The M5Stack ESP32 Basic Core is a compact little device. I bought one, because it seemed to me the right platform for my hardware projects. I also noticed that there is a M5Stack Development Board Watch Kit, which makes the platform portable. I wanted to install the first obvious application onto this device: a simple watch. Unfortunately the product documentation page only mentions smart watch as a possible application, but there is no link to a real program. Then an idea popped into my mind: Am I able to write one? The result can be found here and in the M5ezWatch GitHub repository.
Optional RTC UnitThe RTC unit module is optional, but a very handy extension. It helps to keep the time between device turn off and on thanks to its built in battery. If it is not used, after a restart, M5ezWatch has to connect to the Wifi. The current time can be retrieved with the Update button.
For further details please refer to the following guides:
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