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Block Detection 3 Aspect Light Control

This is a simple IR sensor block detector for model railroads. It controls three lights: red, yellow and green.

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Block Detection 3 Aspect Light Control

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This is my BLOCK DETECTION 3 ASPECT LIGHT CONTROL program. It detecets the train entering and leaving a block of track and changes the lights accordingly.
// initilize the Digital input pins
int sensePin1 = 7;
int sensePin2 = 4;
//Initilize the OUTPUT pins for the RED,GREEN and YELLOW lights.
int ledPinGRN = 10;
int ledPinYEL = 11;
int ledPinRED = 12;

void setup() {
  analogReference(DEFAULT); //isn't necessary
  pinMode(ledPinGRN, OUTPUT);//Set pin MODES for lights
  pinMode(ledPinYEL, OUTPUT);//Set pin MODES for lights
  pinMode(ledPinRED, OUTPUT);//Set pin MODES for lights


  ST_GREEN,       // light green
  ST_YELLOWFLASH, // light yellow flash
  ST_YELLOW,      // yellow on for given time
  ST_RED,         // light red
  ST_RED1,         // light red

// state of statemachine for block 1; initial value green

// current time
static unsigned long currentTime;

void loop()
  // get current time
  currentTime = millis();

  // read sensors
  int valA1 = digitalRead(sensePin1);
  int valA2 = digitalRead(sensePin2);

  switch (block1State)
    // show green light
    // we will switch to red if sensors are triggered
    case ST_GREEN:
      block1Green(valA1, valA2);
      block1YellowFlash(valA1, valA2);
    case ST_YELLOW:
      block1Yellow(valA1, valA2);
    case ST_RED:
      block1Red(valA1, valA2);
      case ST_RED1:
      block1Red1(valA1, valA2);

  switch green light on for block 1
  'wait' for sensors to trigger and switches to red
  input: values of sensors A1 and A2
void block1Green(int valA1, int valA2)
  digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinRED, HIGH);

  if (valA1 == LOW && valA2 == HIGH)
    // change state to red
    block1State = ST_RED;}
  else if (valA1 == HIGH && valA2 == LOW)
    // change state to red
    block1State = ST_RED1;

  flash yellow led 10 times for block 1
  after that, switch to steady yellow
  input: values of sensors A1 and A2; both are not used but added for consistency in the calls to the light functions
void block1YellowFlash(int valA1, int valA2)
  // on and off duration
  const unsigned long duration = 500;
  // number of flashes
  const byte numFlashes = 10;

  // remember last time that we changed from 'yellow on' to 'yellow off' or vice versa
  static unsigned long startTime = 0;
  // keep a counter for the number of flashes
  static byte counter = 0;

  // if called after coming from red
  if (startTime == 0)
    // switch yellow on
    digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPinRED, HIGH);

    // start timing
    startTime = currentTime;

    // nothing else to do

  // if it's time to toggle the yellow led
  // based on blink without delay
  if (currentTime - startTime >= duration)
    // set start time
    startTime += duration;

    // toggle the yellow led
    digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, !digitalRead(ledPinYEL));

    // increment the counter

  if (counter > numFlashes * 2)
    // reset variables
    // as a result, the next time this function is called, the sequence is started from scratch
    startTime = 0;
    counter = 0;

    // change state to steady yellow
    block1State = ST_YELLOW;

  switch yellow light on for N seconds for block 1
  after that, switch to green
  input: values of sensors A1 and A2; both are not used but added for consistency in the calls to the light functions
void block1Yellow(int valA1, int valA2)
  // duration for yellow on
  const unsigned long duration = 2000;
  // start time of delay
  static unsigned long startTime = 0;

  if (startTime == 0)
    // switch yellow on
    digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPinRED, HIGH);

    // set start time of delay
    startTime = currentTime;

    // nothing else to do

  // if N milliseconds passed
  if (currentTime - startTime >= duration)
    // reset variables so next call to this sequence will start sequence from scratch
    startTime = 0;
    // change state to green
    block1State = ST_GREEN;

  switch red light on for block1
  'wait' for sensors to trigger and switches to yellow flash
  input: values of sensors A1 and A2
void block1Red(int valA1, int valA2)
  digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinRED, LOW);
  if (valA1 == HIGH && valA2 == LOW)
    // change state to yellow flash
    block1State = ST_YELLOWFLASH;
void block1Red1(int valA1, int valA2)
  digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinRED, LOW);
  if (valA1 == LOW && valA2 == HIGH)
    // change state to yellow flash
    block1State = ST_YELLOWFLASH;


