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Mattias Blinge
Created July 31, 2018

Tracking the missing salmons using Sigfox IoT solution

Design and construction of a device able to transmit data packages over Sigfox-LPWAN received from an RS485 tracking unit.

Tracking the missing salmons using Sigfox IoT solution

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
SIGFOX Breakout board BRKWS01
RS-485 Converter Module - MAX485


Read more


Fritzing schematic of the circuit


Program intergrated on the arduino

//Author: Mattias Blinge
//Date: April 2018

/*-----( Import needed libraries )-----*/
#include <AltSoftSerial.h>         
// Library which enables transmission and receiving through pin 8 and 9
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>        
// Library which enables transmission and receiving through pin 10 and 11
/*-----( Declare Constants and Pin Numbers )-----*/
#define SSerialRX        10        
//Serial Receive pin TO RS485
#define SSerialTX        11        
//Serial Transmit pin TO RS485
#define SigfoxRX         8         
//Send message via Sigfox
#define SigfoxTX         9         
//Send message via Sigfox

#define SSerialTxControl 12        
//RS485 Direction control
#define RS485Transmit    HIGH
#define RS485Receive     LOW
#define NORMAL_DELAY 500           
// In milliseconds
#define SEND_INTERVAL 600000       
// Defining 10 minutes in milliseconds
#define ComputerSerial Serial

AltSoftSerial altSerial;                                
// Set up the serial port connected to the Sigfox Modem

SoftwareSerial RS485Serial(SSerialRX, SSerialTX);       
// Set up the serial port connected to TBR

/*-----( Declare Global Variables )-----*/

String sendtoTBR;
int FishInt;
unsigned long lastSendTime;

/*---------------------(Initiating  Startup Code)-------------------------- */

void setup() {
  // Defining baud rate from Arduino to Sigfox Modem
  // Defining baud rate to computer
  pinMode(SSerialTxControl, OUTPUT);              
  // Defining

  digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, RS485Receive);   
  // Initiate Transceiver
  // Making sure TBR is in listening mode
  // Testing that communication with computer is established
  // Test for coverage at start up
  lastSendTime = millis();                        
  // Reference time for While-loop

/*------------------(Loop process)---------------------*/

void loop() {

/*-----( Declare Local Variables )-----*/
  int numTempInt;
  String numTemp;
  String data_received;
  String SigFoxmess;
  int IDarray0;
  int IDarray1;
  int IDarray2;
  int IDarray3;

  while ((millis() - lastSendTime) < SEND_INTERVAL) {            
  // Run program inside the loop for 10 min

    if (RS485Serial.available() > 0)                             
    // If data is received from the TBR proceed with the processing of the data
      data_received = RS485Serial.readStringUntil('\n');         
      // Data is placed in a string
      String SensorCheck = getValue(data_received, ',', 6);
      if (SensorCheck == "69") {                                 
      // Find out whether the data is a "Tag detection" och "Sensory data"
        numTemp = getValue(data_received, ',', 3);               
        // Place the temperature value in String
        numTempInt = numTemp.toInt();                            
        // Convert numTemp from "string" to Integer.

      else {                                                     
      // If the data received is a "tag detection"
        String IDtag1 = getValue(data_received, ',', 4);
        IDarray3 = IDarray2;
        IDarray2 = IDarray1;
        IDarray1 = IDarray0;
        IDarray0 = IDtag1.toInt();                               
        // Convert IDtag1 from "string" to Integer

      // Enter "getNumFishes" to fetch total number of tag detections from TBR
      /*--------------(For testing purposes)----------------*/

      // Display Temperature on terminal as int
      //SigFoxmess = FishInt + numTempInt + IDarray[0]+ 
      IDarray[1] + IDarray[2] + IDarray[3];

      //-----------(Making Sure StringFish is 16 bit)-------------
      String StringFish =  String(FishInt,  HEX);        
      // Convert value to Hexadecimal

      while (StringFish.length() < 4) {                  
      // Add "0"s from the left until length equal to 4.
        StringFish = 0 + StringFish;

      //-----------(Making Sure StringTemp is 16 bit)-------------

      String StringTemp = String(numTempInt, HEX);      
      // Convert value to Hexadecimal

      while (StringTemp.length() < 4) {                 
      // Add "0"s from the left until length equal to 4.
        StringTemp = 0 + StringTemp;

      //-----------(Making Sure StringIDtag0 is 16 bit)-------------

      String StringIDtag0 = String(IDarray0, HEX);      
      // Convert value to Hexadecimal

      while (StringIDtag0.length() < 4) {               
      // Add "0"s from the left until length equal to 4.
        StringIDtag0 = 0 + StringIDtag0;

