Michael LeMay

HTTP-controlled MIDI Alert Bell Connected Via Ethernet

Generate a configurable alert bell by sending an HTTP GET request to an Ethernet-connected Arduino board with a MIDI synthesizer shield.

IntermediateProtip3 hours1,229
HTTP-controlled MIDI Alert Bell Connected Via Ethernet

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Modern Device Fluxamasynth Shield v.3
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
I actually just used a generic 5% carbon film resistor.
Insignia flat panel speakers
microSD card

Software apps and online services

Contiki OS
Maker service
IFTTT Maker service


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Contiki OS with HTTP-controlled synthesizer app for Galileo

This repository contains the code for Contiki OS and the application for accepting HTTP GET requests and sending commands to the MIDI synthesizer. See examples/http-synth in the galileo-http-synth branch.


Michael LeMay
3 projects • 2 followers
Research Scientist at Intel Labs


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