In this project, we are going to combine the Amazon Echo (Alexa) with Spark Core to control a Toaster overvoice. Alexa listen to the user command after Alexa find the command and recognized it send a query to Spark Core to turn on/off a toaster. The command can have time specific. Here is some sample utterances:
Alexa ask myToaster to turn on
Alexa ask myToaster to toast the bread for 5 seconds
Alexa ask myToaster to turn off
The easiest way to build the cloud-based service for an Alexa skill is by using AWS Lambda, an Amazon Web Services offering that runs your code only when it’s needed and scales automatically, so there is no need to provision or continuously run servers. You simply upload the code for your Alexa skill and Lambda does the rest, executing it in response to Alexa voice interactions and automatically managing the compute resources for you.
In this project we used NodeJS to write the AWS Lambda function.
This project is a simple use case for combining the Alexa and Spark Core. With this awesome combination you can control overvoice almost anything in your house by using Alexa. We hope you got inspired with this project and start building a cool IoT devices in your home.
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