Required Hardware
Before you get started, let's review what you'll need.
- MATRIX Creator - The Raspberry Pi does not have a built-in microphone, the MATRIX Creator has an 8 mic array perfect for Alexa - Buy MATRIX Creator on Element14.
- Micro-USB power supply for Raspberry Pi - 2.5A 5V power supply recommended
- Micro SD Card (Minimum 8 GB) - You need an operating system to get started. NOOBS (New Out of the Box Software) is an easy-to-use operating system install manager for Raspberry Pi. The simplest way to get NOOBS is to buy an SD card with NOOBS pre-installed - Raspberry Pi 16GB Preloaded (NOOBS) Micro SD Card. Alternatively, you can download and install it on your SD card.
- A USB Keyboard & Mouse, and an external HDMI Monitor - we also recommend having a USB keyboard and mouse as well as an HDMI monitor handy if you're unable to remote(SSH)into your Pi.
- Internet connection (Ethernet or WiFi)
- (Optional) WiFi Wireless Adapter for Pi 2 (Buy on Element14). Note: Pi 3 has built-in WiFi.
For extra credit, enable remote(SSH) into your device, eliminating the need for a monitor, keyboard, and mouse - and learn how to tail logs for troubleshooting.
Let's get started
We will be using MATRIX Open System (MOS), to easily program the Raspberry Pi and MATRIX Creator in Javascript. The Discord bot will be made using the discord.js module.
Step 1: Setting up MOS
Download and configure MOS and its CLI tool for your computer using the following installation guide in the MATRIX Docs: Installation Guide.
Step 2: Installing Raspberry Pi Dependencies
In order to use the MATRIX Creator’s mics and stream audio to Discord, the following dependencies must be installed to your Pi for these functionalities.
- Discord Audio Streaming
sudo apt-get install libav-tools
- MATRIX Creator Mics
sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils
Step 3: Creating Your Discord Bot
- Create An App
- Record Client ID & Create A Bot User
- Save Bot Token
- Invite The Bot To Your Server
- Replace the section with XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in the link below with your Client ID.
Step 4: Creating Your MOS App
To create your own MATRIX Creator Discord app on your local computer, use the command "matrix create Discord-Bot". You will then be directed to enter a description and keywords for your app. A new folder will be created for the app, along with five files inside. The one you will be editing is the app.js file. From here, you can clone the MATRIX-Discord-Bot GitHub repository with the code or follow the guide below for an overview of the code.
Step 5: Dependencies & Global Vars
The bot variable is a discord.js client object which allows us to read and respond with the Discord API. To login, the bot will require your Discord app’s bot token. Mic is then defined to grab microphone input from the MATRIX Creator. This will be used to stream that input into a Discord voice channel. To keep track of what voice channels the bot joins, currentVoiceChannel is defined to later hold that information.
var Discord = require('discord.js');//
var bot = new Discord.Client();//Discord Bot Object
var token = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE';//Discord Bot Token
var mic = require('mic');//Stream wrapper for arecord
var currentVoiceChannel;//bot's current voice channel
Step 6: Creating Discord Commands
To organize commands, each command you make will need to be assigned to a command group. These groups will hold the commands you want in their list array. The addGroupCommand function is where you make and assign a command to a group. For example, a hello command assigned to the 'matrix' group is now able to be used by typing '/matrix hello' in the Discord chat. A callback you define will run once the command is called.
// Discord Commands
var commandGroups = {
'matrix': {command: '/matrix', list:[]},//matrix commands
'basic' : {command: '/basic', list:[]}//basic chat commands
//Command Creator
function addGroupCommand(group, commandName, description, command) {
//add command to command group
commandName : commandName,//name
description: description,//desc
command: command//function to run
Step 7: Running A Command
The commandSearch function will use the inserted command group and Discord Message to see if any commands in that group were called. If found, the command will run. If not, the user is sent a message with all group commands. The function will return false for the latter.
//Look For & Use Command In Command Group
function commandSearch(group, message){
var userArgs = message.content.split(' ');//Convert User Arguments Into An Array
var commandFound = false;//bool on sending help menu
var commandHelp = commandGroups[group].command+' Commands:\n';//will hold the command group's commands
//check if command group was called
if (userArgs[0] === commandGroups[group].command) {
//Search For Command In Group
for(i = 0; i < commandGroups[group].list.length; i++){
//save command and description to help string
commandHelp += '\n' + commandGroups[group].list[i].commandName +' - '+ commandGroups[group].list[i].description;
//If command is found
if( userArgs[1] === commandGroups[group].list[i].commandName){
//Use command
commandGroups[group].list[i].command(userArgs, message);
//Update commandFound
commandFound = true;
//If Command Not Found
message.reply('```'+commandHelp+'```');//reply with command list
//command group was found
return true;
//command group was not called
return false;
Step 8: MATRIX Led Command
To change the MATRIX Creator’s LEDs, the function looks for an input after ‘/matrix led’. The input (LED color) is then inserted into the matrix.led command. A proper usage reply will be sent to the user if they don’t have a parameter in their message.
