Anti-Gravity, it's not real. it's a fake thing made up in sci-fi movies and stuff. it's NOT real....
Or is it? using ultrasonic frequency sound, you can levitate small objects, The Acoustic levitator is two high frequency speakers pointed at each other. When one speaker is on, it creates forces going in the direction it's pointed at. when they're both pointed at each other the two forces push at each other, and when a small object is is between the two forces it can cause it to levitate. The object needs to be really small and light weight, like a piece of Styrofoam. you can also levitate other small objects in the ultrasonic levitator.
So, that's enough studying about acoustic levitation. Now let's start the main project.
De-soldering the sensors.
So first start by getting your ultrasonic sensor module.
Second start to de-solder the speakers from the main board.
Then after you de-solder the speakers from the board, Carefully take then out of the module.
Then you have your ultrasonic speakers ready to use in the project!
Building the stand
OK so now what do we do next? Well next we need to make the stand for the levitator. I would start with a two pieces of wood, two pieces about the same size.
So start with a piece of wood. Then hot glue the sensors to the wood facing each other.
Make sure they are not more than 1 1/2 cm apart from each other starting at the top of the sensors.
Now were ready for the bottom piece of wood, start by gluing the bottom piece, to the top piece of wood.
And if you are wondering what the dimensions of both pieces of wood they are 9 by 2 cm in length and width.
and now we are done with the stand!
Making the Circuit
There! now we have the stand. But what's next? Well now we need to wire the circuit.
So go to the circuit schematics, start wiring according to the circuit. And if the circuit does not work, make sure there are no obvious mistakes and if it still does not work than re-wire the whole circuit.
the Styrofoam should begin to levitate, if it does not work, you can raise the voltage to the motor driver. Instead of a 9 volt battery you can swap it with a 12v power source. it should make it work a little bit better.
Now it may be hard to get the foam to levitate, any strong winds around this setup will not work very well at all. so make sure where you are has no winds and that the air is steady.
If your lucky enough to get multiple pieces to levitate at once then Congrats! that usually means your levitator is strong.
Now you know how to make your very own "Acoustic levitator" The circuit is pretty big and there are wires every where! but the result is worth it!
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