For this programming assignment, I have made the "You Animal" app with fun and function. I though it would be interesting and cute if instead of just a plain old converter, it could also tell a [short] story. Thus the application follows the lives of two animals and their brief discussion about their age in the other animal's species.
As the first screenshot shows below, when the application is first opened the whole story is displayed. The user interaction comes in when the user is prompted to choose an animal and their best friend, as well to input an age. I chose to give the spinners different colors than they background so they would stand out to the user, and it is more obvious as to how to interact with this app.
After the user has selected the protagonist of the story and their best friend, the time has come to complete their story! This can be done by filling in the age where prompted to "Enter your age". Now, depending on the animal and the age you have entered, different messages will be displayed - in this example, we see that a 24-year-old human would be 480 in hamster years, and they would have already been long gone from the world. The messages for each animal have been customized according to their average lifespan, thus if the converted age passes some threshold for a given animal, the result message will inform you that they will have already passed.
The video which is included below is a quick demonstration and explanation about how to use the app as well as the output the user will receive!