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Michael Cartwright
Published © MIT

6502 console interface using Arduino Uno to run WozMon

Failing to get your 65C51 to work? Use an Uno to simulate a serial peripheral interface port and get WozMon running.

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6502 console interface using Arduino Uno to run WozMon

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Minimalist Serial Interface

Assembly x86
This is the minimum code required to initialize and use the serial interface. It echos keys back to the console.
; UNO emulator

  .org $8000

  sei              ; disable interrupts
  cld              ; clear decimal arithmetic mode.
  ldx #$ff         ; reset stack pointer
  sta UNOSTATUS    ; soft reset (value not important) 
  cli              ; enable interrupts

  lda #"O"
  lda #"K"
  lda #$0A       ; new line
  and #$80
  beq loopKey   ; loop if no key available
  ldx UNODATA   ; get key from console

  and #$40       
  bne bufferFull ; loop if write buffer full
  stx UNODATA    ; send character to console
  bra loopKey


  .org $fffa
  .word nmi
  .word start
  .word irq

WozMon modified for Uno interface

Assembly x86
Wozniak's original monitor for the Apple 1 with my modifications to make it work via the Uno serial interface emulator.
;  The WOZ Monitor for the Apple 1
;  Written by Steve Wozniak in 1976

; Sample program:
; A9 20 AA 20 ED FF E8 8A C9 7F D0 F6 4C 00 FF

; Page 0 Variables

XAML            = $24           ;  Last "opened" location Low
XAMH            = $25           ;  Last "opened" location High
STL             = $26           ;  Store address Low
STH             = $27           ;  Store address High
L               = $28           ;  Hex value parsing Low
H               = $29           ;  Hex value parsing High
YSAV            = $2A           ;  Used to see if hex value is given
MODE            = $2B           ;  $00=XAM, $7F=STOR, $AE=BLOCK XAM

; Other Variables

IN              = $0200         ;  Input buffer to $027F
;KBD             = $D010         ;  PIA.A keyboard input
;KBDCR           = $D011         ;  PIA.A keyboard control register
;DSP             = $D012         ;  PIA.B display output register
;DSPCR           = $D013         ;  PIA.B display control register

UNODATA    = $EC                 ; UNO emulator data
UNOSTATUS  = $ED                 ; UNO emulator status

               .org $8000
                LDA #$20
                JSR ECHO
                CMP #$7F
                BNE loop
                JMP $FF00
               .org $FF00

RESET:          CLD             ; Clear decimal arithmetic mode.
                STA UNOSTATUS   ; soft reset (value not important) 
                LDY #$7F        ; Mask for DSP data direction register.
                ;STY DSP         ; Set it up.
                ;LDA #$A7        ; KBD and DSP control register mask.
                ;STA KBDCR       ; Enable interrupts, set CA1, CB1, for
                ;STA DSPCR       ; positive edge sense/output mode.
                LDA  #$1B
NOTCR:          CMP #$08        ; Backspace key?
                BEQ BACKSPACE   ; Yes.
                CMP #$1B        ; ESC?
                BEQ ESCAPE      ; Yes.
                INY             ; Advance text index.
                BPL NEXTCHAR    ; Auto ESC if > 127.
ESCAPE:         LDA #$5C        ; "\".
                JSR ECHO        ; Output it.
GETLINE:        LDA #$0D        ; CR.
                JSR ECHO        ; Output it.
                LDY #$01        ; Initialize text index.
BACKSPACE:      DEY             ; Back up text index.
                BMI GETLINE     ; Beyond start of line, reinitialize.
;NEXTCHAR:      LDA KBDCR       ; Key ready?
;               BPL NEXTCHAR    ; Loop until ready.
;               LDA KBD         ; Load character. B7 should be 1.

                AND #$80
                BEQ NEXTCHAR    ; loop if no key available
                LDA UNODATA