      //-----------(Making Sure StringIStag1 is 16 bit)-------------

      String StringIDtag1 = String(IDarray1, HEX);      
      // Convert value to Hexadecimal

      while (StringIDtag1.length() < 4) {               
      // Add "0"s from the left until length equal to 4.
        StringIDtag1 = 0 + StringIDtag1;

      //-----------(Making Sure StringIStag2 is 16 bit)-------------

      String StringIDtag2 = String(IDarray2, HEX);      
      // Convert value to Hexadecimal

      while (StringIDtag2.length() < 4) {               
      // Add "0"s from the left until length equal to 4.
        StringIDtag2 = 0 + StringIDtag2;

      //-----------(Making Sure StringIStag3 is 16 bit)-------------

      String StringIDtag3 = String(IDarray3, HEX);      
      // Convert value to Hexadecimal

      while (StringIDtag3.length() < 4) {               
      // Add "0"s from the left until length equal to 4.
        StringIDtag3 = 0 + StringIDtag3;

      //-----------(Concatinating the Sigfox message)-----------

      SigFoxmess = String("AT\$SF=" + StringFish + StringTemp + StringIDtag0 + 
      StringIDtag1 +  StringIDtag2 + StringIDtag3);

      /*----------(For Testing Purposes)---------------*/
      //Print Hex value of number of Fish passed
      //Print Hex value of last temperature read
      //Print Hex value of last Fish tag scanned
      //Print Hex value of 2:nd last Fish tag scanned
      //Print Hex value of 3:rd last Fish tag scanned
      //Print Hex value of 4:th last Fish tag scanned
      // Print whole message

  // Send message from Arduino to Sigfox modem.
  lastSendTime = millis();

//---------------FÅ FISKSTRÄNG-------------------
String getNumFishes() {                           
// Fetches the amount of tag detections made by the TBR
  // Place TBR in listening mode
  // Send "TD?" to TBR
  String response = rs485Read(500);               
  // Read the from TBR for 500ms
  // Exit TBR listening mode
  String numFishes = getValue(response, '=', 1);  
  // Process data received in "getValue" to fetch number of tag detections.
  FishInt = numFishes.toInt();                    
  // Convert numFishes from "string" to Integer.
  // Prints amount of tag detections made on computer monitor
  return numFishes;


  //---------------Get TEMPERATUR-----(Not used)------------
  String getNumTemp() {
  String response = rs485Read(1000);
  String numTemp = getValue(response, ',', 6);
  return numTemp;

//----------------------STRING SEPARATION------------------------

String getValue(String data, char separator, int index)                   
// Splitting a string into pieces based on separation character 
// and returns the item inbetween.
  int found = 0;
  int strIndex[] = { 0, -1 };                                             
  // Contains the location of the beginning and end of the desired string
  int maxIndex = data.length() - 1;                                       
  // Define the length of the string

  for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex && found <= index; i++) {                 
  // If the end of the data string is not reached and the
  // index separator is not found, proceed
    if (data.charAt(i) == separator || i == maxIndex) {                   
    // If the character at position i is equal to separator character
      // Increment "found"
      strIndex[0] = strIndex[1] + 1;
      strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i + 1 : i;
  return found > index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : "";   
  // Returns the data between strIndex[0] and strIndex[1]

//---------------TBR COMMANDS-------------------------

void exitTBR() {
  // Command to exit Listening mode of the TBR
  // Flush the "EX!" response

void sendTBR() {                                  
// Placing TBR in listening mode
  digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, HIGH);           
  // Setting TX pin to "1"
  // Transmitting the sequence "TBR" to the TBR places it in listening mode
  // For the TBR to interpret the sequence delays
  // must be placed between the letters.
  digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, LOW);

void rs485Send(String sendtoTBR) {                
// Sub function of which writes transmitted data to the TBR
  digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, RS485Transmit);  
  // Place MAXRS485 in transmit mode
  // Transmit "s" to TBR
  // Wait until the all has been printed before proceeding
  digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, RS485Receive);   
  // Place MAXRS485 in receiving mode

//------------------READ FROM SERALPORT---------------------------------------

String rs485Read(unsigned long timeOutMS) {
  // Wait before proceeding
  digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, RS485Receive);             
  // Enableing receiving mode from TBR
  String readTBR = RS485Serial.readStringUntil('\n');       
  // Place data form TBR in "s"
  // Deletes white-spaces from the beginning and end of the string
  if (sendtoTBR.length() == 0) return "";                   
  // If nothing is read, return nothing.
  return readTBR;

//  --------------------------------------------------------------


Mattias Blinge
1 project • 1 follower
