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Katelyn Rule
Published © CC0

PSI Monitor for a Water Plant

A way to monitor the PSI of a water system remotely.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)5 hours1,047
PSI Monitor for a Water Plant

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Particle PhotonPower Shield
Project Box
Antenna and Pigtail
Autex Automotive Pressure Sensor
Power Connector (Generic)
Proto Board
12V Power Supply

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Drill (Generic)
Variable Bench Power Supply (Generic)
Voltage Meter (Generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Wire Cutters (Generic)


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Code used to push psi, gallons in tank, and feet of water in tank to Ubidots and Particle cloud.
#include <Ubidots.h>

#define TOKEN "[insert your token here]"

Ubidots ubidots(TOKEN);

//initialize variables
double a3avg;
double psiavg;
double psiavg30;
double adjGal;
double adjFt;
unsigned int countSec;
double bigPicture;

//start timer 
Timer timer(5000, Update20TimesAMinute);

    Returns the PSI which can then be displayed,
    or used to calculate other variables 
    @param The raw data
    @return The PSI
double Psi(double data)
    return data*0.0304-12.313;

    Returns the number of gallons in the tank
    which can then be displayed,
    or used to calculate other variables 
    (new conversion psi to gal)
    @param The PSI
    @return The number of gallons in the tank
double AdjPSIToGallons(double data){
    return (12922.0*data)-878548.96;

    Returns the feet of water in the tank
    which can then be displayed.
    psi to ft (technically gal to ft)
    @param The PSI
    @return Feet of water in the tank
double AdjPSIToFt(double data)
    return AdjPSIToGallons(data)/5287.0;

    Returns a value fron data between 
    the desired min and max
    @param input/data
    @param minimum
    @param maximum
    @return clamped data
double clamp(double input, double min, double max){
        return max;
        return min;
    return input;

    Return the calculated a3avg.
    @param raw data from a3
    @return a3avg
double updatea3avg(double a3){
    return a3avg*0.95 + a3*0.05;

    Return the calculated psiavg.
    over 5 seconds.
    @param PSI
    @return psiavg
double updatePsiavg(double psi){
    return psiavg*0.95 + psi*0.05;

    Return the calculated psiavg30.
    over 1 minute 40 seconds.
    @param PSI
    @return psiavg
double updatePsiavg30(double psi){
    return psiavg30*0.998 + psi*0.002;

    Makes a more granular average by
    only updating every minute.
    Used for zooming out on ubidots
    without the page freezing.
void updateBigPicture(){
        ubidots.add("BigAverage", bigPicture);

    Pushes variables to Particle.io
void updateParticle(){
    Particle.variable("psi", &psiavg, DOUBLE);
    Particle.variable("psiavg30", &psiavg30, DOUBLE);
    Particle.variable("Adjusted Gal", &adjGal, DOUBLE);
    Particle.variable("Adjusted Ft", &adjFt, DOUBLE);

    Pushes variables to Ubidots
void updateUbidots(double psi){
    ubidots.add("psi", psi);
     ubidots.add("psiavg", psiavg);
     ubidots.add("psiavg30", psiavg30);
     ubidots.add("Adjusted Gallons", adjGal);
     ubidots.add("Adjusted Feet In Tank", adjFt);

    Sets up program to run:
    Enables the external antenna
    Sets up time for counting
    Sets variables to useful numbers
    Starts timer
    Pushes data to particle
void setup() {
    a3avg = (double) analogRead(A3);
    psiavg = Psi(a3avg);
    psiavg30 = psiavg;

    adjGal= AdjPSIToGallons(psiavg30);//number of gallons in the tank
    adjFt=AdjPSIToFt(psiavg30); //hight of the water in the tank

    Vestigial. Required but not used.
void loop() {


    Main method.
    Gets raw data and uses it to update 
    and push variables.
void Update20TimesAMinute()
     int a3 = analogRead(A3);
     double psi = Psi(a3);
     a3avg = updatea3avg(a3);
     psiavg = updatePsiavg(psi);
     psiavg30 =updatePsiavg30(psi);
     adjGal=clamp(AdjPSIToGallons(psiavg30), 0, 116300);//number of adjusted gallons in the tank
     adjFt=clamp(AdjPSIToFt(psiavg30),0,22); //height of the adjusted water in the tank


Katelyn Rule
1 project • 3 followers


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