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Mark Hank
Published © GPL3+

Sonos / Spotify Vinyl Emulator

Experience the tactile nature of a vinyl music collection (but without actually owning any vinyl) through Sonos, Spotify and NFC tags

BeginnerFull instructions provided43,967
Sonos / Spotify Vinyl Emulator

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+
Any model of Pi 3 or Pi 4 should work. You will also need a power supply and a Micro SD card.
Sonos speakers
Sonos speakers
Any Sonos speaker or system should work
ACR122U NFC reader
Confusingly the ACR122U seems to be sold under a bunch of different brand names (mine came under the far-from-reassuring brand name "Yosoo") but from what I can tell they are all the same and constructed by American Card Systems. The cheapest I've found the ACR122U advertised is £21 including shipping, but that comes direct from China so you might need to wait a bit for that.
NTAG213 NFC tag
Any tag compatible with the widely available NTAG213 standard should work. They are widely available. I recommend going with the largest on that you can as it will improve read performance. I went with these massive ones from Seritag: https://seritag.com/nfc-tags/55-85-clear-ntag213

Software apps and online services

Spotify Premium account


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Code snippet #2

Plain text


Code snippet #33

Plain text
This is the 1.0.3 version of nfcpy run in Python 2.7.16 on Linux-4.19.97-v7+-armv7l-with-debian-10.3
I'm now searching your system for contactless devices
** found ACS ACR122U PN532v1.6 at usb:001:011
I'm not trying serial devices because you haven't told me
-- add the option '--search-tty' to have me looking
-- but beware that this may break other serial devs






Mark Hank

Mark Hank

4 projects • 54 followers
Thanks to jishi.
