Joel Laguna
Published © GPL3+

IR Lasertag with Raspberry Pi 3 and Nerf

Learn to build your own working IR lasertag weapon using nothing but a common Nerf gun and a Raspberry Pi 3.

BeginnerWork in progress10 hours8,200
IR Lasertag with Raspberry Pi 3 and Nerf

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Center of all programming is here.
IR receiver (generic)
IR transmitter (generic)
Micro Limit Switch
OpenBuilds Micro Limit Switch
Adafruit PiTFT 320x240 2.8" TFT + Touchscreen
Not necessary but helpful to see what is going on on the Raspberry Pi 3.
SparkFun 40 pin connector
Makes it easier to access GPIO pins. It also makes the setup look clean and secure.


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Joel Laguna
1 project • 2 followers
My name is Joel Laguna. I am a game programmer. Game programming has been a long time passion. I use Clickteam Fusion 2.5, PHP and Python.


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