// MATRIX Command Group
// - Change MATRIX LEDs
addGroupCommand('matrix', 'led', 'Change Color of MATRIX LEDs', function(userArgs, message){
//Look For Color Input
if (userArgs.length === 3){
message.reply('```Using: matrix.led(\'' +userArgs[2]+ '\').render()```');
matrix.led(userArgs[2]).render();//change colors
//Command Had No/Bad Input
//reply command usage
message.reply('```\nCommand Usage:\n\t'+
'/matrix led purple'+' //color name\n\t'+
'/matrix led rgb(255,0,255)'+'//rgb values\n\t'+
'/matrix led #800080'+' //css color'+
Step 9: MATRIX Join Command
The join command is used to stream the MATRIX Creator microphones into a voice channel. The command requires no parameters and will auto join the user’s current channel, the channel is saved in the currentVoiceChannel variable. The audio will have about a 6-second delay during the initial audio stream, but it will shorten as time passes.
// - Listen To MATRIX Mics
addGroupCommand('matrix', 'join', 'MATRIX Joins Your Voice Channel', function(userArgs, message){
//continue if no args are present
if(userArgs.length === 2){
message.reply('Joining Voice Channel');
//User Must Be In Voice Channel
if (message.member.voiceChannel) {
//just move if in voice channel
if(currentVoiceChannel !== undefined){
message.member.voiceChannel.join();//join voice channel
currentVoiceChannel = message.member.voiceChannel;//save joined channel id
//join and reinitialize mics
//join voice channel
message.member.voiceChannel.join().then(connection => {
//save joined channel id
currentVoiceChannel = message.member.voiceChannel;
//npm mic config
var micInstance = mic({
rate: 16000,
channels: '1',
debug: false,
exitOnSilence: 0,
device : 'mic_channel8'
micInputStream = micInstance.getAudioStream();//mic audio stream
//when mics are ready
micInputStream.on('startComplete', function(){
var dispatcher;//will serve audio
dispatcher = connection.playArbitraryInput(micInputStream);//stream mics to Discord
console.log('mics ready');
//start mics
//User Is Not In Voice Channel
message.reply('You need to join a Voice channel first!');
//Tell user to use no args
message.reply('```"/matrix join" has no parameters```');
Step 10: MATRIX Leave Command
This command will tell the bot to leave the channel saved in currentVoiceChannel. There’s also another command, at the bottom, for getting the link to the MATRIX documentation.
// - MATRIX Leaves Voice Channel
addGroupCommand('matrix', 'leave', 'MATRIX Leaves Current Voice Channel', function(userArgs, message){
//continue if no args are present
if(userArgs.length === 2){
//leave current voice channel
if(currentVoiceChannel !== undefined){
message.reply('Leaving Voice Channel');
//remove saved voice channel id
currentVoiceChannel = undefined;
message.reply('Currently not in a voice channel!');
//Tell user to use no args
message.reply('```"/matrix leave" has no parameters```');
// - MATRIX Documentation Link
addGroupCommand('matrix', 'docs', 'Link To MATRIX Documentation', function(userArgs, message){
Step 11: Basic Ping Command
This is a simple ping command to show you how easy it is to create and organize new commands. The command itself will simply reply ‘pong’ to any user that types ‘/basic ping’
// BASIC Command Group
// - A Simple Ping
addGroupCommand('basic', 'ping', 'Reply To User Ping', function(userArgs, message){
Step 12: Discord Message Event
This message event is fired whenever a message, that the bot can read, appears. Private messages the bot receives are set to be ignored. Any other message will be used in a for loop that runs the commandSearch function. This loop will compare the message sent with each existing command group, running the command that matches.
// Discord Events
//On Discord Message
bot.on('message', function(message){
//Accept Text Channel & User Messages Only
if (!message.guild && !=={
message.reply('You need to join a Text channel first!');
//Check If User Message
if ( !=={
//Loop through commandGroup groups
for (var group in commandGroups) {
//Search for and run command
if (commandGroups.hasOwnProperty(group) && commandSearch(group, message))
break;//leave loop
Step 13: Logging In
The previously defined token is used for allowing the newly made Discord bot to login.
//On Discord Bot Login
bot.on('ready', function(){
//Start Discord Bot
Step 14: package.json
Before deploying to your MATRIX Creator, update your package.json file to have these dependencies. MOS will auto install everything when it installs your app.
"name": "discord-bot",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"discord.js": "^11.2.1",
"mic": "^2.1.2",
"node-opus": "^0.2.7"
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