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Markus Nentwig
Published © MIT

FPGA-Fractals 1920x1080x60 Real-Time on USB Power

FPGA-based real-time fractal generation. Fully pipelined, dynamic resource allocation, up to 18000 MMUL/s. Float matrix math on J1B CPU.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour2,431
FPGA-Fractals 1920x1080x60 Real-Time on USB Power

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Cmod A7-35T: Breadboardable Artix-7 FPGA Module
Digilent Cmod A7-35T: Breadboardable Artix-7 FPGA Module
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

Vivado Design Suite
AMD Vivado Design Suite


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Github repo

Top level repo including the fractals project and the custom compiler for the microcontroller code


Markus Nentwig

Markus Nentwig

1 project • 2 followers
RF, DSP, envelope tracking, transceiver architecture, radio systems, production & char testing for the wireless industry
Thanks to James Bowman.
