Zhi-Ren TsaiWei-Chieh Wu蔣德美
Published © CC BY-SA

Revolutionizing Kidney Tumor Diagnosis with MI210

DoctorGPT-based MiniGPT-4 excels in kidney tumor detection with 93% sensitivity and 86% specificity, surpassing CNN models in accuracy.

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Revolutionizing Kidney Tumor Diagnosis with MI210

Things used in this project

Hardware components


Software apps and online services

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy)


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Project Documentation

Detail the hardware, data and software used.


This is the environment we created for developing, verifying, and testing the project.

Full instructions:
Step 1: Install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy) on an AMD MI210 Server.
Step 2: Run the following commands in the terminal to install the Docker engine.
# Add Docker's official GPG key:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl
$ sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
$ sudo curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
$ sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
# Add the repository to Apt sources:
$ echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | $ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
Step 3: Download the customized Docker image that we built for the pretraining, fine-tuning, and testing of MiniGPT-4 at this link.
Step 4: Run the following commands in the terminal to load and run the customized Docker image:
$ docker load --input rocm_lmllm.tar
$ docker run -it -w /workspace --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --group-add video --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --shm-size 64G rocm/lmllm:latest
$ cd /home/asia/Downloads/minigpt4a/
Step 5: Run the following commands in the terminal to load the working Anaconda environment for MiniGPT-4.
$ conda activate py3.11
Step 6: Run the following commands in the terminal to check the test images in the following folders:
$ ls /home/asia/Downloads/minigpt4a/malignant_ts
$ ls /home/asia/Downloads/minigpt4a/benign_ts
Step 7: Run the following commands in the terminal to test the fine-tuned MiniGPT-4 model using the above test images:
$ python3 demo_tumor4.py benign_ts --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_llama2_eval.yaml
$ python3 demo_tumor4.py malignant_ts --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_llama2_eval.yaml
The test results of the fine-tuned MiniGPT-4 model are displayed in the txt files within the benign_ts and malignant_ts folders. The naming convention for the txt files is the test image filename concatenated with _ans. Next, run the following command in the terminal to obtain Sensitivity (Recall or True Positive Rate) and Specificity (True Negative Rate) using Llama3-70B:
$ python3 txt2acc.py
Step 8: You can find an image-text pairs dataset of 85,741 medical images that we collected and re-labelled using Llama3-70B LLM in this study for pretraining MiniGPT-4 at this link.
Step 9: Run the following command in the terminal to fine-tune the pretrained MiniGPT-4 model using 636 ultrasound images from the publicly available dataset on ultrasoundcases.info, along with the proposed image-text pairs of kidney tumors labeled in this study:
$ ./tr_llama2.sh
Step 10: Run the following command in the terminal to fine-tune the pretrained MiniGPT-4 model using the above 85,741 medical image-text pairs in Step 8:
$ cd /home/asia/Downloads/minigpt4a/cc_sbu_align
Next, unzip 85741images_base_tr.zip to obtain the image folder and filter_cap.json, and replace the original image folder and filter_cap.json in the cc_sbu_align folder with these.
$ cd ..
$ ./tr_llama2.sh
Step 11: You can find a project that we built for demoing the transfer learning and testing of 10 types of CNNs in this study at this link.
$ unzip cnns_proj2.zip
$ cd cnns_proj2
Step 12: Run the following command in the terminal to test the fine-tuned CNNs using the above test images:
$ sudo chmod 777 ts_cnns.sh
$ ./ts_cnns.sh
Step 13: Run the following command in the terminal to fine-tune the pretrained CNNs using 636 ultrasound images from the publicly available dataset on ultrasoundcases.info:
$ sudo chmod 777 tr_cnns.sh
$ ./tr_cnns.sh
# Please refer to the above full instructions.


Zhi-Ren Tsai
1 project • 1 follower
I conduct medical research at Asia University. I've spent four months preparing this project using the MI210 donated by AMD.
Wei-Chieh Wu
1 project • 0 followers
1 project • 0 followers
