Lie Detector is a simple game you play with your friends and Alexa Buttons.
Each round, one player will be picked to be the counter. All other players will close their eyes.
Alexa will then flash the counter's button yellow a random number of times and ask them to say the number they counted. The counter can choose to say the real number, the truth, or they can choose to say a different number, a lie.
Alexa will then ask all players to open their eyes and each give a guess to if the counter was telling the truth or lying.
Correct guesses will earn the guesser one point. Each incorrect guess will earn the counter a point.
Here's a quick demo of the actual game.
And a detailed walk through of the code
plus a quick follow up of fixes required to officially get through certification
Update: I have added a handful of small things like some sound effects, and a variety of responses to various scenarios to help improve on the 'fun' and hopefully increase the joy for 'replay'. I've also updated the skill so that it's now available in the English (AU), German (DE), English (US), English (CA), English (UK) regions.