long rc_update;

// Receiver variables

const int channels = 6;                   // specify the number of receiver channels
float RC_in[channels];                    // an array to store the calibrated input from receiver 

void setup() {
    servo1.attach(servo1_pin, 500, 2500); // attach the servo library to each servo pin, and define min and max uS values
    servo2.attach(servo2_pin, 500, 2500);

void loop() {  
    now = millis();
    if(RC_avail() || now - rc_update > 25){   // if RC data is available or 25ms has passed since last update (adjust to > frame rate of receiver)
      rc_update = now;                           
      print_RCpwm();                        // uncommment to print raw data from receiver to serial
      for (int i = 0; i<channels; i++){       // run through each RC channel
        int CH = i+1;
        RC_in[i] = RC_decode(CH);             // decode receiver channel and apply failsafe
        //print_decimal2percentage(RC_in[i]);   // uncomment to print calibrated receiver input (+-100%) to serial       
      //Serial.println();                       // uncomment when printing calibrated receiver input to serial.

      int servo1_uS;      // variables to store the pulse widths to be sent to the servo
      int servo2_uS;      
      if (servo_mix_on == true){              // MIXING ON
        float mix1 = RC_in[1] - RC_in[2];     // Channel 2 (ELV) - Channel 3 (AIL)
        float mix2 = RC_in[1] + RC_in[2];     // Channel 2 (ELV) + Channel 3 (AIL)
        if(mix1 > 1) mix1 = 1;                // limit mixer output to +-1
        else if(mix1 < -1) mix1 = -1;
        if(mix2 > 1) mix2 = 1;                // limit mixer output to +-1
        else if(mix2 < -1) mix2 = -1;  
        // Calculate the pulse widths for the servos
        servo1_uS = calc_uS(mix1, 1);         // apply the servo rates, direction and sub_trim for servo 1, and convert to a RC pulsewidth (microseconds, uS)
        servo2_uS = calc_uS(mix2, 2);         // apply the servo rates, direction and sub_trim for servo 2, and convert to a RC pulsewidth (microseconds, uS)
      else{                                   // MIXING OFF
        servo1_uS = calc_uS(RC_in[1],1);      // apply the servo rates, direction and sub_trim for servo 1, and convert to a RC pulsewidth (microseconds, uS)
        servo2_uS = calc_uS(RC_in[2],2);      // apply the servo rates, direction and sub_trim for servo 1, and convert to a RC pulsewidth (microseconds, uS)

      servo1.writeMicroseconds(servo1_uS);   // write the pulsewidth to the servo.
      servo2.writeMicroseconds(servo2_uS);   // write the pulsewidth to the servo. 

int calc_uS(float cmd, int servo){                                // cmd = commanded position +-100% 
                                                                  // servo = servo num (to apply correct direction, rates and trim)
  int i = servo-1;
  float dir;
  if(servo_dir[i] == 0) dir = -1; else dir = 1;                   // set the direction of servo travel
  cmd = 1500 + (cmd*servo_rates[i]*dir + servo_subtrim[i])*500;   // apply servo rates and sub trim, then convert to a uS value

  if(cmd > 2500) cmd = 2500;                                      // limit pulsewidth to the range 500 to 2500us
  else if(cmd < 500) cmd = 500;

  return cmd;


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