Published © Apache-2.0

Metric Clock

Keep time in decidays, centidays, millidays, 100-microdays..

IntermediateWork in progress202
Metric Clock

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC breakout
Adafruit white-on-blue 16x2 LCD with potentiometer, header
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Adafruit 40 jumper wires, M/M

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Breadboard, Plain
Breadboard, Plain


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Source code
 *  Metric Clock: Keep track of the elapsed 100-microday units since midnight, and display both
 *  that four-digit (metric) time and the hh:mm time.
 *  Uses a DS3231 RTC for accurate time measurement and a NEO6M GPS to set the clock.

#include <DS3231.h>           // DS3231 RTC
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>    // LCD display
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>   // How we talk to the NEO6M GPS receiver
#include <TinyGPS++.h>        // NEO6M GPS receiver

// Arduino digital pins for the LCD display
#define RS 12
#define EN 11
#define D4 4
#define D5 5
#define D6 6
#define D7 7
LiquidCrystal lcd(RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7);

// Arduino digital pins for the NEO6M GPS receiver. "Transmit" and "receive" are from the point of
// view of the component. The Arduino transmits to the GPS' receiver, and vice versa.
#define NEO6M_RX    10
#define NEO6M_TX    9
#define NEO6M_BAUD  9600
SoftwareSerial ss(NEO6M_RX, NEO6M_TX);
TinyGPSPlus gps;

// should be settable by some config interface, but for now: California, summertime!
#define MY_UTC_OFFSET -7

DS3231 myRTC;

// We count ticks in an interrupt handler with 1.024kHz frequency from the RTC.
// Volatile variables are modified in the interrupt handler.
volatile uint16_t uday_ticks, min_ticks, half_sec_ticks;
volatile bool five_microdays_elapsed, half_sec_elapsed, min_elapsed;
uint16_t count_five_microdays_elapsed, count_half_secs_elapsed;

// Arduino interrupts are hardwired to pins 2 (INT0) and 3 (INT1). RTC low INTR pin wired to 2.
// You need a 10k omh pull-up resistor on that pin for the low interrupt to work.
#define RTC_SQW_PIN 2

 *  This interrupt handler is called every 1.024 msec. It counts ticks and manages some boolean
 *  variables to tell the loop hander when five microdays, half a second or a full minute have
 *  passed.
void myRTCIntrHdlr()
  // Five microdays is 432 msec. At 1.024kHz that's 442 ticks.
  if (++uday_ticks == 442)
    uday_ticks = 0;
    five_microdays_elapsed = true;
  // half a second is 512 ticks
  if (++half_sec_ticks == 512)
    half_sec_ticks = 0;
    half_sec_elapsed = true;

  // a minute is 1024*60 ticks at 1.024kHz
  if (++min_ticks == 61440)
    min_ticks = 0;
    min_elapsed = true;

 * showtime() -- show the current date and time, metric and traditional, on the LCD display.
void showtime() {
  DateTime rightNow;
  float secs_since_midnight; // 86,400 is too many for the 16-bit int types on the Arduino Uno
  unsigned int udays_hundred_since_midnight;
  uint16_t hud, md, cd, dd; // hundred-microday units, millidays, centidays, decidays
  uint16_t hours_ten, hours_one, minutes_ten, minutes_one;
  int year, month, day;
  // Read the real-time clock -- accurate to 2ppm
  rightNow = RTClib::now();

  // first line of the display gets the current date
  year = rightNow.year();
  month = rightNow.month();
  day = rightNow.day();
  lcd.print(month / 10);
  lcd.print(month % 10);
  lcd.print(day / 10);
  lcd.print(day % 10);

  // We want to convert the current HH:MM:SS to the number of 100-microday intervals since midnight.
  // A hundred microdays is 8.64 seconds. We turn current time into seconds since midnight, then
  // convert that to 100-microday count, then bust that up for display so that we get leading zeroes
  // our our output. We do the "seconds" calculation in floats because otherwise we overflow the
  // sixteen-bit integer types on the Arduino Uno. The number of 100-microday units in a day is
  // 10,000, and that fits comfortably in the unsigned integer we use after dividing by 8.64.

  secs_since_midnight = (rightNow.hour() * 3600.0) + (rightNow.minute() * 60.0)
                        + (float) rightNow.second();
  udays_hundred_since_midnight = (unsigned int) (secs_since_midnight / 8.64);
  hud = udays_hundred_since_midnight % 10;
  md = (udays_hundred_since_midnight / 10) % 10;
  cd = (udays_hundred_since_midnight / 100) % 10;
  dd = (udays_hundred_since_midnight / 1000) % 10;

  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  // skip a space for the flashing decimal point
  lcd.setCursor(3, 1);
  hours_ten = rightNow.hour() / 10;
  hours_one = rightNow.hour() % 10;
  minutes_ten = rightNow.minute() / 10;
  minutes_one = rightNow.minute() % 10;
  // skip a space for the flashing colon
  lcd.setCursor(13, 1);

