Homepoint is a screen-based interface for MQTT-connected smart home devices that runs on the cheaply available ESP32 chipset. This project requires a MQTT-Broker to be running in your smart home.
Features- See and trigger scenes (groups of devices) on the front screen.
- Trigger individual devices by diving into scenes (long press).
- See partially activated scenes by visual indicator.
- Precompiled Binaries: No need to compile it yourself / easy to flash.
- Remotely configurable through a web-interface.
- Over The Air Updates to update to newest firmware.
- Support for temperature, humidity and air quality sensors.
- Supports both touchscreen or button based navigation.
- Screen updates automatically when devices are triggered from elsewhere.
- Easy configuration through a JSON file.
- Screensaver saves power by switching off screen after 10 minutes.
- Statusbar shows connectivity for WiFi and MQTT as well as time.
- Automate HomeKit accessories with switches (requires Home App automation settings)
Homepoint works with any ESP32 device and touchscreen supported by TFT_eSPI, which are:ILI9341, ILI9163, ST7735, S6D02A1, ILI9481, ILI9486, ILI9488, HX8357D and ST7789 based TFT displays that support SPI.
It has been tested with
1 project • 10 followers
Software Engineer gone product manager during the day.
I still like to write code on the side.
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