                STA IN,Y        ; Add to text buffer.
                CMP #$1B        ; don't echo the $1B
                BEQ NOTCR
                JSR ECHO        ; Display character.
                CMP #$0D        ; CR?
                BNE NOTCR       ; No.
                LDY #$FF        ; Reset text index.
                LDA #$00        ; For XAM mode.
                TAX             ; 0->X.
                ASL             ; Leaves $7B if setting STOR mode.
                STA MODE        ; $00=XAM $74=STOR $B8=BLOK XAM
                INY             ; Advance text index.
                LDA IN,Y        ; Get character.
                CMP #$0D        ; CR?
                BEQ GETLINE     ; Yes, done this line.
                CMP #'.'        ; "."?
                BCC BLSKIP      ; Skip delimiter.
                BEQ SETBLOCK    ; Set BLOCK XAM mode
                CMP #':'        ; ":"?
                BEQ SETSTOR     ; Yes. Set STOR mode.
                CMP #'R'        ; "R"?
                BEQ RUN         ; Yes. Run user program.
                STX L           ; $00-> L.
                STX H           ; and H.
                STY YSAV        ; Save Y for comparison.
NEXTHEX:        LDA IN,Y        ; Get character for hex test.
                EOR #$30        ; Map digits to $0-9.
                CMP #$0A        ; Digit?
                BCC DIG         ; Yes.
                ADC #$88        ; Map letter "A"-"F" to $FA-FF.
                CMP #$FA        ; Hex letter?
                BCC NOTHEX      ; No, character not hex.
DIG:            ASL
                ASL             ; Hex digit to MSD of A.
                LDX #$04        ; Shift count.
HEXSHIFT:       ASL             ; Hex digit left, MSB to carry.
                ROL L           ; Rotate into LSD.
                ROL H           ;  Rotate into MSDs.
                DEX             ; Done 4 shifts?
                BNE HEXSHIFT    ; No, loop.
                INY             ; Advance text index.
                BNE NEXTHEX     ; Always taken. Check next char for hex.
NOTHEX:         CPY YSAV        ; Check if L, H empty (no hex digits).
                BEQ ESCAPE      ; Yes, generate ESC sequence.
                BIT MODE        ; Test MODE byte.
                BVC NOTSTOR     ;  B6=0 STOR 1 for XAM & BLOCK XAM
                LDA L           ; LSDs of hex data.
                STA (STL,X)     ; Store at current store index.
                INC STL         ; Increment store index.
                BNE NEXTITEM    ; Get next item. (no carry).
                INC STH         ; Add carry to store index high order.
TONEXTITEM:     JMP NEXTITEM    ; Get next command item.
RUN:            JMP (XAML)      ; Run at current XAM index.
NOTSTOR:        BMI XAMNEXT     ; B7=0 for XAM, 1 for BLOCK XAM.
                LDX #$02        ; Byte count.
SETADR:         LDA L-1,X       ; Copy hex data to
                STA STL-1,X     ; store index.
                STA XAML-1,X    ; And to XAM index.
                DEX             ; Next of 2 bytes.
                BNE SETADR      ; Loop unless X=0.
NXTPRNT:        BNE PRDATA      ; NE means no address to print.
                LDA #$0D        ; CR.
                JSR ECHO        ; Output it.
                LDA XAMH        ; Examine index high-order byte.
                JSR PRBYTE      ; Output it in hex format.
                LDA XAML        ; Low-order examine index byte.
                JSR PRBYTE      ; Output it in hex format.
                LDA #':'        ; ":".
                JSR ECHO        ; Output it.
PRDATA:         LDA #' '        ; Blank.
                JSR ECHO        ; Output it.
                LDA (XAML,X)    ; Get data byte at examine index.
                JSR PRBYTE      ; Output it in hex format.
XAMNEXT:        STX MODE        ; 0->MODE (XAM mode).
                LDA XAML
                CMP L           ; Compare examine index to hex data.
                LDA XAMH
                SBC H
                BCS TONEXTITEM  ; Not less, so no more data to output.
                INC XAML
                BNE MOD8CHK     ; Increment examine index.
                INC XAMH
MOD8CHK:        LDA XAML        ; Check low-order examine index byte
                AND #$07        ; For MOD 8=0
                BPL NXTPRNT     ; Always taken.
PRBYTE:         PHA             ; Save A for LSD.
                LSR             ; MSD to LSD position.
                JSR PRHEX       ; Output hex digit.
                PLA             ; Restore A.
PRHEX:          AND #$0F        ; Mask LSD for hex print.
                ORA #$30        ; Add "0".
                CMP #$3A        ; Digit?
                BCC ECHO        ; Yes, output it.
                ADC #$06        ; Add offset for letter.

;ECHO:          BIT DSP         ; bit (B7) cleared yet?
;               BMI ECHO        ; No, wait for display.
;               STA DSP         ; Output character. Sets DA.

                AND #$40       
                BNE READY ; loop if write buffer full

                STA UNODATA

                RTS             ; Return.

