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Mark Komus
Published © MIT

Electronic Googly Eye Glasses

Build your own googly eye glasses or just attach the eyes to anything you want. Everything is better with googly eyes.

BeginnerFull instructions provided5 hours1,280

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit Feather RP2040
Most microcontroller boards should work. I also tested this on an UnexpectedMaker TinyS2 that uses an ESP32S2.
Adafruit LSM9DS1
Any sensor that has an accelerometer that you can read should work.
1.28 inch TFT Round Display 240x240 GC9A01
There are many variations of these round displays available. Pimoroni has a similar version that uses a ST7789 driver which should also work.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Glasses Frame

Main frame for the glasses

Right glasses arm

The arm the LSM9DS1 is mounted

Left glasses arm

The left arm where the feather is mounted


Googly Eye Schematic


Googly Eye Code

In CircuitPython


Mark Komus
6 projects • 17 followers
Hobbyist tinkerer with all things related to technology as a break from my day job. @MarkKomus on twitter or @markkomus@mastodon.social


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