This project was conducted to handle a home via internet with an application of Windows 10, I don´t have a windows smartphone and I only develop the application shown from the computer, in the video.
In the video shown, the devices connected to the Arduino MKR1000, such as: temperature sensor, gas sensor, motion sensor, focus and fan.
The tests done in the video, as seen on the computer is the application made in Windows 10 and WebServer generated with the Arduino code, first the motion sensor is activated and shows the activity to 1, then simulates a gas leak which causes the gas sensor is set to 1 in both the application and the WebServer, then rises temperature on the sensor LM35 to see that it works properly. Finally turn on and turn off some appliances like a light bulb and a fan through the application of Windows 10
The devices are connected as follows:
* Arduino MKR1000
* Pir Motion Sensor (Hc-sr501) attached to pin 1
* A relay to control light attached to pin 6
* A relay to control fan attached to pin 7
* A relay to control a coffe maker attached to pin 8
* MQ2 gas sensor attached to pin A0
* LM35 temperature sensor attached to pin A1
The code used is in the github repository mentioned, here you find the application that is running on the computer and also the code used to MKR1000, you can make your own modifications and also attach your own appliances.
In the Arduino code you should use your own SSID and password to access the Internet.