                ;BRK             ; unused
                ;BRK             ; unused

                .org $FFFA
; Interrupt Vectors

                .WORD $0F00     ; NMI
                .WORD RESET     ; RESET
                .WORD $0000     ; BRK/IRQ

Ardunio serial emulator for 65C02

Running at a slow clock of 1kHz we can get a 65C02 to see the Ardunio Uno as an ACIA style serial peripheral interface chip.
#define D0     3
#define D1     4
#define D2     5
#define D3     6
#define D4     7
#define D5     8
#define D6     9
#define D7    10

#define A0    11
#define CS    12
#define RW    13
#define CLK   2

unsigned char circularKeyBuffer[256];
unsigned char readKeyPointer;
unsigned char writeKeyPointer;

unsigned char circularDisplayBuffer[256];
unsigned char readDisplayPointer;
unsigned char writeDisplayPointer;

boolean waitingForReset = true;

void setup() 
  waitingForReset = true;
  pinMode(A0,  INPUT);
  pinMode(CS,  INPUT);
  pinMode(RW,  INPUT);
  pinMode(CLK, INPUT);

  pinMode(D0, INPUT);
  pinMode(D1, INPUT);
  pinMode(D2, INPUT);
  pinMode(D3, INPUT);
  pinMode(D4, INPUT);
  pinMode(D5, INPUT);
  pinMode(D6, INPUT);
  pinMode(D7, INPUT);


  readKeyPointer = 0;
  writeKeyPointer = 0;

  readDisplayPointer = 0;
  writeDisplayPointer = 0;

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(CLK), onClock, FALLING);
  Serial.println("Uno Ready.");

unsigned char readData()
  unsigned char data = 0;
  data |= ((digitalRead(D0) == HIGH) ? 0x01 : 0x00);
  data |= ((digitalRead(D1) == HIGH) ? 0x02 : 0x00);
  data |= ((digitalRead(D2) == HIGH) ? 0x04 : 0x00);
  data |= ((digitalRead(D3) == HIGH) ? 0x08 : 0x00);
  data |= ((digitalRead(D4) == HIGH) ? 0x10 : 0x00);
  data |= ((digitalRead(D5) == HIGH) ? 0x20 : 0x00);
  data |= ((digitalRead(D6) == HIGH) ? 0x40 : 0x00);
  data |= ((digitalRead(D7) == HIGH) ? 0x80 : 0x00);
  return data;

void writeData(unsigned char data)
  // switch data pins to output mode
  pinMode(D0, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D6, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(D0, (data & 0x01) ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(D1, (data & 0x02) ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(D2, (data & 0x04) ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(D3, (data & 0x08) ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(D4, (data & 0x10) ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(D5, (data & 0x20) ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(D6, (data & 0x40) ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(D7, (data & 0x80) ? HIGH : LOW);
  // we were writing so we need to not leave the pins in output mode beyond this cycle
  bool ioSelected;
    ioSelected = !digitalRead(CS);
  while (ioSelected);

  // switch data pins to back to input mode
  pinMode(D0, INPUT);
  pinMode(D1, INPUT);
  pinMode(D2, INPUT);
  pinMode(D3, INPUT);
  pinMode(D4, INPUT);
  pinMode(D5, INPUT);
  pinMode(D6, INPUT);
  pinMode(D7, INPUT);

#define WRITEDATADELAY 750 // 750 / 1000us clock cycle at 1kHz puts us firmly in the middle of the 2nd part of the clock cycle for 'WRITE DATA'

void onClock()
  bool ioSelected = !digitalRead(CS);
  if (ioSelected)
    bool          rwState = digitalRead(RW);
    unsigned char rs0     = digitalRead(A0) ? 1 : 0;
    unsigned char data    = 0;
    if (rs0 == 0) // data register
      if (!waitingForReset)
        if (rwState)
          if (readKeyPointer == writeKeyPointer)
            data = 0; // don't fail on empty buffer
            // 6502 is reading key data
            data = circularKeyBuffer[readKeyPointer];

          // 6502 is writing display data
          data = readData();
          circularDisplayBuffer[writeDisplayPointer] = data;
    else // status register (rs0 == 1)
      if (rwState)
        // 6502 is reading status register
        if (!waitingForReset)
          // D7 set means there is a key available to be read
          data = (readKeyPointer != writeKeyPointer) ? 0x80 : 0x00;

          // D6 set means the display buffer is full
          unsigned char writeSlot = writeDisplayPointer+1;
          data |= (writeSlot == readDisplayPointer) ? 0x40 : 0x00;

        // 6502 is writing status register (soft reset)
        readKeyPointer = 0;
        writeKeyPointer = 0;
        readDisplayPointer = 0;
        writeDisplayPointer = 0;
        waitingForReset = false;
  } // ioSelected

void loop() 
  if (Serial.available() > 0)
    unsigned char writeSlot = writeKeyPointer+1;
    if (writeSlot == readKeyPointer)
      Serial.println("Console key buffer overflow!");
      unsigned char keyCharacter = Serial.read();
      circularKeyBuffer[writeKeyPointer] = keyCharacter;
  if (readDisplayPointer != writeDisplayPointer)
    unsigned char displayCharacter = circularDisplayBuffer[readDisplayPointer];


Michael Cartwright
21 projects • 16 followers


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