 * setRTCfromGPS() -- what it says on the label.
 * This routine is a placeholder until I ingegrate a full-featured library that can handle time zone
 * conversion, DST and leap year calculations. I do a minimal job of all that now. This only gets
 * called when we start up, to set the clock for the first time. It should also be called periodically
 * to resync the clock when the specified drift might affect correctness of the display. The DS3231
 * can drift 2ppm, or 2 microdays per day, so we should sync every fifty days.

void setRTCfromGPS()
  bool dateSet = false, timeSet = false;
  int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, centisecond;
  int new_hour, new_day, new_month, new_year;
  int month_days[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
  lcd.print("Acquiring GPS");
  while (!dateSet || !timeSet)
    while (ss.available() > 0)
      if (gps.date.isUpdated())
        Serial.println("Got date.");
        year = gps.date.year();
        month = gps.date.month();
        day = gps.date.day();
        dateSet = true;
      if (gps.time.isUpdated())
        Serial.println("Got time.");
        hour = gps.time.hour();
        minute = gps.time.minute();
        second = gps.time.second();
        centisecond = gps.time.centisecond();
        timeSet = true;
  Serial.println("We're done.");

   * Should use the Timezone_Generic library here but it's really huge for an Arduino Uno.
   * We're going to correct the GPS time, which is in UTC, with the hard-coded timezone offset.
  new_hour = hour + MY_UTC_OFFSET;
  new_day = day;
  new_month = month;
  new_year = year;
  if (new_hour > 24)
    // roll forward one day
    hour = new_hour % 24;
    new_day = day + 1;
    if (new_day > month_days[month - 1])
      // roll forward one month. ignores leap years.
      new_day = 1;
      new_month = month + 1;
      if (new_month > 12)
        new_month = 1;
        new_year = year + 1;
  else if (new_hour < 0)
    // roll back a day
    new_hour += 24;
    new_day = day - 1;
    if (new_day < 1)
      // roll back a month. ignores leap years.
      new_month = month - 1;
      if (new_month < 1)
        new_month = 12;
        new_year = year - 1;
      new_day = month_days[new_month - 1];
  hour = new_hour;
  day = new_day;
  month = new_month;
  year = new_year;
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(hour / 10);
  Serial.print(hour % 10);
  Serial.print(minute / 10);
  Serial.print(minute % 10);
  Serial.print(second / 10);
  Serial.print(second % 10);
  // set RTC time. the DS3231 assumes a base year of 2000.
  myRTC.setClockMode(false); // 24-hour mode
  myRTC.setYear(year - 2000);

void setup() {

  // Debug output to Arduino IDE console
  // How we talk to the clock
  // 16x2 LCD display
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  // how we talk to the GPS

  // We're starting our counter at time t0
  uday_ticks = half_sec_ticks = min_ticks = 0;
  min_elapsed = half_sec_elapsed = five_microdays_elapsed = false;
  count_five_microdays_elapsed = 0;
  count_half_secs_elapsed = 0;
  // set the real-time clock from GPS

  // Okay, fire up the 1.024kHz oscillator and start handling interrupts. 
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RTC_SQW_PIN), myRTCIntrHdlr, FALLING);
  myRTC.enableOscillator(true, true, 1); // 1.024kHz, see header file



 *  The loop routine keeps track of some boolean variables that get set in the interrupt handler,
 *  and manages some counters. It handles the flashing of the decimal point in the metrick time,
 *  and the colon on the hh:mm time, directly. It also notices whether either of those two time
 *  displays needs to change, and calls showtime() if so.
 *  I instrumented this program separately. The loop routine gets called between 12 and 16 times per
 *  millisecond, with an occasional outlier as low as 10 times per millisecond. Most of the time,
 *  it does nothing, since we need a lot of milliseconds to get to 5 microdays, half a second or
 *  a full second.

void loop() {
  bool doshowtime = false;

  // If another 5 microdays have elapsed, we have work to do.
  if (five_microdays_elapsed)
    five_microdays_elapsed = false;
    // Flash the colon sign on the clock.
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
    if (++count_five_microdays_elapsed & 0x01)
        // Odd
      // Even, it's been ten microdays. Clear the decimal point on the display.
      lcd.print(" ");
      // If it's been 100 microdays, we need to update the time on the display.
      if (count_five_microdays_elapsed == 20)
        count_five_microdays_elapsed = 0;
        doshowtime = true;
  if (half_sec_elapsed)
    half_sec_elapsed = false;
    // flash the colon
    lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
    if (++count_half_secs_elapsed == 1)
      // been a full second
      count_half_secs_elapsed = 0;
      lcd.print(" ");
  if (min_elapsed)
    min_elapsed = false;
    doshowtime = true;
  if (doshowtime)




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