/* HyggeGauntlet
* Wearables
* Authors: Linnette Martinez and Lauren Busser
#define USE_ARDUINO_INTERRUPTS true // Set-up low-level interrupts for most acurate BPM math.
#include <PulseSensorPlayground.h> // Includes the PulseSensorPlayground Lib
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // NeoPixels lib
// Variables
const int PulseWire = 10; // PulseSensor connected to ANALOG PIN 10
const int blinkLED = 12;
const int stripPin = 12;
int fadePin = 8;
int fadeRate = 255;
boolean fadeCheck = false;
int myBPM;
int Threshold = 550;
PulseSensorPlayground pulseSensor; // Creates an instance of the PulseSensorPlayground object
// Set up use of NeoPixels
const int NUMPIXELS = 5; // Put the number of NeoPixels you are using here
const int BRIGHTNESS = 50; // Set brightness of NeoPixels here
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, stripPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
void setup() {
// Configure the PulseSensor object, by assigning our variables to it.
pulseSensor.blinkOnPulse(blinkLED); //auto-magically blink LED with heartbeat.
//setup NeoPixels
//for (int x=0; x < NUMPIXELS; x++) { // Initialize all pixels to 'off'
// strip.setPixelColor(x, strip.Color(0, 0, 0));
// Double-check the "pulseSensor" object was created and "began" seeing a signal.
if (pulseSensor.begin()) {
Serial.println("We created a pulseSensor Object !"); //This prints one time at power-up, or reset.
} //end setup function
void loop() {
myBPM = pulseSensor.getBeatsPerMinute(); // sets BPM value
// Constantly test to see if "a beat happened" and prints to Serial Monitor
if (pulseSensor.sawStartOfBeat()) {
Serial.println(" A HeartBeat Happened ! ");
Serial.print("BPM: ");
fadeCheck = true;
if (fadeCheck == true){
fadeRate = 255; // Set 'fadeRate' Variable to 255 to fade LED with pulse
fadeCheck = false;
} // if pulse reading beat
//Set a default display color
for (int i=0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++){
strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(0, 20, 20));
} //end loop function
void ledFade (){ //attempt of adding a fade effect
fadeRate -= 15;
fadeRate = constrain(fadeRate,0,255);
void setHeart(int fa){
//initilize the R,G,B values
//tested how BPM effected color combinations
int r = (myBPM - 60) * 2 ;
int g = 300 - myBPM ;
int b = myBPM + fa;
//set a contrain in case calculation went above max color value of 255
if(g > 255) { g = 255; }
if(r > 255) { r = 255; }
if(b > 255) { b = 255; }
// Set specific thresholds to emit specific soothing colors
// Checks BPM and sets color combination accordingly
if (myBPM <= 63){ //orange
r = 255;
g = 69;
b = 0;
if (myBPM > 63 && myBPM <= 70){ //Light Pink
r = 255;
g = 204;
b = 255;
if (myBPM > 70 && myBPM <= 90){ //Light Blue
r = 47;
g = 141;
b = 255;
if (myBPM > 90){ //Purple
r = 213;
g = 128;
b = 255;
//Set specified colors to each NeoPixel
for (volatile int i=0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++){
strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(r, g, b));
strip.show(); //Display colors
delay(3000); //Hold for 3 seconds
//fuction to display heartbeat. Not called for the purpose of this application
void heartBeat (){
for (volatile int i=0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++){
strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(255, 0, 0));
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