I was thinking of modifying the way of security system for my dld project..
So after so much effort and experimentation, I devised this experiment.
WORKING:Firstly, you have basic understanding of BCD decoder and BCD code so I used laser to feed the 4BitB BCD code and this code is then decoded and is displayed on the 7 segment display.
Correct code_:
After this, I have designed a ciruit for checking the code "0100" which is BCD code of "4". If the code sent through laser is 0100 then white LED will glow and 4 is diplayed on screen.
Incorrect code:
If incorrect code is sent then red led will glow...
Reverse code:
If the reverse code which is "0010" is sent which is BCD code for "2", then red will also glow and a buzzer will be on which will remain on for 5 seconds.
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