MJRoBot (Marcelo Rovai)
Published © Apache-2.0

Where are my tinyML devices?

EdgeAI made simple - Exploring Image Processing (Object Detection) on microcontrollers with Arduino Portenta, Edge Impulse FOMO, and OpenMV

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Where are my tinyML devices?

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Portenta H7
Arduino Portenta H7
Arduino Portenta Vision Shield

Software apps and online services

Edge Impulse Studio
Edge Impulse Studio


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Object Detection

# Edge Impulse - OpenMV Object Detection Example

import sensor, image, time, os, tf, math, uos, gc

# Configure camera
sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE)  # Set pixel format to GRAYSCALE
sensor.set_framesize(sensor.B320X320)   # 320x320 resolution for the HM01B0 camera sensor
sensor.set_windowing((240, 240))          # Crop sensor frame to model resolution
sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000)         # Let the camera adjust

net = None
labels = None
min_confidence = 0.9

    # load the model, alloc the model file on the heap if we have at least 64K free after loading
    net = tf.load("trained.tflite", load_to_fb=uos.stat('trained.tflite')[6] > (gc.mem_free() - (64*1024)))
except Exception as e:
    raise Exception('Failed to load "trained.tflite", did you copy the .tflite and labels.txt file onto the mass-storage device? (' + str(e) + ')')

    labels = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open("labels.txt")]
except Exception as e:
    raise Exception('Failed to load "labels.txt", did you copy the .tflite and labels.txt file onto the mass-storage device? (' + str(e) + ')')

colors = [ # Add more colors if you are detecting more than 7 types of classes at once.
    (255,   0,   0),
    (  0, 255,   0),
    (255, 255,   0),
    (  0,   0, 255),
    (255,   0, 255),
    (  0, 255, 255),
    (255, 255, 255),

clock = time.clock()

    img = sensor.snapshot()

    # detect() returns all objects found in the image (splitted out per class already)
    # we skip class index 0, as that is the background, and then draw circles of the center
    # of our objects

    print(net.detect(img, thresholds=[(math.ceil(min_confidence * 255), 255)]))

    for i, detection_list in enumerate(net.detect(img, thresholds=[(math.ceil(min_confidence * 255), 255)])):
        if (i == 0): continue # background class
        if (len(detection_list) == 0): continue # no detections for this class?

        print("********** %s **********" % labels[i])
        for d in detection_list:
            [x, y, w, h] = d.rect()
            center_x = math.floor(x + (w / 2))
            center_y = math.floor(y + (h / 2))
            print('x %d\ty %d' % (center_x, center_y))
            img.draw_circle((center_x, center_y, 12), color=colors[i], thickness=2)

    print(clock.fps(), "fps", end="\n\n")


MJRoBot (Marcelo Rovai)
68 projects • 962 followers
Professor, Engineer, MBA, Master in Data Science. Writes about Electronics with a focus on Physical Computing, IoT, ML, TinyML and Robotics.
