There are number of patients around the world and it becomes very hard to keep track of each and every patient. Sometimes delays can cause serious damage and deaths.
What if we can monitor all the patients remotely in one portal?
My Project is monitoring the Pulse Rate of patients remotely using the Raspberry Pi, Helium Kit and AWS IoT. With the help of data from patients we can improve the health industry and reduce the risks.
Connect the Raspberry Pi to Sensor.
First Connect the Raspberry Pi 3 to the sensor as per the following Diagram.
Run the following commands on Raspberry Pi
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ cd Desktop
$ git clone
Follow this awesome video to setup AWS IoT (by Helium)
Connect your Helium Dashboard with AWS IoT for data gathering. This video is made by Helium and demonstrates the setup.
$ cd Raspberry-Pi-Heartbeat-Pulse-Sensor/
$ sudo python3