Stefani LightDavid Macvaugh
Published © GPL3+

Mailbox Notification System

Ever wanted a way to see if you have mail without having to walk to go see? Well we have the thing for you!

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Mailbox Notification System

Things used in this project


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Mailbox Photon Schematic

Reset Photon Schematic


Code for Mailbox Photon

Photon Inside the mailbox code
int led2 = D7; 
int photoresistor = A1;

void setup() {
  pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(photoresistor, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
      if (analogRead(photoresistor) < 500) {                //If the photoresistor reads a value less than 500
        Particle.publish("Mailbox","there is light");       //Publish event "Mailbox", with data "there is light"
        String value = String(analogRead(photoresistor));           //read the photoresistor again and set value to equal this number
        Particle.publish("Graph",value);digitalWrite(led2, LOW);    //publish event "Graph", with data "photoresistor value"
        digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);           //turn blue LED on
        delay(1000);                        //wait 1 second
        digitalWrite(led2, LOW);            //turn blue LED off
        delay(100000);                      //wait 100 seconds before trying to read the photoresistor again

Code for Particle reset system

int Button = D0;                      // button is connected to D0
int LED = D1;                         // LED is connected to D1
int FORCEON = D5;           // forces on the green LED
int SignalIN = D6;          // toggel signal for powering FORCEON

void setup()
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);                 // sets pin as output
  pinMode(Button, INPUT_PULLDOWN);      // sets pin as input
  pinMode(FORCEON, INPUT_PULLDOWN);     // checks to see if the toggel is HIGH
  pinMode(SignalIN, OUTPUT);        // is the toggel by the mailbox PhotonBo
  pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);              // is the standby light for program DEBUG
  Particle.subscribe("Mailbox", GreenOn);       // looks to see a published event "Mailbox" has happened
}                                               // and if it has then will run function GreenOn

void GreenOn(const char *event, const char *data)   // this section is focused on 
{                                                   // seeing if the mailbox ParticleBo 
    if (strcmp(data,"there is light")==0) {         // has published "there is light"
     digitalWrite(SignalIN, HIGH);                  // and if so will turn SignalIN to HIGH

void loop()
    digitalWrite(SignalIN, LOW);          // DEFAULT is that the system will 
                                        // not have the green mail light blinking
        digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);     // sets the BlueLED on
        delay(200);                 // waits for 200mS
        digitalWrite(D7, LOW);      // sets the BlueLED off
        delay(200);                 // waits for 200mS
        // blink the LED as long as the button is pressed
        while(digitalRead(FORCEON) == HIGH) {
            if(digitalRead(Button) == HIGH){                        // if the button is pressed
                Particle.publish("Mailbox","I got the Mail");       //Publish event "Mailbox", with data "I got the Mail"
                digitalWrite(SignalIN, LOW);                        // will turn SignalIn to low
                delay(500);                                         // which will then stop the next itteration of the FORCEON loop
            }                                                       // next itteration of the FORCEON loop
            else if(digitalRead(FORCEON) == HIGH) {
                digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);          // sets the GreenLED on
                delay(200);                       // waits for 200mS
                digitalWrite(LED, LOW);           // sets the GreenLED off
                delay(200);                       // waits for 200mS


Stefani Light
1 project • 0 followers
David Macvaugh
1 project • 0 followers
