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A Cindy's alarm clock/recording weather station

In florida knowing the weather is critical. This box is a multifunction alarm clock with integrated temp, humidity, and baro readings.

AdvancedFull instructions provided304
A Cindy's alarm clock/recording weather station

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
Grove - RTC
Seeed Studio Grove - RTC
Micro SD card deck
Bitcraze Micro SD card deck
LED Dot Matrix Display, Red
LED Dot Matrix Display, Red
IR receiver (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
Male/Female Jumper Wires
Male/Female Jumper Wires
DC Power Connector, Jack
DC Power Connector, Jack
Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout - BME280
SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout - BME280
LED (generic)
LED (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Autodesk Tinkercad
NanoCAD free AutoCAD workalike.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
SainSmart 3018 PRO CNC
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Custom parts and enclosures

8x32 LED matrix mount

3D .STL file

SD Card Mount

3D .StL file for micro SD card. Two way mounting allows thru panel mounting for user access or flat mount for internal only mount

Pot Knob

Knob for 5/16" shaft pot


Alarm Clock with temp/humidity and EPROM backup

Block Diagram

RTC Wiring

RTC wiring

SD Card wiring

SD Card

IR Receiver Development

IR Input module wiring

8x32 LED

8x32 Matrix LED display


Power Distribution Board

Pot input

Potentiometer Input Wiring with Ack button

New Speaker

New Speaker mount and wiring

BME280 Wiring

BME280 temperature/humidity/barometric pressure sensor

R/Y/G Traffic LED Display

three indicators in one, red/yel/grn


Buzzer Wiring

Front Panel Drill

1:1 panel layout for #4 pilot drill

Rear Panel Drill

1:1 rear panel drill layout for #4 pilot drill



Firmware for Cindy's Alarm, Clock/weather Station - Compile and download in Arduino IDE
No preview (download only).


5 projects • 1 follower