IR Block Detector

Block detection for model trains.
// initilize the Digital input pins
int sensePin1 = 7;
int sensePin2 = 4;
//Initilize the OUTPUT pins for the RED,GREEN and YELLOW lights.
int ledPinGRN = 10;
int ledPinYEL = 11;
int ledPinRED = 12;

void setup() {
  analogReference(DEFAULT); //isn't necessary
  pinMode(ledPinGRN, OUTPUT);//Set pin MODES for lights
  pinMode(ledPinYEL, OUTPUT);//Set pin MODES for lights
  pinMode(ledPinRED, OUTPUT);//Set pin MODES for lights


  ST_GREEN,       // light green
  ST_YELLOWFLASH, // light yellow flash
  ST_YELLOW,      // yellow on for given time
  ST_RED,         // light red
  ST_RED1,         // light red

// state of statemachine for block 1; initial value green

// current time
static unsigned long currentTime;

void loop()
  // get current time
  currentTime = millis();

  // read sensors
  int valA1 = digitalRead(sensePin1);
  int valA2 = digitalRead(sensePin2);

  switch (block1State)
    // show green light
    // we will switch to red if sensors are triggered
    case ST_GREEN:
      block1Green(valA1, valA2);
      block1YellowFlash(valA1, valA2);
    case ST_YELLOW:
      block1Yellow(valA1, valA2);
    case ST_RED:
      block1Red(valA1, valA2);
      case ST_RED1:
      block1Red1(valA1, valA2);

  switch green light on for block 1
  'wait' for sensors to trigger and switches to red
  input: values of sensors A1 and A2
void block1Green(int valA1, int valA2)
  digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinRED, HIGH);

  if (valA1 == LOW && valA2 == HIGH)
    // change state to red
    block1State = ST_RED;}
  else if (valA1 == HIGH && valA2 == LOW)
    // change state to red
    block1State = ST_RED1;

  flash yellow led 10 times for block 1
  after that, switch to steady yellow
  input: values of sensors A1 and A2; both are not used but added for consistency in the calls to the light functions
void block1YellowFlash(int valA1, int valA2)
  // on and off duration
  const unsigned long duration = 500;
  // number of flashes
  const byte numFlashes = 10;

  // remember last time that we changed from 'yellow on' to 'yellow off' or vice versa
  static unsigned long startTime = 0;
  // keep a counter for the number of flashes
  static byte counter = 0;

  // if called after coming from red
  if (startTime == 0)
    // switch yellow on
    digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPinRED, HIGH);

    // start timing
    startTime = currentTime;

    // nothing else to do

  // if it's time to toggle the yellow led
  // based on blink without delay
  if (currentTime - startTime >= duration)
    // set start time
    startTime += duration;

    // toggle the yellow led
    digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, !digitalRead(ledPinYEL));

    // increment the counter

  if (counter > numFlashes * 2)
    // reset variables
    // as a result, the next time this function is called, the sequence is started from scratch
    startTime = 0;
    counter = 0;

    // change state to steady yellow
    block1State = ST_YELLOW;

  switch yellow light on for N seconds for block 1
  after that, switch to green
  input: values of sensors A1 and A2; both are not used but added for consistency in the calls to the light functions
void block1Yellow(int valA1, int valA2)
  // duration for yellow on
  const unsigned long duration = 2000;
  // start time of delay
  static unsigned long startTime = 0;

  if (startTime == 0)
    // switch yellow on
    digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPinRED, HIGH);

    // set start time of delay
    startTime = currentTime;

    // nothing else to do

  // if N milliseconds passed
  if (currentTime - startTime >= duration)
    // reset variables so next call to this sequence will start sequence from scratch
    startTime = 0;
    // change state to green
    block1State = ST_GREEN;

  switch red light on for block1
  'wait' for sensors to trigger and switches to yellow flash
  input: values of sensors A1 and A2
void block1Red(int valA1, int valA2)
  digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinRED, LOW);
  if (valA1 == HIGH && valA2 == LOW)
    // change state to yellow flash
    block1State = ST_YELLOWFLASH;
void block1Red1(int valA1, int valA2)
  digitalWrite(ledPinGRN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinYEL, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinRED, LOW);
  if (valA1 == LOW && valA2 == HIGH)
    // change state to yellow flash
    block1State = ST_YELLOWFLASH;



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