This is just a fun project that I have been working on inspired partly by the whole #badgelife phenomenon that happened peaked around Def Con. Most of those badges just light up, but what is Trump without all of the crazy s**t he says?
I'm using an ATtiny814 which is a fancy new line of parts Microchip that offers a lot of peripherals in a small package with an outstanding price range. It was a good fit for what I needed because it comes with a built in DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) which was used to drive the speaker.
I went through quite a few iterations before I found the right power source. I tried a CR2032 and CR2540 and while they have more than enough capacity they just weren't up supplying enough current to drive the amplifier very well.
To solve this I actually bought a audio greeting card and deconstructed it and realized it is using three 1.5v cells. This lead me to using 3 LR44 batteries which the micro-controller is fine with, but I'm currently over-volting the SPI flash.
People seem to like it so I recently put it on
I've included STL files for the custom 3D-printed programming jig. It can be used along with some pogo-pins and careful soldering. I attach this to my Atmel ICE.