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Martin Mander
Published © GPL3+

1984 WeatherMan Pi

A Walkman that displays the weather, the WeatherMan! Pi Zero smarts, LED icons, Dark Sky data and jiggling servo controlled headphones.

IntermediateFull instructions provided8 hours2,558
1984 WeatherMan Pi

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Zero
Raspberry Pi Zero
USB WiFi adaptor
Unicorn HAT HD
Pimoroni Unicorn HAT HD
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
1984 Hitachi Personal Cassette Player
2mm Threaded Rod
Sugru Mouldable Glue

Software apps and online services

Raspberry Pi Raspbian
Dark Sky Weather API

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)


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WeatherMan Connections

Composite diagram showing servo connections. Pins used for the servo are unused by the Unicorn HAT.


WeatherMan Code

Python scripts to query the Dark Sky weather API and display the results on a Pimoroni Unicorn HAT HD. Also jiggle a servo.


Martin Mander

Martin Mander

28 projects • 57 followers
I love the design and ambition of vintage technology, and the usability and potential of new - my passion is bringing the two together.
