CS160 - Free Speech Movement Application
< Scenario >
1. If the user is within 50 meters of Latitude: N 37.86965 and Longitude: W -122.25914, the phone will send a notification to the Toq App with a draw request for a random FSM figure. The android app. may be open or closed beforehand.
2. The user then goes the Toq app on his watch, which contains the 6 cards you've premade. Each of these cards contain an image of the individual, his/her name, and a symbol/text to draw in the Android application.
3. Upon clicking on the card you were asked to draw in the notification, you trigger the drawing activity in your phone. The FSM app. on your phone may be open or closed before this event.
4. The user will then draw what was asked on the card to the canvas on the phone and upload it to Flickr with tag "cs160fsm"
5. The user then fetches another photo with tag "cs160fsm"
6. The user resizes this photo to the dimensions compatible with the Toq watch and creates a new card.
7. The user now views the newly made card on the Toq watch.
This is the home screen of my app
< Home Screen >
If the user is within 50 meters of Latitude: N 37.86965 and Longitude: W -122.25914
Application send notification to the Toq smartwatch.
< Notification >
Now you can see the decks of cards from 6 different people,
and you can chose one of them
< Opening a card and Partipating a FSM drawing>
< Drawing Panel >
Drawing Panel buttons from the top:
1. Clean canvas button : clean canvas
2. Save button : save canvas to external storage
3. Palette button : open left drawer to select different color and stroke thickness
4. Eraser button : eraser
5. Upload button : uploading your canvas to flickr
6. Redo and Undo button : redo and undo
When uploading your drawing is done,
An gift from other, will be sent to your smartwatch like below
< Video >
More features
1. Different color and stroke width
2. Using a eft drawer to maximize the size of drawing panel that user draw
3. redo and undo
< FSM apk >
Note :
I gave a change on home screen since the deadline had been delayed (the video was made before this change). I add "gps tracking" button on main screen, so that you(tester) can turn on and off the GPS tracking.